Get non-EP sampled losses

Returns sampled losses for the specified HD non-EP analysis.

A sampled loss is a loss computed for a sample within an event. An event consists of multiple samples that project different losses based on the severity of the sample outcome. Non-EP analysis statistics (mean losses, standard deviation) are calculated based on these sampled losses.

Returns an array of objects that define sampled losses within an event. For each sample, this operation returns the sampleId, eventId, and sampled loss (loss), as well as the loss type, cedant, and line of business.



Non-EP analyses calculate mean loss and standard deviation statistics by event based on sampled losses. Consequently, you must ensure that sufficient samples are be taken to ensure that loss statistics are well-converged for each event. The number of samples per event is specified in the output profile.

A non-EP analysis is a deterministic analysis based on a user-specified set of events. The Platform API supports several types of deterministic analysis, including footprint analysis, historical analysis, and scenario analysis.

All parameters are defined as query parameters:

curl --request GET \
     --url 'https://{{host}}/platform/riskdata/v1/analyses/78899/sampled-losses? \
     perspectiveCode=GR& \
     exposureResourceType=ACCOUNT& \
     exposureResouceId=26113& \
     events=1%2C23%2C324& \
     lossSampleLimit=200' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'