Error Codes


The Risk Modeler API identifies the cause and resolution of application errors by means of error messages. These error codes are displayed in the header of the HTTP response.

Each application error consists of an error code that identifies the error and a brief message that describes that the cause and remediation of of the issue. The error code (e.g. ACCT-001) consists of two parts: a string that identifies the error type and a number that identifies the specific error.

The Risk Modeler API returns an error whenever it returns a client error response (i.e. a response with a 400, 401, 403, 404 etc. HTTP status code). The application error is returned in the header of the response. For more information, see HTTP Status Codes.

The error message displayed in the following tables include the %d and %s variable to represent decimal and string values. Error code messages are generated dynamically and the API substitutes the values of the relevant objects in responses.


Account errors.

Error CodeMessage
ACCT-001We could not find account %d in this EDM.
ACCT-002Sorry, you do not have access permissions for account %d. Check with your tenant administrator about getting access.
ACCT-003Processing or updating account ID: %d not permitted since the account is being processed. Job ID: %d
ACCT-004No geocoded locations exist in account with ID %d and number %s. Geocode this account before you run an analysis.
ACCT-005Ensure at least one location is geocoded before committing account ID: %d
ACCT-006No results available. Analysis job ID: %d failed for account ID: %d
ACCT-007Currently processing account ID: %d. Account cannot be processed or updated while it is in the Commit queue. job ID: %d
ACCT-500Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving account %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-501Sorry, we encountered an error checking if account %d exists. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-502Sorry, we encountered an error creating this account. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-503Database error occurred while retrieving account by link ID: %s
ACCT-504Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving information about account %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-505Sorry, we encountered an error deleting account %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-506Sorry, we encountered an error saving the changes for account %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-507Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving geographic information for account %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-508Sorry, we encountered an error copying account %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-509Database error occurred while mapping account ID %d with user %d
ACCT-510Database error occurred while saving account details for account ID: %d
ACCT-511Sorry, we encountered an error searching for accounts. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-512Sorry, we encountered an error looking up permissions for account %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-514Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving geocoding information for one or more locations in account %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-515Sorry, we encountered an error exporting account %d to the EDM you selected. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-516Sorry, we encountered an error checking the geocode status of account %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-517Sorry, we encountered an error for account %d matching locations to policy special conditions. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-518Database error occurred while fetching number of exposures for exposure type: ACCOUNT.
ACCT-520Error occurred with internal status code: %d while geocoding account ID: %d
ACCT-521Database error occurred while archiving account report for account ID: %d
ACCT-531Error occurred while retrieving reporting services for account ID: %d. No services found.
ACCT-532Invalid output generated while processing account ID: %d
ACCT-533Process Account failed for account ID: %d. %s
ACCT-534Geocode Account failed for account ID: %d. %s
ACCT-535Invalid output generated while geocoding account ID: %d
ACCT-536Retrieve Reports failed for account ID: %d. %s
ACCT-537Invalid output generated while retrieving reports for account ID: %d
ACCT-538Sorry, we encountered an error converting currencies for account with ID: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-539Failed to update Account metrics
ACCT-540More than one location in account %d has latitude %f and longitude %f. Two locations in an account cannot have the same coordinates.
ACCT-541No locations in account %d have latitude %f and longitude %f. Check the coordinates or geocode the account again.
ACCT-542Sorry, we encountered an error performing a bulk edit on accounts for portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ACCT-543account ID %d does not exist for %s number: %s
ACCT-544No accounts found
ACCT-545Duplicate account ID %s found in input
ACCT-546Sorry, we encountered an error converting currencies for account with ID: %d due to invalid values in the specified currency scheme. Please verify your currency scheme and try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.


Error CodeMessage
ACCU-001Accumulation details not found
ACCU-500Database error occurred while retrieving accumulation details for portfolio ID: %d


Error CodeMessage
AGGPORT-401We could not find aggregate portfolio %d in this EDM.
AGGPORT-402We were unable to save the aggregate portfolio because we could not find cedant %s in this EDM.
AGGPORT-500Sorry, we encountered an error saving the changes for aggregate portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-501Sorry, we encountered an error creating this aggregate portfolio. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-502Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving aggregate portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-503Sorry, we encountered an error searching for aggregate portfolios. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-504Sorry, we encountered an error deleting aggregate portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-505Sorry, we encountered an error copying aggregate portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-506Sorry, we encountered an error checking if aggregate portfolio %d exists. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-507Sorry, we encountered an error while submitting the convert currency job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-508Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving information about aggregate portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-509Sorry, we encountered an error while submitting alm import job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-510Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving geographic information for aggregate portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-511Sorry, this is an invalid resolution type: %s.
AGGPORT-512Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving ALM profiles for aggregate portfolio %d.
AGGPORT-513Sorry, we encountered an error converting currencies for aggregate portfolio with ID: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGPORT-514Database error occurred while fetching number of exposures for exposure type: AGGREGATE PORTFOLIO.
AGGPORT-515Invalid Peril code %s in request. Please use a valid peril code.
AGGPORT-516Sorry, we encountered an error converting currencies for aggregate portfolio with ID: %d due to invalid values in the specified currency scheme. Please verify your currency scheme and try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.


Error CodeMessage
AGGEXP-401Sorry, we could not find aggregate exposure %d in this EDM.
AGGEXP-500Sorry, we encountered an error on our end. Try saving changes for aggregate exposure %d again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGEXP-501Sorry, we encountered an error on our end. Try creating this aggregate exposure again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGEXP-502Sorry, we encountered an error on our end. Try retrieving aggregate exposure %d again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGEXP-503Sorry, we encountered an error on our end. Try searching for aggregate exposures again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGEXP-504Sorry, we encountered an error on our end. Try deleting aggregate exposure %d again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGEXP-505Sorry, we encountered an error on our end. Try copying aggregate exposure %d again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGEXP-506Sorry, we encountered an error on our end finding aggregate exposure %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGEXP-507Sorry, we encountered an import error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
AGGEXP-508Sorry, looks like you tried to import duplicate records for aggregate portfolio %s. Please check your ALM import request and try again.
AGGEXP-509Sorry, country code and resolution can not be null or empty.


Error CodeMessage
ALM-001Sorry, we encountered an error while running the ALM analysis job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ALM-002Sorry, this profile request with peril %s isn't valid. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ALM-003Sorry, the analysis currency %s for this ALM analysis is invalid. Specify a valid currency and try again.
ALM-004Cannot find default event rate scheme
ALM-005Invalid portfolioId: %s
ALM-006Invalid profile ids: %s
ALM-007Invalid treaty ids
ALM-008Unable to load alm profiles
ALM-011Invalid value for %s
ALM-401Database error occurred, ALM does not exists
ALM-501Database error occurred while loading alms, reason : %s


