Get usage metrics

Returns a list of usage metrics for a specific entitlement.

A usage is instance in which a principal utilizes an entitlement (e.g. application, data, or model) that has been licensed by the tenant.

Intelligent Risk Platform tracks usage metrics for three different types of usages: ModeledLocations, jobs, storage.

Modeled Location metrics

Modeled location metrics show information about location exposures modeled by the tenant.

ModeledLocationsCountNumber of location exposures modeled.

Job metrics and statistics

Job usage metrics show information about jobs run by the tenant.

Whenever a client submits a request that initiates a job, it must specify a resource group ID in the x-rms-resource-group-id header parameter. This parameter identifies the resource group that is using that entitlement.

Metric or StatisticDescription
TotalJobsCountTotal number of jobs.
CancelledJobsCountTotal number of cancelled jobs.
FailedJobsCountTotal number of failed jobs.
CompletedJobsCountTotal number of completed jobs.
ModelJobsCountTotal number of model jobs.
NonModelJobsCountTotal number of non-model jobs.
ModelJobsMaxConcurrencyTotal number of model jobs.
NonModelJobsMaxConcurrencyTotal number of non-model jobs.
TotalJobsMaxConcurrencyTotal maximum concurrency of jobs.
TotalJobsAverageAverage number of jobs.
TotalDelayedJobsAverageAverage number of delayed jobs.

Storage usage metrics

Storage usage metrics show information about the tenant's storage.

TotalEdmsCountNumber of EDM data modules.
ExposureStorageInGBSize of exposure data in GB.
OtherStorageInGBSize of other storage in GB.

This operation supports filtering by date and usage type.
