Create rollup job

Creates a rollup analysis job for the specified inward program or business hierarchy.

  • A program rollup analysis calculates losses, pricing, and marginal metrics for a program and attached inward program treaties.
  • A business hierarchy rollup analysis returns aggregated loss metrics for programs within a business hierarchy. Rollup analysis results include EP results, retrocession, scenarios, composition, and analysis details.

Programs and business hierarchies are shared between TreatyIQ and ExposureIQ.

If successful, returns 201 Created HTTP response and adds job to the workflow engine queue. To learn more, see Platform Jobs

Program rollup analysis

An inward program is a collection of program treaties and their underlying subjects. Each program treaty represents a contract between the insurer and reinsurer. The inward program enables the insurer to evaluate the insurer’s exposure to risk within a variety of reinsurance structures, which pair an inward retrocession treaty with the subjects (exposures and risk sources) they cover.

Program rollup analysis job settings are defined in the settings object. The resourceType, resourceUri, analysisName, currency, startDate, endDate, programProperties, and marginalImpactProperties body parameters are required.

See the Create Inward Program in the Risk Data API.

Business hierarchy rollup analysis

A business hierarchy is a representation of a corporate structure. The business hierarchy consists of multiple positions, which represent the business entities within that corporate structure. A position may represent a policy (primary insurance), a program (a set of reinsurance contracts), an accumulation, or a grouped position, which is a collection of positions of various types.

Business Hierarchy rollup analysis job settings are defined in the settings object. The resourceType, resourceUri, analysisName, currency, startDate, endDate, and businessHierarchyProperties body parameters are required.

See the Create Business Hierarchy in the Risk Data API.