Error CodeMessage
ANALYSIS-001Error occurred while generating the analysis ID sequence
ANALYSIS-002Database error occurred while inserting rdm analysis record for ID : %d
ANALYSIS-003Database error occurred while fetching the engine version for ID : %d
ANALYSIS-004Database error occurred while inserting the record for rdm analysis perspective
ANALYSIS-005Invalid analysis ID : %s
ANALYSIS-006Database error occurred while fetching location AAL record for ID : %d
ANALYSIS-007Load database connection properties error
ANALYSIS-008The perspective code %s is invalid. Please check that your requests specify a valid perspective.
ANALYSIS-009Perspective code %s is valid, but does not exist for analysis %d
ANALYSIS-010Database error occurred while validating analysis and perspectives
ANALYSIS-012Analysis ID %d is invalid. Check that your request specifies a valid analysis ID and that engine type is %s.
ANALYSIS-013Analysis ID is invalid for Location AAL request. Check that your request specifies a valid analysis ID and that engine type is one of the supported types in %s.
ANALYSIS-014Post-analysis treaty editing is not supported for this analysis. Confirm that analysis ID %d is valid, exposure level is portfolio, analysis type is EP, and the engine type is DLM, ALM or Group. See "Creating and Editing Treaties" in the Moody's RMS Support Center.
ANALYSIS-015Downloading results in CSV or Parquet format is not supported for these results. Confirm that analysis ID %d is valid. You cannot download EP metrics for non-EP analyses, you cannot download stats for DLM/ALM non-EP analyses. See "Exporting to File" in the Moody's RMS Support Center.
ANALYSIS-016Grouping is not supported for these analyses. Confirm that the analysis IDs are valid and that the engine type is DLM or Group. See "Grouping Results" in the Moody's RMS Support Center.
ANALYSIS-017Sorry, we encountered an error while submitting a post-analysis treaty editing job for analysis ID %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ANALYSIS-018We encountered an error retrieving the analysis perspectives for analysis with error %s. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
ANALYSIS-019We encountered an error retrieving loss results for analysis %d. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
ANALYSIS-020Sorry, the metric type %s is not valid for analysis ID %d. Valid metrics are AEP, OEP, TCE-AEP, TCE-OEP.
ANALYSIS-021Analysis ID is invalid for metrics request. Check that your request specifies a valid analysis ID and that engine type is one of the supported types in %s.
ANALYSIS-022We encountered an error retrieving metrics. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
ANALYSIS-023The exposure type %d is invalid. Please check that your requests specify a valid exposure type.
ANALYSIS-024Exposure type %d is invalid for this request. Only results on portfolio/aggregate-portfolio/account/policy are allowed.
ANALYSIS-025Export of climate change results to RDM is not supported for HD results.
ANALYSIS-026Sorry, the provided exposure type '%s' did not match the expected exposure type '%s'.
ANALYSIS-027Sorry, the exposure type %s is not valid for DLM analysis. Valid exposure types are ACCOUNT and PORTFOLIO.
ANALYSIS-028Sorry, the exposure type %s is not valid for model analysis. Valid exposure types are ACCOUNT, PORTFOLIO and 'AGGPORTFOLIO'.
ANALYSIS-029Sorry, the exposure type is missing. Please check that your request contains exposure type.
ANALYSIS-030Sorry, the provided value for exposure type is invalid. Please check that your request contains valid exposure type.
ANALYSIS-031Sorry, the provided value for filter condition is invalid. Please check that your request contains a valid filter condition.
ANALYSIS-032Sorry, you can't download results for an analysis
ANALYSIS-033Select one of the following options to export. Select one or more DLM/Group/ALM results or select one or more HD EP results.
ANALYSIS-034You cannot export the selected analysis to RDM as PLT. This export is supported only for HD EP analyses.
ANALYSIS-035Sorry, we encountered an error on our end while retrieving analysis details for analysis ID %d. Contact Support at [email protected].
ANALYSIS-036Sorry, the offset parameter must be set to 0 on older analyses.
ANALYSIS-037Sorry, sorting this metric type is not supported. Remove the sort parameter from your request and try again.
ANALYSIS-038Sorry, this metric type requires one granularity to be selected. Make sure there is only one granularity in your request and try again.
ANALYSIS-040Sorry, the metric key %s is not valid. Metric key is RETURNPERIOD or PROBABILITY or financial perspective in the format financial-perspective_LOSS, e.g., GR_LOSS (gross loss) or QS_LOSS (quota share loss). See the Risk Modeler Moody's RMS Support Center for list of financial perspectives. Enter a valid metric key and try again.
ANALYSIS-041Exporting this RDM is not supported because it is an uploaded RDM that contains grouped HD results or HD ALM multi-region results.


Error CodeMessage
ANALYSIS_GROUP-001Could not parse URL, reason %s
ANALYSIS_GROUP-002Database error occurred while getting a analysisGroup with groupId: %d%n
ANALYSIS_GROUP-003Database error occurred while getting a list of analysisGroup, reason %s
ANALYSIS_GROUP-004Database error occurred while getting list of inconsistent treaties
ANALYSIS_GROUP-005Invalid analysis group ID : %s
ANALYSIS_GROUP-006You have entered a date using an invalid format %s. Enter dates as MM/DD/YYYY only.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-007You have tried to group invalid results. You can group portfolio-level EP results, and you can group DLM groups.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-008Enter a value greater than zero for the number of simulation periods for the final grouped PLT.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-009You've selected too many results for grouping. Select a maximum of %d.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-010Analyses details should not be empty.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-011Select at least two results for grouping.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-013We encountered an error during grouping. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
ANALYSIS_GROUP-014Simulation Set is required for grouping. If it's blank and you're grouping HD analyses, it's possible that you're grouping HD analyses run before Feb 24, 2021. Rerun the HD analyses and then group.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-015Grouping is not supported for these analyses. Confirm that the analysis IDs are valid and that the engine types are not combinations of ALM and HD. See "Grouping Results" in the Moody's RMS Support Center.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-016Grouping is not supported for these analyses. Confirm that the analysis IDs are valid and that the engine types are not combinations of ALM Multi Region and HD. See "Grouping Results" in the Moody's RMS Support Center.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-017Sorry, Risk Modeler cannot create this group. Provide a 2-character peril code, a 2-character region code, and/or a 4-character model region code (such as NAEQ for North America earthquake) for each analysis to be included in the group.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-018Analysis IDs cannot be null or empty.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-019Force group type must be null or INGP.
ANALYSIS_GROUP-020You cannot create a group that contains other groups if any of the member groups include HD results from an imported RDM.


Error CodeMessage
ANALYSIS_GROUP_TREATY-001We encountered an error during grouping. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
ANALYSIS_GROUP_TREATY-002Database error occurred while fetching the group PATE treaties for group IDs : %s.


Error CodeMessage
ANALYSIS_REGIONS-001We encountered an error while saving details for analysis regions %s. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
ANALYSIS_REGIONS-002We encountered an error while fetching analysis regions for analysis ID %d.
ANALYSIS_REGIONS-003No rate scheme ID found for analysis ID %d.
ANALYSIS_REGIONS-004We encountered an error while deleting analysis regions record for analysis ID : %d. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
#`Analysis Regions HD
ANALYSIS_REGIONS_HD-001We encountered an error while saving details for HD analysis regions. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
ANALYSIS_REGIONS_HD-002We encountered an error while fetching HD analysis regions for analysis ID %d.


Error CodeMessage
ANALYTICS-000Sorry, looks like something might be wrong at our end. Try this again, and if it still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at
ANALYTICS-001No results available. account ID: %d not analyzed yet.
ANALYTICS-500Database error occurred while loading event losses for Report ID: %d
ANALYTICS-501Database error occurred while retrieving analysis details for Report ID: %d
ANALYTICS-502Database error occurred while retrieving analysis report status for account ID: %d
ANALYTICS-503Database error occurred while retrieving analysis details for data source: %s
ANALYTICS-520Database error occurred while checking report count for job ID: %d
ANALYTICS-521Database error occurred while getting EP metrics financial perspective analysis for analysis ID: %d
ANALYTICS-522Database error occurred while getting data from Results store for analysis ID: %d
ANALYTICS-523Database error occurred while getting Statistics for analysis for analysis ID: %d
ANALYTICS-524Database error occurred while getting job ID for analysis for analysis ID: %d
ANALYTICS-525Database error occurred while getting analysis id
ANALYTICS-526Database error occurred while setting analysis status
ANALYTICS-527Database error occurred while retrieving cedants list for report ID: %d
ANALYTICS-528Database error occurred while retrieving treaties list for analysis ID: %d
ANALYTICS-529Database error occurred while retrieving LOBs for treaty ID: %d
ANALYTICS-530Database error occurred while retrieving perspectives for analysis ID: %d
ANALYTICS-531Database error occurred while deleting Analysis ID: %d
ANALYTICS-532Database error occurred while deleting Analyses ids: %s
ANALYTICS-533Database error occurred while checking whether analysis ID: %d exists or not
ANALYTICS-534We did not locate the analysis ID: %d. Either it doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.
ANALYTICS-536Analysis ID: %d not found in Result Service. Please check that your requests specify a valid analysis ID.
ANALYTICS-537Sorry, we can't calculate losses for the input you provided.
ANALYTICS-538Peril code %s is not supported for the Analysis Summary report. Select a supported peril.
ANALYTICS-539Database error occurred while retrieving analysis details list
ANALYTICS-540Database error occurred while retrieving analysis details for Exposure type: %s with ID: %d
ANALYTICS-541Sorry, we encountered an error trying to connect to our databases. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ANALYTICS-542Sorry, analysis ID %d is invalid for the Analysis Summary report. You can run the Analysis Summary report on portfolio-level DLM analyses only.
ANALYTICS-543Database error occurred while getting analysis group info data for analysis IDs - %s.
ANALYTICS-544Database error occurred while retrieving analysis details : %s.
ANALYTICS-545Sorry, we encountered an error while fetching losses. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ANALYTICS-546We encountered an error retrieving treaty information. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
ANALYTICS-547Sorry, looks like this analysis did not generate losses for selected perspective.
ANALYTICS-548Analysis ids: %s are invalid. Please check that your requests specify a valid analysis ID.
ANALYTICS-549Sorry, analysis ID %d is invalid for the Analysis Summary report. You cannot run the report on DLM results that have been simulated to a PLT.
ANALYTICS-550Sorry, date in analysis search query %s is invalid. Please try again with valid date.
ANALYTICS-551Database error occurred while retrieving analysis engine details for analysis ID: %d.
ANALYTICS-552Sorry, analysis ID %d is invalid for the Analysis Summary report. You cannot run the report on %s engine sub type.
ANALYTICS-553Sorry, the provided ep type %s is invalid
ANALYTICS-554Sorry, pagination operation not supported except policy
ANALYTICS-555Sorry, filter operation for %s, %s not supported except policy
ANALYTICS-556Sorry, %s param is only supported for exposure type policy
ANALYTICS-557Sorry, only %s exposure type is supported when exposure ID is provided
ANALYTICS-558Sorry, only perspective type %s is allowed for exposure type %s
ANALYTICS-559Sorry, filter operation for %s is not supported for policy
ANALYTICS-560Sorry, perspective code not supported for HD analysis.
ANALYTICS-561Sorry, %s not supported when exposure type policy with ID specified or non-policy exposure types
ANALYTICS-562Sorry, multiple perspective codes are only supported when Exposure Resource Type is POLICY and Exposure Resource ID is not provided


