Exposure bulk edit

Creates, updates, or deletes multiple exposures (portfolios, accounts, locations, policies, or treaties) in a single request.

The request body defines an object that consists of five arrays: a portfolios array, accounts array, locations array, policies, and treaties array. Where parent-child relationships exist between exposures (e.g. between a portfolio and its accounts, or accounts and locations), child exposures may be nested within the parent exposure.

    "portfolios:" [
            "portfolioId": 0,
            "portfolioName": "Port01",
            "portfolioNumber": "Port_ExpBatch_1_Num",
            "description": "Test_Location_Batch",
            "createDate": "2022-05-24T23:47:58.076Z",
            "stampDate": "",
            "operationType": "INSERT",
            "label": "Port_LocationBatch_01_Label",
            "accounts": [
                        "accountId": 23,
                        "label": "Acct_LocationBatch_01_Label",
                        "policies": [...],
                        "locations": [...],
    "accounts": [...],
    "locations": [...],
    "policies": [...],
    "treaties": [...]

Each array defines one or more operations that creates, edits, or deletes an exposure. An operation is defined by an optional operationType, a required label, and a required request body. The operationType specifies the action performed (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE). By default, INSERT. The label uniquely identifies an operation enabling you refer to that operation or the output of that operation in user-defined workflows. The request body specifies exposure property values:

  • The portfolios array defines operations for creating, updating, or deleting portfolios. The array defines one or more portfolios and associated accounts. Required parameters depend on the operation type.
  • The accounts array defines operations for creating, updating, or deleting accounts. The array defines one or more accounts and the associated locations and policies. Required parameters depend on the operation type.
  • The locations array defines operations for creating, updating, or deleting locations The array defines location properties. Required parameters depend on the operation type.
  • The policies defines an array of operations for creating, updating, or deleting policies The array defines one or more policies. Required parameters depend on the operation type.
  • The treaties defines an array of operations for creating, updating, or deleting treaties. The array defines one or more treaties. Required parameters depend on the operation type.

This service supports the processing of large number of exposures in a single request. Consequently, the size of the request package may be quite large. Maximum supported payload: 5MB. Request packages that define up to 1000 exposures may be submitted in JSON format: Content-Type: application/json
