Calculate marginal impact report

Generates a marginal impact report that measures the effect of adding additional accounts to an existing portfolio as differential losses.

Marginal impact analysis compares a portfolio-level analysis result with a new analysis that incorporates one or more account-level analysis results. The Intelligent Risk Platform calculates the difference between the reference analysis "group" and the new marginal impact "group".

The required id path parameter specifies the ID of the reference analysis, a portfolio-level, ELT- or PLT-based analysis. The required marginalImpactAnalysisIds body parameter defines an array of account-level analysis results. For each analysis result, the operation returns differential losses that represent the difference between the original portfolio metrics with those of the updated portfolio that includes the account metrics.

Supported reference analysis

This operation supports the use of portfolio-level ELT and PLT analysis results as reference analysis. ALM analysis results are not supported.

DLM GroupYes
DLM + ALM GroupNo
DLM + DLM GroupYes
DLM + HD + ALM GroupNo
DLM Group + DLM GroupYes
HD GroupYes
HD + DLM GroupYes
HD + HD GroupYes
Simulated PLTYes
ALM GroupNo
ALM + ALM GroupNo
ALM + DLM GroupNo
Group of Group DLM + Group HDNo
Group of Group DLM + Group ALMNo
Group of Group HD + Group HDNo
Group of Group ALM + Group ALMNo
Group of Group ALM + Group HDNo

Once the MARGINAL_IMPACT job is complete, the operation adds an result with a new ID and a name that appends the string _MI to the name of the reference analysis.



To perform this operation, a principal must belong to a group that has been assigned the appropriate role-based permissions. The table identifies the roles with permission to perform this operation.

UnderwriterTechnical UnderwriterRisk AnalystPortfolio ManagerCat Modeler

To learn more about role-based permissions in Risk Modeler and UnderwriteIQ, see Groups and Roles.