Error CodeMessage
AUTHORIZATION-401You tried to make this API call with an expired API token. Ask your platform administrator for a new API token and try again.
AUTHORIZATION-501Error getting user information
AUTHORIZATION-502Error creating user token


Error CodeMessage
BRANCH-401Database error occurred, branch does not exist
BRANCH-402Database error occurred while loading branches, reason : %s
BRANCH-502Database error occurred while creating branch, reason : %s
BRANCH-503Database error occurred while updating branch with ID: %d, reason : %s
BRANCH-504Database error occurred while deleting branch with ID: %d, reason : %s
BRANCH-505Database error occurred duplicate branch, branch already exists
BRANCH-506Validation error, branch ID cannot be null or empty.
BRANCH-508Validation error, branch, the name field has exceeded allowed length.
BRANCH-509Database error occurred while checking if branch exists : reason %s
BRANCH-510Database error occurred while checking if branch has reference in accgrp table : reason %s


Configuration errors.

Error CodeMessage
CE-001Failed to build tenant key for: %s. Most likely tenant ID was missing from thread context or environment variable.
CE-002Failed to find a value for required key: %s
CE-003Failed to build a key for configuration level: %s, and key: %s.
CE-004Sorry, we encountered an error while loading the configurations. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work
CE-005Failed to build a cache for SQL configuration provider.
CE-006Failed to build a cache for tenant configuration provider.


Error CodeMessage
CEDANT-401Database error occurred, cedant with ID: %s does not exists
CEDANT-501Database error occurred while loading cedants, reason : %s
CEDANT-502Database error occurred while creating cedant, reason : %s
CEDANT-503Database error occurred while updating cedant with ID: %s, reason : %s
CEDANT-505Error occurred while creating or updating cedant with name %s, ID %s. Cedant already exists with the same name or ID.
CEDANT-506Validation error, cedant ID cannot be null or empty.
CEDANT-507Validation error, cedant ID length has to be between 1 and 20.
CEDANT-508Validation error, cedant, some of the String field has exceeded allowed length.
CEDANT-509Database error occurred while checking if cedant ID: %d exists
CEDANT-510Database error occurred while checking if cedant with ID: %d and Name: %s exists


Error CodeMessage
CLIENT-001Invalid identifier, %s : %s
CLIENT-002Sorry, we could not get the requested data. The input '%s' (line %d, character %d) is not valid. See the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-003Sorry, looks like there is a syntax error (line %d, character %d). See the "Bulk Edits-Advanced" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-005Sorry, we don't recognize the field '%s'
CLIENT-006Unknown parser error: %s. (line %d, character %d)
CLIENT-007Incompatible data type for %s, expected %s but got %s
CLIENT-008Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an invalid command. Valid commands include EDIT, SET, and WHERE. See the "Bulk Edits-Advanced" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-009Sorry, this is an invalid argument for the EDIT command : '%s' . This should be policy or location (line %d, character %d). See the "Bulk Edits-Advanced" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-010Sorry, this is an invalid symbol : '%s' (line %d, character %d).
CLIENT-011Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an invalid command. Valid options include WHERE or comma ','. See the "Bulk Edits-Advanced" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-012Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an unsupported field in the SET command. See the "Bulk Edits-Advanced" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-013Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an unsupported field in the WHERE command. See the "Bulk Edits-Advanced" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-014Sorry, you entered an invalid value for parameter '%s'
CLIENT-015Sorry, this currency conversion request isn't valid. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
CLIENT-016Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an unsupported field in the WHERE command. See the "Account Search" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-017Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an unsupported field in the WHERE command. See the "Portfolio Search" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-018Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an unsupported field in the WHERE command. See the "policy Search" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-019Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an unsupported field in the WHERE command. See the "Step policy Search" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-020Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an unsupported field in the WHERE command. See the "Aggregate Portfolio Search" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-021Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an unsupported field in the WHERE command. See the "treaty Search" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-022Sorry, looks like '%s' (line %d, character %d) is an unsupported field in the WHERE command.
CLIENT-023Sorry, looks like your query contains mismatched data type values.
CLIENT-024Sorry, we could not get the requested data. The input '%s' (line %d, character %d) is not valid. See the "Bulk Edits-Advanced" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-025Sorry, looks like there is no viable alternative at input '%s' (line %d, character %d). See the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-026Sorry, looks like there is %s (line %d, character %d). See the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-027Sorry, invalid filter. See the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-028Sorry, sorting allowed on only one field. See the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-029Sorry, invalid operator %s. See the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
CLIENT-400Unable to read JSON
CLIENT-402Sorry, we don't recognize the field %s. Check the field in the API reference on the Developer Portal.
CLIENT-403Sorry, this is an invalid format for %s. Check the format in the API reference on the Developer Portal.


Error CodeMessage
CLIMATE-CHANGE-001To run an analysis, select at least 1 RCP scenario with 1 time horizon, or select the 2°C warming scenario. RCP scenarios are 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, 8.5. Time horizons are between the years of 2020 and 2100 in 5-year increments.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-002To run a climate change analysis on the selected results, %s input is required.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-003Sorry, you can run climate change analyses on individual, portfolio-EP analyses only. You cannot run a climate change analysis on DLM results that have been simulated to a PLT.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-004Climate change analyses are supported only for results from these models: %s.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-005Time horizon %d is invalid. Valid time horizons are between 2020 and 2100 in 5-year increments.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-006RCP scenario %f is invalid. Valid RCP scenarios are 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, 8.5.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-007Sorry, we encountered an error on our end while running the climate change analysis for analysis ID %d. Contact Support at [email protected].
CLIMATE-CHANGE-008You cannot run a climate change analysis on HD results generated prior to Feb 24, 2021. Rerun the HD analysis, and then run the climate change analysis on the new results.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-009You have submitted an invalid climate conditioned view for %s analysis. To learn more about valid views for different peril models, see "Climate Change Model Analyses" in the Moody's RMS Support Center.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-010You have submitted an invalid reference rate scheme ID for %s analysis. To learn more about valid scheme IDs for different peril models, see "Climate Change Model Analyses" in the Moody's RMS Support Center.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-011Invalid argument for %s
CLIMATE-CHANGE-012Unable to retrieve metadata for %s
CLIMATE-CHANGE-013You cannot select the 2 degree C warming scenario for results from these models: %s.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-014Sorry, you can not perform climate change on %s engine sub type.
CLIMATE-CHANGE-015You cannot run a Climate Change Model analysis on HD results from an imported RDM.


