Get interpolated EP metrics

Returns EP metrics based on interpolated return period or critical probability values.

This operation accepts a new returnPeriod or criticalProbability value, which it inserts ("interpolates") into the PLT of the specified HD EP analysis. The Intelligent Risk Platform then computes new EP curves based on the interpolated value and returns updated EP metrics for the new return period. The request can also specify the perpectiveCode that defines the financial structure used to calculate modeled losses.

For example, the following request interpolates a new return period and specifies that metrics are calculated based on the GR (gross loss) financial perspective.

curl --request GET \
     --url 'https:/{host}/platform/riskdata/v1/analyses/225607/ep/interpolate? \
     perspectiveCode=GR& \
     exposureResourceId=264230& \
     exposureResourceType=PORTFOLIO& \
     keyName=RETURNPERIOD& \keyValue=13' \
     --header 'Authorization: XXXXXXXXXX' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

The request can specify either a new RETURNPERIOD value or a new CRITICALPROBABILTY value. If the return period is specified, the corresponding critical probability is calculated automatically, and vice-versa.
