Bulk replace policy condition criteria

Replaces existing policy condition criteria with the policy condition criteria specified in the request.

Policy condition criteria defines criteria for assigning a policy condition to a location. Locations that that match the specified criteria may are assigned the specified policy condition. Alternatively, locations may be assigned policy conditions using location conditions. The condition criteria may be used to define a query that selects locations. Locations that match the specified criteria may be assigned the policy condition.

The request defines an array of condition objects.

    "closePar": "",
    "field": "COUNTRY",
    "logic": "",
    "openPar": "",
    "operator": "=",
    "value": "US"
    "closePar": "",
    "field": "COUNTRY",
    "logic": "AND",
    "openPar": "(",
    "operator": "=",
    "value": "US"
    "closePar": ")",
    "field": "COUNTRY",
    "logic": "OR",
    "openPar": "",
    "operator": "=",
    "value": "US"

Within each object,the field, operator, and value parameters are required.