Error CodeMessage
CONVERT-EVENT-001Invalid argument for %s
CONVERT-EVENT-002Unable to retrieve metadata for %s
CONVERT-EVENT-003Sorry, you can convert event rates or apply loss adjustments on %s engine type(s) only. Enter a non-HD or non-simulated DLM analysis ID.
CONVERT-EVENT-004Unsupported analysis type. Convert analysis event rate and loss is only supported on %s analysis type(s)
CONVERT-EVENT-005Sorry, we encountered an error while submitting the convert analysis event rate and loss job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
CONVERT-EVENT-006Analysis ID %d already ran on event rate ID %d.
CONVERT-EVENT-007Error when getting event loss adjustments: Unable to read the file header.
CONVERT-EVENT-008Sorry, you must provide at least one event rate scheme ID or one event loss adjustment scheme ID to run convert event rate and loss.
CONVERT-EVENT-009Unsupported exposure type. Convert event rate and loss is not supported for account analyses.
CONVERT-EVENT-010Sorry, convert event rate and loss is not supported PLT groups.
CONVERT-EVENT-011Sorry, the event rate scheme ID %d does not match the analysis peril region(s).
CONVERT-EVENT-012Sorry, the loss adjustment scheme ID %d does not match the analysis peril region(s).
CONVERT-EVENT-013Sorry, we encountered an error while reading the event loss adjustments. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
CONVERT-EVENT-014Error while reading the event loss adjustments, non numeric values found.
CONVERT-EVENT-015No event rate schemes found for analysis ID %d.
CONVERT-EVENT-017Sorry, you can not perform convert event on %s engine sub type.


Error CodeMessage
CONVERT-RESULT-CURRENCY-001Sorry, we encountered an error on our end while converting currency for analysis ID %d. Contact Support at [email protected].
CONVERT-RESULT-CURRENCY-002Invalid argument for %s
CONVERT-RESULT-CURRENCY-003Unable to retrieve metadata for %s
CONVERT-RESULT-CURRENCY-004Sorry, some of the currency information is invalid. Check the currency scheme, currency code, vintage, and as-of date and try again.
CONVERT-RESULT-CURRENCY-005Sorry, the target currency is the same as the original currency. Check the target currency and try again.
CONVERT-RESULT-CURRENCY-006Sorry, the analysis ID for the currency conversion is not valid. Check the analysis ID and try again.
CONVERT-RESULT-CURRENCY-007You cannot convert the currency for this group because the group and/or the group’s underlying analyses need to be recalculated. Recalculate the group and/or the underlying analyses, and then try again to convert the currency.
CONVERT-RESULT-CURRENCY-008The currency scheme you selected does not contain the source currency %s. Please select the correct currency scheme to continue.
CONVERT-RESULT-CURRENCY-009The currency scheme you selected contains currency exchange rates that are not positive. Please select currency scheme with only positive exchange rates.


Error CodeMessage
CURRENCY-400Validation error, Invalid domain name
CURRENCY-401Validation error, Invalid tablespace
CURRENCY-402Validation error, Invalid entity name
CURRENCY-403Validation error, Invalid records
CURRENCY-404Validation error, Invalid column name
CURRENCY-405Validation error, Mandatory column missing
CURRENCY-501Database error occurred while creating records in table
CURRENCY-502An error occurred while validating currency
CURRENCY-503Invalid exposure type passed for currency conversion


Error CodeMessage
CV-001Invalid operator: '%s'
CV-002Search feature not supported for field: '%s'


Error CodeMessage
DATABASE_MAINTENANCE-001Database error occurred while updating database statistics.
DATABASE_MAINTENANCE-002Database error occurred while updating EDM data version.


Error CodeMessage
DATABASE_STORE-400Invalid server ID provided: %d
DATABASE_STORE-401Invalid SQL server version provided.
DATABASE_STORE-404Data Bridge data source %s not found
DATABASE_STORE-500An error occurred retrieving database store record
DATABASE_STORE-501An error occurred inserting database store record
DATABASE_STORE-502An error occurred updating database store record
DATABASE_STORE-503An error occurred deleting database store records
DATABASE_STORE-504Database Store task exceeded maximum wait time.


Error CodeMessage
DATA-BRIDGE-501Sorry, we encountered an error submitting this Data Bridge job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-502Sorry, we encountered an error loading this database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-503Sorry, we encountered an error deregistering this database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-401Invalid notification key %s
DATA-BRIDGE-402%s not supported on Data Bridge databases
DATA-BRIDGE-403The database %s that you tried to de-register does not exist.
DATA-BRIDGE-404The database you tried to de-register has not been registered on the Data Bridge.
DATA-BRIDGE-405Target Data Bridge database %s does not exist
DATA-BRIDGE-550Sorry, we encountered an error creating this Data Bridge database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-551Sorry, we encountered an error deleting this Data Bridge database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-552Sorry, we encountered an error creating this Data Bridge sign-in. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-553Sorry, we encountered an error setting permissions on this Data Bridge database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-554Sorry, we encountered an error importing this Data Bridge database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-555Sorry, we encountered an error exporting this Data Bridge database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-556Sorry, we encountered an error trying to get details for data bridge database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-557Sorry, we failed to process this request. %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
DATA-BRIDGE-558Failed to get job: %s status
DATA-BRIDGE-559Databridge task %s not found
DATA-BRIDGE-560Failed to register databridge EDM: %s
DATA-BRIDGE-561The server type for server ID %d is not supported for Data Bridge. Please provide a valid Data Bridge server ID.
DATA-BRIDGE-562Sort by databaseId and serverId is currently not supported for Data Bridge.
DATA-BRIDGE-563Exposure already exists for exposureSet %s. Cannot register multiple exposures under the same exposureSet.
DATA-BRIDGE-564Error occurred while registering exposure under exposureSet with ID %d
DATA-BRIDGE-565Data Bridge Database with serverId: %d and databaseId: %d not found. Check the database details and try again.
DATA-BRIDGE-566The query provided is not supported for Data Bridge databaseType. Please provide a valid query.
DATA-BRIDGE-567The query provided contains unsupported operators for Data Bridge. Please provide a valid query.


Error CodeMessage
DBATTRIBUTE-001Error occurred while fetching the db attribute : %s


Database metrics

Error CodeMessage
DBM-502Database error occurred while updating metrics for database with ID: %d
DBM-503Database error occurred while calculating metrics for database
DBM-504Database error occurred while updating metrics for database
DBM-505Database error occurred while calculating the size of EDMs
DBM-506Database error occurred while checking if the metrics exist
DBM-507Database error occurred while getting metrics for database with ID: %d
DBM-508Database error occurred while deleting metrics for database


Entitlements errors.

Error CodeMessage
ENT-001Sorry, this could be an error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENT-002Sorry, this could be an error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENT-003You cannot run this analysis because you do not have a current model license. Check with your Risk Intelligence administrator to find out which models are licensed by your organization.
ENT-004You cannot run an analysis on the following model(s) because you do not license them: Engine: %s, Peril: %s, Region: %s, Sub-region(s): %s. Check with your Risk Intelligence administrator to find out which models are licensed by your organization.
ENT-005You cannot run an analysis on the following model(s) because you do not license them: Engine: %s, Insurance Type: Workers Comp, Peril: %s, Region: %s, Sub-region(s): %s. Check with your Risk Intelligence administrator to find out which models are licensed by your organization.
ENT-006You cannot run an analysis on the following model(s) because you do not license them: Engine: %s, Peril: %s, Vulnerability Curves: Vulnerability Set 101, Region: %s, Sub-region(s): %s. Check with your Risk Intelligence administrator to find out which models are licensed by your organization.
ENT-007You cannot run an %s analysis on one or more of the countries you have selected because you do not license them. Check with your Risk Intelligence administrator to find out which ALM models you license.
ENT-008You cannot run a Climate Change Model analysis on the following model region(s) because you do not license them: Engine: %s, Peril: %s, Region: %s, Sub-region(s): %s. Check with your Risk Intelligence administrator to find out which models are licensed by your organization.
ENT-009Sorry, this could be an error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENT-010You cannot run an analysis on the following model(s) because you do not license them: Engine: %s, Peril: %s, Region: %s, Sub-region(s): %s, Vulnerability Curves: %s. Check with your Risk Intelligence administrator to find out which models are licensed by your organization.


