Create accumulation job

Initiates a job to create an accumulation analysis based on the specified business hierarchy, portfolio, or portfolio variation.

An accumulation is a type of analysis that enables you to identify areas of concentrated property or workers compensation exposure so that you can assess worst-case scenarios. Accumulations calculate the exposed limit, the maximum loss from a single deterministic event.

This operation supports accumulation analysis based on three types of resources. The required resourceType (businessHierarchy, portfolio, or portfolioVariation) and resourceUri parameters identify the analysis type and exposure analyzed.

Running an accumulation job on a portfolio automatically creates a exposure variation based on that portfolio. For information on exposure variations, see Variation API.

If successful, returns 201 Success and the job ID in Location header.


Limited Support

The Accumulation API does not currently support retrieving the results of accumulation analysis. The Export API supports the RESULTS export type, which can be used to download the results of an accumulation analysis.


Limited Support

The Accumulation API does not currently support creating or updating accumulation profiles. To perform these operations, use the ExposureIQ application.
