Create risk data report

Creates a downloadable report.

A risk data report is an exportable summary of exposure or analysis data.

Five types of reports are supported: exposure summary report (EXPOSURE_SUMMARY), analysis summary report (ANALYSIS_SUMMARY), California DOI report (EXPOSURE_DOI_REPORT), Portfolio accumulation report (PORTFOLIO_ACCUMULATION_DETAILS), Business hierarchy report (BUSINESS_HIERARCHY_ACCUMULATION_DETAILS)

Exposure summary report

An exposure summary report (EXPOSURE_SUMMARY) report shows a peril-specific overview of an exposure's total insurable value (TIV). This report is available for accounts, portfolios, and analyses in PDF or JSON format.

This operation supports exposure summary reports based on the following perils: CS/WT (Severe Convective Storm and Winterstorm), EQ (Earthquake), FL (Flood), FR (Fire), TR (Terrorism), WC (Workers Compensation), WS (Windstorm),

To run this report, the client must be assigned the RI-RISKMODELER, RI-UNDERWRITEIQ, or RI-EXPOSUREIQ entitlement.

Analysis summary report

An analysis summary report (ANALYSIS_SUMMARY) returns analysis settings and exposure information for windstorm exceedance probability (EP) and non-EP DLM analyses. Analysis summary reports are not supported for HD analyses. This report is available in PDF or JSON format.

This operation supports analysis summary reports based on the following perils: CS/WT (Severe Convective Storm and Winterstorm), EQ (Earthquake), FL (Flood), FR (Fire), TR (Terrorism), WC (Workers Compensation), WS (Windstorm),

To run this report, the client must be assigned the RI-RISKMODELER or RI-UNDERWRITEIQ entitlement.

California DOI report

A California Department of Insurance report (EXPOSURE_DOI_REPORT) returns a CA Department of Insurance (DOI) Form A report, used for reporting primary insurance to the DOI. The report is available in PDF format.

This analysis applies damage ratios, which are selected based on a number of factors as determined in the CA DOI PML table as provided by the DOI for the purpose of Form A submissions.

DOI data can also be exported to a RDM on Data Bridge or downloaded as a database artifact.

To run this report, the client must be assigned the RI-RISKMODELER entitlement.

Portfolio accumulation report

A portfolio accumulation report is downloadable report based on an existing accumulation analysis. The report can be downloaded as a CSV flat file.

An accumulation is a type of analysis that enables you to identify areas of concentrated property or workers compensation exposure so that you can assess worst-case scenarios. Accumulations calculate the exposed limit, the maximum loss from a single deterministic event. For more information, see Create Accumulation Job.

To run this report, the client must be assigned the RI-EXPOSUREIQ entitlement.

Business hierarchy accumulation report

A business hierarchy accumulation report is downloadable report based on an existing accumulation analysis. The report can be downloaded as a CSV flat file.

The business hierarchy accumulation analysis identifies areas of concentrated property or workers compensation exposure across a business hierarchy. The business hierarchy accumulation analysis enables you to quickly analyze exposures across the entire hierarchy of primary insurance policies and outward reinsurance programs. For more information, see Create Accumulation Job.

To create this report, the client must be assigned the RI-EXPOSUREIQ entitlement.