Error CodeMessage
EXTRACT-ELT-001Invalid argument for %s


Error CodeMessage
DATE-001Invalid date. The valid range of dates is from 01/01/1753 to 12/31/9999


Error CodeMessage
DLM_SERVICE-001Sorry, we encountered an error while running the DLM analysis job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DLM_SERVICE-002Sorry, we encountered an error while loading the model profile ID %d for this DLM analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DLM_SERVICE-003Sorry, we encountered an error while loading the analysis currency %s for this DLM analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DLM_SERVICE-004Sorry, the model version %s for this DLM analysis is invalid. Specify a valid version and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-005Sorry, the currency vintage %s with the as-of date %s is invalid. Specify a valid vintage and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-006Sorry, the output profile is invalid or missing. Specify a valid output profile and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-007Model Region with code %s and isHd %s is not found
DLM_SERVICE-008Invalid model profile - footprintId missing or invalid
DLM_SERVICE-009Footprint Event %s is not found
DLM_SERVICE-010Sorry, the output profile ID %d for this analysis is invalid. Specify a valid output profile and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-011We encountered an error retrieving the output profile with ID %d. Try again. If this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support.
DLM_SERVICE-012Sorry, climate change analysis cannot be run at %s level. Use a portfolio level exposure and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-013Sorry, climate change analysis is not supported for %s analysis type. Use EP or Simulated type and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-014Sorry, climate change analysis is not supported for dlm engine version %s. Select dlm version 22 or higher and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-015Sorry, climate change analysis is not supported for peril %s. Use windstorm peril and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-016Sorry, climate change analysis is not supported for region %s. Select region %s and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-017Sorry, we encountered an error while loading the currency vintage %s with the as-of date %s is invalid. Try again. If this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support.
DLM_SERVICE-018Sorry, the event rate scheme ID %d for this DLM analysis is invalid. Specify a valid event rate scheme ID and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-019Sorry, DLM or HD analysis is not supported for analysis type %s and exposure type %s in %s. Use EP type and try again.
DLM_SERVICE-020This footprint is no longer valid. An updated version of this footprint may be able to be run by creating a new model profile for this analysis.
DLM_SERVICE-021Sorry, you have provided invalid settings with model type %s.


Error CodeMessage
DOM-001Domain data not found for domain %s, tablespace %s, entity %s
DOM-003Invalid format for entity path %s
DOM-004Scalar domain data for domain %s, tablespace %s, entity %s found %d values
DOM-005Invalid input data for the parameter : %s
DOM-006Sorry, we're having some trouble on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-007Sorry, we encountered parsing error. Try different input for parameter: %s
DOM-008Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving peril and loss type for coverage %s. See the "Fields for Advanced Bulk Edits" topic in the Moody's RMS Support Center for help with query syntax.
DOM-500Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving domain names. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-501Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving tablespace names for domain %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-502Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving entity names for domain %s and tablespace %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-503Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving entity attributes for domain %s, tablespace %s, and entity %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-504Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving entity values for domain %s, tablespace %s, and entity %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-505Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving secondary modifiers for domain %s, tablespace %s, and entity %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-506Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving construction details for country %s, construction class scheme %s, and construction class %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-507Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving occupancy details for country %s, occupancy type scheme %s, and occupancy type %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-509Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving hazards for domain %s, tablespace %s, and entity %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-510Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving country resolution values for country code: '%s', resolution type: '%s'. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-511Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving country line of business types for country code: '%s'. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-512Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving resolution column mappings. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-513Sorry, there is a mismatch between country code: '%s' and resolution: '%s'.
DOM-514Sorry, we're having some trouble on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-515Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving climate-conditioned-views for regionperil %s and enginetype %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-516Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving reference-rate-scheme for rate-scheme-id %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DOM-517Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving analysis regions for peril %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected]if this still does not work.
DOM-518Sorry, we can't find results for the entries you provided: domain: '%s', tablespace: '%s', entity: '%s'.


Error CodeMessage
DS-001We did not locate the database %s. Check the database name.
DS-002Sorry, looks like you do not have access permission for the %s database.
DS-003The database cannot be empty. Enter a valid database name.
DS-004job paused. The database server has reached the maximum number of stored databases. Delete one or more EDMs from this server to resume the job.
DS-401Invalid instance namespace: %s
DS-402Invalid instance status: %s
DS-403Specified server %s is not registered.
DS-404Unable to process MDF import into RDS database instances.
DS-405The selected server does not support MDF imports.
DS-406The selected server does not support BAK imports.
DS-408You cannot load (register) a database that's not a Data Bridge EDM.
DS-409You cannot export to an existing RDM database. This is only supported for Data Bridge.
DS-410Data Bridge Database %s not found. Check the database name and try again.
DS-411Database error due to missing table.
DS-412The detachOnly option can be "true" only if the format is MDF, the operation is DOWNLOAD_EDM, and the SQL Server version is 2019.
DS-413Exporting a database in MDF format requires the option detachOnly to be true when the database size is greater than 100 GB.
DS-500Sorry, we encountered an error trying to retrieve the database. Try again.
DS-501Sorry, we encountered an error while checking the access permissions for this database. Try again.
DS-502Database error occurred while validating data source %s
DS-503Database error occurred while retrieving data source: %s for account ID: %d
DS-504Error occurred starting the database connection pool for data source: %s
DS-505Error occurred stopping the database connection pool for data source: %s
DS-506Database error occurred while creating data source: %s
DS-507A database with the name %s already exists. Enter a different name.
DS-508Database error occurred while updating data source: '%s'
DS-509Database error occurred while deleting data source: '%s'
DS-510Database error occurred while creating backup for data source: '%s'
DS-511Sorry, you tried something invalid. Enter a valid datastore operation.
DS-512You have reached the maximum number (%s) of EDMs allowed for your organization. Delete an EDM before you create or upload a new one.
DS-513Sorry, we encountered an error creating this database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DS-514Sorry, this could be an error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DS-515Sorry, we encountered an error triggering this job. Something might be missing from the job input. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DS-516The database %s is being upgraded. Wait a few minutes and try again.
DS-517Sorry, we encountered an error trying to retrieve database information for tenant %s. Try again.
DS-519Sorry, we encountered an error reading database information. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DS-520Sorry, we encountered an error reading database system information. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
DS-521job paused. This job type is already running on the maximum number of databases. This job will automatically resume once the other jobs in the queue are complete.
DS-522Sorry, we can't find database %s. Either it doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.
DS-523Could not parse URL, reason %s
DS-524Sorry, the only allowed version for upgrade is 22
DS-525Invalid sql version provided
DS-526We did not locate the database for exposureId: %d. Either it doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.
DS-527The exposureId %s provided is invalid. Please enter a valid exposureId.
DS-528Error occurred while creating exposure under exposureSet with ID %d
DS-529Sorry, file format %s is not supported for download EDM. Supported file formats are BAK and MDF


Error CodeMessage
EDM-501Database error occurred while loading EDMs
EDM-502Database error occurred while creating EDM with name: %s
EDM-505Database error occurred while creating EDM with name %s already exists
EDM-506Database error occurred while creating a backup for EDM
EDM-507Database error occurred while creating a backup for EDM not found
EDM-509Database error occurred while querying for list of EDMs
EDM-510Sorry, you do not have access permissions to any groups of tenant %s. Check with your Administrator about getting access.


Error CodeMessage
EDM_SYNC-001Failed to sync with Analytics Gateway
EDM_SYNC-002Failed to sync with Analytics Gateway, Response: %s
EDM_SYNC-003Received an invalid message from Analytics Gateway, response status, msg: %d %s


