Create export job

Creates an export job.

This resource supports the definition and submission of the different types of export jobs: EDM, EXPOSURE_RESOURCE, LOCATION_RESULTS, RDM_DATABRIDGE, RDM, RESULTS, and ROLLUP_RESULTS.

The request specifies the exportType, the resource URI of the data to be exported, and other job-specific settings.

If the request is successful, returns a 201 Created HTTP response and adds an export job of the specified job type to the queue. Use the Get Export Job operation to poll the status of the export job.


The EDM export type enables you to export exposure data (accounts, portfolios, or aggregate portfolios) from the specified EDM data module to a database artifact (BAK or MDF).

  "exportType": "EDM",
  "resourceType": "exposure",
  "settings": {
    "fileExtension": "BAK",
    "sqlVersion": "2019",
    "filters": {
      "exposureResourceType": "ACCOUNTS",
      "exposureResourceIds": [
    "fileName": "myEDM"
  "resourceUri": "https://{host}/platform/riskdata/v1/exposures/5555"

The optional filters parameter enables you to select exposure data by exposure type and ID.

Adds an EDM2EDM export job to the queue.

Exposure resources

The EXPOSURE_RESOURCE export type enables you to export a single account or portfolio exposure to a flat file in PARQUET format.

  "exportType": "EXPOSURE_RESOURCE",
  "resourceType": "account",
  "settings": {
    "fileExtension": "PARQUET",
    "fileName": "myFile"
  "resourceUri": "https://{host}/platform/riskdata/v1/exposures/23/accounts/555"

Location results

The LOCATION_RESULTS export type enables you to export location-level analysis results to a flat file in CSV format.

A maximum of 50 analysis results can be exported in a single request.

  "exportType": "LOCATION_RESULTS",
  "resourceType": "analyses",
  "settings": {
    "fileExtension": "CSV",
    "exposureFields": [
    "perspectiveCodes": [
    "fileName": "myCsvFile"
  "resourceUris": [

For a complete list of analysis result properties that can specified in the exposureFields array, see Export API Overview.

Adds an DOWNLOAD_LOCATION_RESULTS export job to the queue.


The RDM job type enables you to export analysis result data to an RDM as a database artifact (BAK or MDF).

A maximum of 100 analysis results can be exported in a single request.

    "exportType": "RDM",
    "resourceType": "analyses",
    "settings": {
    "fileExtension": "BAK",
    "sqlVersion": "2019",
    "rdmName": "myRDM",
    "exportHdLossesAs": "ELT"
    "resourceUris": [

Adds a DOWNLOAD_RDM export job to the queue.

RDM Data Bridge

The RDM_DATABRIDGE job type enables you to export analysis results to a managed RDM database on Data Bridge.

A maximum of 100 analysis results can be exported in a single request.

  "exportType": "RDM_DATABRIDGE",
  "resourceType": "analyses",
  "settings": {
    "fileExtension": "PARQUET",
    "rdmName": "RDM",
    "serverId": 67,
    "databaseId": 9999,
    "exportHdLossesAs": "ELT"
  "resourceUris": [


The RESULTS job type supports exporting analysis result data (loss tables, EP metrics, and statistics) to a flat file in CSV or PARQUET format.

Following one or more HD, DLM, ALM analysis, you can export the metadata, EP, stats, event loss table, period loss table, hazard data, damage data, and uncertainty data as files for manipulation outside of Risk Modeler.

For treaty losses, export of catastrophe, corporate catastrophe, stop loss, and per risk treaty losses are supported for DLM, ALM, and HD results, but export of facultative losses is available for HD results only.

A maximum of 50 analysis results can be exported in a single request.

  "exportType": "RESULTS",
  "resourceType": "analyses",
  "settings": {
    "fileExtension": "CSV",
    "additionalOutputs": [
    "lossDetails": [
        "metricType": "STATS",
        "outputLevels": [
    "nonWeightedPlt": true
  "resourceUris": [

Table identifies analysis results can export data:


Adds a DOWNLOAD_RESULTS export job to the queue.

Rollup analysis results

The ROLLUP_RESULTS export type supports exporting rollup analysis results to a flat file in CSV or PARQUET format.

A rollup analysis computes marginal EP curves, calculates gross and net portfolio position metrics, and breakdowns by segment for each hierarchy node in the portfolio. Rollup results include loss tables, EP curves, and statistics (aal, stddev, cv ).

This operation enables the client to export EP, PLT, or STATS for the specified analysis. Within each export loss type, data can be filtered by position or "broken down".

Exported analysis data may be segmented or unsegmented.

  "exportType": "ROLLUP_RESULTS",
  "resourceType": "analyses",
  "settings": {
    "fileExtension": "PARQUET",
    "lossDetails": {
      "ep": {
        "includeSegmented": true,
        "includeUnSegmented": true,
        "positionTypes": [
  "resourceUris": [

The request can export EP, STATS, or PLT data.

Data can filtered by positionType. The following position types are supported: ASSUMED, CEDED, CONTRACT, CONTRACT_ASSUMED, CONTRACT_SUBJECT, GROSS, NET, NODE, PROGRAM, RETRO_CONTRACT, and RETRO_CONTRACT_SUBJECT.
