Returns a list exposure variations.
An exposure variation is a snapshot of an exposure. Variations enable tenants to better manage exposure data by ensuring that analyses, reports, and data exports accurately reflect the state of an exposure.
Whenever the Intelligent Risk Platform performs an analysis of an exposure and generates an analysis, it automatically creates an immutable point-in-time snapshot of that exposure and its data, called an exposure variation.
Intelligent Risk Platform also supports the modeling of exposure variations. Exposures can be updated overtime. Consequently, analysis of an exposure may be based on different data. By analyzing an exposure variation, you can ensure that multiple analyses of the same exposure use the same data, regardless of the time between analyses.
A portfolio variation is created automatically whenever an accumulation job is run on a portfolio. Alternatively, use the Variation API to create exposure variations.
This operation supports response filtering based the value of a subset of properties. Depending on the property, you may use a combination of comparison operators, list operators, and logical operators.