Error CodeMessage
ENGINE-001We encountered an error trying to run the job. Try again. If this still does not work, contact Moody's RMS Support.
ENGINE-002We encountered an error trying to run the job. job inputs aren't valid
ENGINE-003only CopyAccount, DeleteAccount or ConvertCurrency operation is supported
ENGINE-004Record not found in import store database.
ENGINE-005Database with data source name : '%s', already exists
ENGINE-006Sorry, we failed to process this request since the database limit has been exceeded. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-007Data source %s not found
ENGINE-008Database error occurred while creating backup for data source: '%s'
ENGINE-009Database error occurred while deleting data source: '%s'
ENGINE-010Database error occurred while creating data source: %s
ENGINE-011Database error occurred while retrieving data source: %s
ENGINE-012RDM database creation failed
ENGINE-013Validations failed
ENGINE-014We encountered an error trying to run the job. Try again. If this still does not work, contact Moody's RMS Support.
ENGINE-015Unsupported Exposure Type: %s
ENGINE-016%s backup status cannot be retrieved
ENGINE-017%s back up cannot be created and failed with exception : %s
ENGINE-018LI job got canceled
ENGINE-019MRI job failed with validation errors. Please see jobs' details for validation log file.
ENGINE-020No job ID found for analysis ID : %s
ENGINE-021No results are available for analysis %s included the download. Remove this analysis from the download and try again.
ENGINE-022DB name : %s, %s failed!
ENGINE-023rdsHost cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-024rdsPort cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-025rdsUser cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-026rdsPwd cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-027s3AccessKey cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-028s3Secret cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-029dbRdmKey cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-030s3bucket cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-031s3DownLoadBucket cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-032tenantId cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-033analysisId cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-034userId cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-035workflowId cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-036workflowServiceUrl cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-037expirationHours cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-038edmBucketName cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-039BCP Batch size cannot be null or empty and must be numeric
ENGINE-040BCP timeout cannot be null or empty and must be numeric
ENGINE-041Detail losses export value cannot be null or empty and must be boolean
ENGINE-042Sorry, the following event rate scheme(s) are invalid: %s See Event Rates in the Risk Modeler Model Composer for a list of valid IDs.
ENGINE-043The request %s
ENGINE-044Error when getting event rates: Datastore call failed
ENGINE-045Error when getting event rates
ENGINE-046Error when getting event rates: Unable to read the rate headers.
ENGINE-047LI-BULK: Geocoding job %s failed
ENGINE-048server returned statusCode: %s
ENGINE-049only CopyPortfolio, DeletePortfolio or ConvertCurrency operation is supported
ENGINE-050Sorry, looks like something might be wrong at our end. Try this again, and if it still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at
ENGINE-051Template file does not exist
ENGINE-052dlmjobId cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-053authToken cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-054serviceName cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-055Exposure isn't valid. %s
ENGINE-056SQL exception.
ENGINE-057HPC exception. %s
ENGINE-058only ConvertCurrency operation is supported
ENGINE-059Sorry, we were unable to upgrade this EDM. It could be an error on our end or a network connectivity issue. Try again, and if this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
ENGINE-060Exception occurred while copy account operation
ENGINE-061Exception occurred while delete account operation
ENGINE-062Exception occurred while convert currency operation
ENGINE-063Database error occurred while calculating Portfolio and its accounts metrics
ENGINE-064Database error occurred while calculating metrics for all Portfolios and Accounts in EDM
ENGINE-065Detail stats export value cannot be null or empty and must be boolean
ENGINE-066Error occurred while copying portfolio
ENGINE-067Error occurred while deleting portfolio
ENGINE-068Failed to get analytics details
ENGINE-069Error when dropping database
ENGINE-070Failed to Update DB Attribute table
ENGINE-071Failed to make DB INFO entries for EDM
ENGINE-072Failed to acquire position in task queue
ENGINE-073Failed to create empty EDM: %s
ENGINE-074Failed load parquet files from S3
ENGINE-075Failed recreate RDM indices
ENGINE-076Failed to update RDM seed IDs
ENGINE-077Failed to create RDM backup
ENGINE-078Failed to generate download link for RDM
ENGINE-079Layer info parse failed
ENGINE-081Failed to drop indicies during download RDM
ENGINE-082Failed to delete webDb entries
ENGINE-084Failed to create webDb entries
ENGINE-085Failed to create DbInfo entries
ENGINE-086Failed to create db metrics entries
ENGINE-087Failed to create groupDb detail entries
ENGINE-088Failed to detach DataSource
ENGINE-089Failed to get ImportSource
ENGINE-090Failed to get taskID for restore process
ENGINE-091Failed to upload EDM
ENGINE-092Failed to update import source
ENGINE-093Failed to delete groupDbDetail table
ENGINE-094Failed to delete the dbInfo table
ENGINE-095Failed to copy EDM
ENGINE-096Failed to get EDM name from database
ENGINE-097IO exception while attempting to get geohaz inputs
ENGINE-098No job ID found for analysis ID %s
ENGINE-099Load database connection properties error
ENGINE-100Failed to retrieve analysis name
ENGINE-101Failed while rebaselining the database
ENGINE-102Failed to create DB type %s
ENGINE-103Failed to initialize datasource
ENGINE-104Invalid engine input
ENGINE-105failed to read exposure from job input
ENGINE-106Too many treaty priority numbers: %s > Max %s
ENGINE-107Unable to save financial perspective
ENGINE-108Unable to save treaties
ENGINE-109Unable to load treaties
ENGINE-110Unable to get analysis status
ENGINE-111Unable to get analysisId for jobId: %s
ENGINE-112Unable to get analysis for ID: %s
ENGINE-113Unable to get jobId for analysis ID: %s
ENGINE-114Unable to copy analysis record for analysis ID: %s
ENGINE-115Unable to get event loss
ENGINE-116Unable to get treaty info
ENGINE-117Unable to load event losses for perspective: %s
ENGINE-118Unable to load losses for perspective: %s
ENGINE-119EP Type needed
ENGINE-120treaty information not set: %s
ENGINE-121Analysis isn't of type EP. No EP calculation performed.
ENGINE-126No event losses found
ENGINE-127Incomplete input! The statistics calculator was NOT set with an %s curve, needed to calculate the statistics. Perspective: %s
ENGINE-130Unable to load financial perspective
ENGINE-131EP losses calculation Failed
ENGINE-132Unable to generate EP curves for treaty: %s
ENGINE-133Unable to create group
ENGINE-134Unable to add analysis events
ENGINE-135Invalid analysis to add
ENGINE-136Failed to delete results
ENGINE-137Unable to write analysis event
ENGINE-138Failed to delete group results
ENGINE-139Failed to regroup treaties
ENGINE-140Group already contains analysis %s
ENGINE-141Group contains a circular hierarchy due to group ID %s
ENGINE-142Duplicate analysis ID found: %s
ENGINE-143Regional grouping engine failed
ENGINE-144Failed to get event ID count
ENGINE-145Failed to convert currency
ENGINE-146Failed to get scheme count
ENGINE-147Analysis or currency not found
ENGINE-148Analysis region count not found
ENGINE-149Failed to get Analysis count
ENGINE-150Missing mapping for perspcode: %s
ENGINE-151Missing mapping for analysis ID: %s
ENGINE-152Unable to find %s in ExposureIDOrderTable
ENGINE-153Unable to get group exposure list
ENGINE-154Failed to group regional losses
ENGINE-155AnalysisId %s is not in any group list
ENGINE-156Failed to get group loss for perspective
ENGINE-157treaty %s not found in rdm pate edit list.
ENGINE-158treaty loss calculation failed
ENGINE-159Failed to get treaty: %s
ENGINE-160Unsupported analysis mode: %s. Valid modes are Expected and Distributed
ENGINE-161DLM parent analysis ID was not set
ENGINE-162S3 bucket for jobId:%s did not become consistent after %s ms
ENGINE-163ALM analysis missing exposures
ENGINE-164ALM analysis missing profiles
ENGINE-165Sorry, it looks like something might be wrong at our end. The job failed to submit to HPC. Contact Support at [email protected] for help resolving this issue.
ENGINE-166Failed to transform job to HPC
ENGINE-167Failed S3 write
ENGINE-168Unable to create database. DB Name conflict
ENGINE-169Failed to create download link
ENGINE-170Failed to create retention entry
ENGINE-171Failed to create HPC job
ENGINE-172Failed to create HPC task: %s
