Search accounts

Returns a list of accounts.

An account defines a relationship between a cedant and an underwriter. Multiple locations and policies may be assigned to an account. A policy defines the terms of an insurance contract between the cedant and underwriter that covers locations attached to an account.

This operation supports response filtering based the value of a subset of properties. Depending on the property, you may use a combination of comparison operators, list operators, and logical operators.

PropertyData TypeComparisonListLogical
accountidNumber=, !=, >, <, >=, <=IN, NOT INAND, OR
accountNameString=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
accountNumberString=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
branchNameString=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
cedantNameString=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
locationsCountNumber=,!=, >, <, >=, <=IN, NOT INAND, OR
ownerNameString=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT IN
policyExpirationDateToYYYY-MM-DD=, !=, >, <, >=, <=AND, OR
producerNameString=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
reportsCountNumber=, !=, >, <, >=, <=IN, NOT INAND, OR
resultsCountNumber=, !=, >, <, >=, <=IN, NOT INAND, OR
stampDateYYYY-MM-DD=, !=, >, <, >=, <=IN, NOT INAND, OR
underwriterNameString=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
userId1String=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
userId2String=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
userId3String=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
userId4String=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
userText1String=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR
userText2String=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKEIN, NOT INAND, OR

To learn more, see Response Filtering.