ENGINE-173Failed to set up HPC ENV
ENGINE-174S3 file read failed
ENGINE-175Unable to get Rlaas Input
ENGINE-176EDM creation failed
ENGINE-177Invalid analysis ID filter
ENGINE-178Database quota exceeded. Unable to create new databases while at or above quota.
ENGINE-179Sorry, it looks like something went wrong on our end. Try your analysis again. If this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support.
ENGINE-180Error occurred during transforming the registration output
ENGINE-181Exception occurred while bulk edit operation
ENGINE-182Exception occurred while fetching metadata from results service
ENGINE-183Exception occurred while querying results service
ENGINE-184Exception occurred while fetching HD EP via results service : %s
ENGINE-185Exception occurred while fetching HD Statistics via results service : %s
ENGINE-186RL Geohaz job %s failed
ENGINE-187Exception occurred while fetching HD non-EP results via results service : %s
ENGINE-188Exception occurred while fetching HD PLT results via results service : %s
ENGINE-189Invalid database store type
ENGINE-191%s doesn't match %s. Failed to process the file.
ENGINE-192Failed to check if the uploaded DB corresponds with the DB Upload type operation. Please ensure the rmsver table exists.
ENGINE-193Exception occurred while downloading csv via results-service
ENGINE-194job cancelled
ENGINE-195job failed. %s
ENGINE-197job failed. Infrastructure issue
ENGINE-198Failed to process GEOHAZ for given Exposure Criteria. %s
ENGINE-199Failed to update the copy_edm_destination table for ID. %s
ENGINE-200Recreate indexes value cannot be null or empty and must be boolean
ENGINE-201Failed to refresh analysis results status: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-202Failed to refresh results for analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-203Sorry, we encountered an error downloading this database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-204Sorry, we encountered an error with this hazard retrieval. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-205Failed register result table, errorCode: %s error: %s
ENGINE-206job failed. Invalid engine input. Reason: %s
ENGINE-207Failed to restore databases to Data Bridge server
ENGINE-208Invalid DB key
ENGINE-209Failed to track the status of rds task
ENGINE-210DB name : %s, %s failed! Sorry, it looks like you tried to upload a database created with a SQL Server version we do not support. See "EDM and RDM Upload" in the Moody's RMS Support Center for a list of supported SQL Server versions.
ENGINE-211Sorry, we encountered an error while downloading this database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-212Sorry, we encountered an error migrating the data bridge EDM. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-213Sorry, we encountered an unknown error trying to de-register this database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-214Sorry, we encountered an error deleting this aggregate portfolio. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-215Sorry, looks like this is an invalid operation for an aggregate portfolio.
ENGINE-216Sorry, we encountered an error importing this aggregate portfolio. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-217Sorry, we encountered an error copying this aggregate portfolio. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-218Looks like you didn't provide any files for import.
ENGINE-219Looks like there's something wrong with the input file format. Check that you're using a TXT or CSV file.
ENGINE-220Sorry, we encountered an error exporting this data. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-221Sorry, we encountered an error exporting this data. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-222Target RDM database %s does not exist
ENGINE-224Sorry, we encountered an error while processing the input data for loss registration. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-225Sorry, we encountered an error while running this HD analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-226Sorry, looks like there's not enough space. Delete some databases from your local storage or Data Bridge server and try again
ENGINE-227Sorry, the %s %s failed to upload. The BAK file might not be a valid SQL backup file or might be corrupted. Recreate the BAK file with a supported SQL version and try the upload again. See "EDM and RDM Upload" in the Moody's RMS Support Center for a list of supported SQL Server versions.
ENGINE-228Failed to restore the %s %s from backup file.
ENGINE-229Sorry, the %1$s failed to upload because the %1$s version %2$d is not supported. Upgrade or downgrade the %1$s to a supported version and try the upload again. See "EDM and RDM Upload" in the Moody's RMS Support Center for a list of supported %1$s versions.
ENGINE-230Sorry, the EDM failed to upload because the EDM version is missing. See "EDM and RDM Upload" in the Moody's RMS Support Center for a list of supported EDM versions.
ENGINE-231Failed to read the valid EDM versions.
ENGINE-232Sorry, we encountered an error while geocoding. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-233Sorry, we encountered an error while running this Climate Change analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-234No climate change scenario was found for this combination of inputs. Check your inputs and try again, or contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-235Sorry, we can't perform this operation because the database is read-only. We recommend changing source database to read-write then creating a backup and repeating the upload.
ENGINE-236Unrecognized engine version: %s
ENGINE-237Failed table: %s error code: %s error message: %s
ENGINE-238workflowId should not be null
ENGINE-239Loss Transformations workflow failed with status %s. Workflow URL: %s
ENGINE-240Sorry, we encountered an error while running this HD Grouping analysis. To resolve this issue, Contact Support at [email protected].
ENGINE-241Currency scheme must contain USD currency code.
ENGINE-242Sorry, the database backup failed. The database doesn't exist.
ENGINE-243Failed to restore the %s %s from backup file, as either the backup file is corrupt or the source database of the backup file is corrupt. Please check the source database and backup file and re-upload.
ENGINE-244Failed to truncate RDM table %s for write retry.
ENGINE-245Failed to delete duplicate RDM rate scheme entries before copying data.
ENGINE-246Sorry, we encountered an error on our end while converting currency. Contact Support at [email protected].
ENGINE-247Failed to send notification.
ENGINE-248Sorry, we encountered an error while running this Simulate Losses analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-249Sorry, we encountered an error on our end while checking duplicate records. Contact Support at [email protected].
ENGINE-250Failed to upload rdm due to duplicate records found in %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-251Sorry, we failed to %s EDM with data source name : '%s' since it doesn't exist
ENGINE-252Sorry, we encountered an error while running this HD ALM analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-253Sorry, we encountered an error while running this HD PATE analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-254treaty ID %d is not valid for post-analysis treaty editing. You can add, edit or delete only group level treaties for an HD analysis.
ENGINE-255userName cannot be null or empty
ENGINE-256You have entered an event rate scheme ID that does not have a corresponding simulation set. See the Simulation Set table in Risk Modeler Reference Data for a list of valid simulation sets.
ENGINE-257You have entered an invalid event rate scheme ID for the peril model region. See Event Rates in the Risk Modeler Model Composer for a list of valid IDs.
ENGINE-259Sorry, marginal impact analysis cannot run on exposures with step policies.
ENGINE-260Exposure set %s already in use with another exposure or result data. Please check and try again.
ENGINE-261Result registration failed.
ENGINE-262Sorry, we encountered an error while loading the treaty metadata for HD analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-263Sorry, we encountered an error while retrieving the PLT metadata for HD analysis from the database. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-264This job could not be completed because data source %s does not exist or this user does not have access to it.
ENGINE-265Sorry, we encountered an error while writing the %s for HD analysis %s to S3. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
ENGINE-266Sorry, we failed to upload your EDM. There was an error while upgrading the database.
ENGINE-267You provided an invalid model version %s. For a list of valid model versions, see the Peril Model List in the Risk Modeler Moody's RMS Support Center or on the Moody's RMS Support Center.
ENGINE-268Failed to restore the %s %s from backup file, as %s
ENGINE-269PATE input list is either missing or empty
ENGINE-270Error occurred while parsing PATE input list json


DLM errors.

Error CodeMessage
ENGINE-400Exposure failed to process. No valid locations for the peril region.
ENGINE-401Exposure failed to process. No valid location coverages for peril region.
ENGINE-402Exposure failed to process. Too many lines of business, limit is 255.
ENGINE-403Exposure failed to process. Exposure requires missing currency: %s.
ENGINE-404Exposure failed to process. Exposure item not found.
ENGINE-405Exposure failed to process. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
ENGINE-406No results' metadata found for analysis ID %s
ENGINE-407Batch data validation failed
ENGINE-408Unable to load currencies.
ENGINE-409We have exhausted all unique IDs for an EDM table. Please use another EDM to import data.


Error CodeMessage
EVENTINFO-401Database error occurred, rate scheme does not exists
EVENTINFO-502Database error occurred while saving rate scheme for database with ID: %d


Error CodeMessage
EXPORT-001There was an unexpected issue that occurred while moving the EDMs.
EXPORT-002To export locations, policies, treaties, peril details, and/or reinsurance, you must also export accounts.
EXPORT-003To export reinsurance and/or peril details, you must also export locations.
EXPORT-004To export data to an EDM, you must specify the source EDM.
EXPORT-005To export data to an EDM, you must specify the destination EDM.
EXPORT-006The source EDM does not exist. Please choose a valid source EDM and try again.
EXPORT-007The destination EDM does not exist. Please choose a valid destination EDM and try again.
EXPORT-008To export data to an EDM, you must provide at least one exposure ID to export.
EXPORT-009Error occurred while downloading the results for ID %d
EXPORT-010The export format is missing. Specify the export format as CSV or PARQUET.
EXPORT-011The loss metrics, financial perspectives, output levels, and/or hazard/damage/uncertainty output are missing from this export. Include one or more of these selections and try again.
EXPORT-012The export format is invalid. Specify the export format as CSV or PARQUET.
EXPORT-013This export type is not supported because you are either exporting between Risk Modeler database and Data Bridge database, or between two different Data Bridge servers. You can either export from any Risk Modeler database to another Risk Modeler database, or export between same Data Bridge servers.
EXPORT-014Sorry, download to CSV or Parquet are not supported.
EXPORT-015Sorry, you cannot download intermediate output data to CSV or Parquet files. This output is only supported for HD non-EP analyses.
EXPORT-016Sorry, you have exceeded the supported number of multiple analyses for export location results: %s. Please provide a valid input and try again.
EXPORT-017Sorry, the financial perspective(s) you requested are not supported. See 'Financial Perspectives' in the Moody's RMS Support Center for perspectives that are supported for different analysis types.
EXPORT-018Sorry, the field(s) you requested are not supported for location results export. See 'Location Results Export' in the Moody's RMS Support Center for the supported fields.
EXPORT-019Sorry, you must provide at least one financial perspective and one export field to export location results.
EXPORT-020Sorry, you can export location results only for account-level analyses.
EXPORT-021Sorry, you must provide at least one financial perspective to export location results from an uploaded RDM that is not associated with an uploaded EDM.
EXPORT-022Sorry, you must provide at least one export field to export location results for a non-EP analysis.
EXPORT-023Sorry, you cannot export location results for non-EP analyses from an uploaded RDM that is not associated with an uploaded EDM.
EXPORT-024Sorry, you cannot export location results for accounts that have more than 250,000 locations. Check the number of locations on the Accounts tab.
EXPORT-025Sorry, you cannot export location results analyses from multiple EDMs. Enter analysis IDs from the same EDM to export.
EXPORT-026Sorry, you cannot export location results analyses from multiple accounts. Enter analysis IDs from the same EDM and account to export.
EXPORT-027Sorry, you cannot export location results for more than one analyses from uploaded RDMs that are not associated with an EDM. Enter one analysis ID from an uploaded RDMs that is not associated with an EDM or enter one or more analyses associated with an EDM.
EXPORT-028Export of a weighted PLT is available only for a single EP analysis for HD or HD-ALM earthquake models. To export the weighted PLT, you must also export loss table output with at least one financial perspective and at least one output level.
EXPORT-029The export input is invalid for received export type: %s. Please provide a valid input and try again.
EXPORT-030The export input is invalid for received export ID: %s. Please provide a valid input and try again.
EXPORT-031No data found for analysisId %s. Please make sure the input contains all valid analysisIds and try again.
EXPORT-032Sorry, you must provide locationId as an export field to export location results for multiple analyses.
EXPORT-033The export format is invalid. Specify the export format as CSV or JSON.
EXPORT-034Sorry, you cannot export on %s engine sub type.
EXPORT-035Sorry, you cannot perform export to file on %s engine sub type.
EXPORT-036Sorry, you can not provide export type %s for received type %s. Check the export type and try again.
EXPORT-037Sorry, Preserve IDs validation failed: You must export to a new EDM when you select the option to preserve IDs.


Exposure errors.

Error CodeMessage
EXP-500Database error occurred while updating time stamps for Exposure Type: %s, Exposure ID: %d
EXP-501Exposure with database name : %s not found
EXP-001Could not parse URL, reason %s
EXP-502Database error occurred while determining exposure name
EXP-503Database error occurred while calculating number of locations
EXP-504Database error occurred while saving exposure owner
EXP-505Database error occurred while determining exposure number
EXP-506Database error occurred while checking whether exposure has owner
EXP-507Database error occurred while saving exposure audit history
EXP-508Database error occurred while updating exposure metrics
EXP-509Error occurred while fetching the HD results for analysis ID %d
EXP-510Active Database backup operation is in-progress for DB %s
EXP-511Database error occurred while getting geocode summary
EXP-512Database error occurred while getting hazard summary
EXP-513Database error occurred while exporting portfolio
EXP-514Database error occurred while exporting account
EXP-515Database error occurred while updating exposure revision table
EXP-516Database error occurred while calculating exposure workers compensation
EXP-517Database error occurred while calculating number of policies
EXP-518Database error occurred while updating metrics
EXP-519Peril code %s is not supported for the Exposure Summary report. Select a supported peril.
EXP-520Hazard name %s is not supported for the Exposure Summary report. Select a supported hazard.
EXP-521Error occurred while %s batch data
EXP-522treaty number %s already exists in EDM
EXP-524Primary Location details not found.
EXP-525Database error occurred while exporting aggregate portfolio
EXP-526Validation Error encountered for %s


Error CodeMessage
EXPOSURE-SET-001Provide either the exposureSetId or the groupIds but not both.
EXPOSURE-SET-002The exposureSetId %s is invalid. Use the RM GET /v1/exposuresets API to get a list of valid exposureSetId's.
EXPOSURE-SET-003The groupIds %s are invalid. Use the SML GET /v1/Profile/groups API to get a list of valid groupId's.
EXPOSURE-SET-004The operation %s is not valid for property %s.
EXPOSURE-SET-005The request includes %s Use the SML GET /v1/Profile/groups API to get a list of valid groupId's.
EXPOSURE-SET-006Sorry, you do not have access to exposureSetId %s. Check the ID and try again.
EXPOSURE-SET-007Sorry, you can not perform this operation because you are not a member of the group.
EXPOSURE-SET-008Sorry, we encountered an error on our end while querying exposure sets. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
EXPOSURE-SET-009Sorry, we can't find %s %s. Either it doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.
EXPOSURE-SET-010Sorry, you can not provide %s in case of no share.
EXPOSURE-SET-011Provide either the exposureSetId or the dataSourceName but not both.
EXPOSURE-SET-012Sorry, you can not provide same group value in add and remove operations.
EXPOSURE-SET-013Exposure already exists for exposureSet %s. Cannot create multiple exposures under the same exposureSet.


Error CodeMessage
FAC-500Database error occurred while retrieving fac layers
FAC-501Database error occurred while creating facultative with name: %s
FAC-502Database error occurred while checking for existing facultative
FAC-503Database error occurred, facultative already exists
FAC-504Database error occurred, facultative with ID: %s not exists
FAC-505Database error occurred, while retrieving facultatives
FAC-506Database error occurred while updating facultative
FAC-507Database error occurred while loading facultative with ID: %s
FAC-508A facultative cession with name: %s already exists. Use a different name.
FAC-509Validation error, facultative ID cannot be null or empty.
FAC-510Validation error, facultative, some of the String field has exceeded allowed length.
FAC-511Database error occurred, facultative has relation to policy or location and cannot be %s
FAC-512Database error occurred while checking if facultative has relation with policy or location
FAC-513Database error occurred while deleting facultative with ID: %s


Error CodeMessage
FILE-001Bucket %d does not exist
FILE-002Unable to access bucket %d
FILE-003File %s does not exist
FILE-004Unable to access file %d
FILE-005Not authorized to grant temporary credentials
FILE-006S3 Object %s does not exist
FILE-007Sorry, we're having trouble reading the import file. Check the file format and delimiter and try again.
FILE-009Sorry, looks there might be a problem on our end. Try saving again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
FILE-010The selected resolution requires a secondary resolution as well. This secondary resolution is missing from the import file.
FILE-011The selected resolution requires a secondary resolution as well. This secondary resolution is incorrect for the resolution in the import file.
FILE-014Sorry, we're having some trouble on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
FILE-015Sorry, we're having trouble with the column mapping in the import file and cannot complete the import.
FILE-016Sorry, we're having trouble with provided resolution. Please check the resolution, try again and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
FILE-017Sorry, we're having trouble with retrieving the following missing files: %s
FILE-018Sorry, we're having trouble with uploading empty files: %s. Please check.
FILE-500Error occurred creating a new bucket
FILE-505Error occurred staging bucket %d
FILE-506Error occurred checking if bucket %d exists
FILE-507Error occurred checking bucket %d permissions
FILE-508Sorry, there's something wrong with the import file. Check that file type is valid.
FILE-509Sorry, there's something wrong with the import file. Check that delimiter is valid.
FILE-510Error occurred creating a new file
FILE-511Error occurred retrieving file %d
FILE-512Error occurred searching for files
FILE-513Sorry, there's something wrong with the mapping. Check that country code and resolution are supported.
FILE-514Sorry, missing or unsupported file extension for this input type.
FILE-515Error occurred checking if file %d exists
FILE-516Sorry it seems that the file that you have provided is not a valid ALM file.
FILE-520Error occurred inserting import file record
FILE-521Error occurred reading import file records


Global edit error messages.

Error CodeMessage
GE-001Invalid exposure type. Valid exposure types are ACCOUNT and PORTFOLIO. Exposure type given: %s
GE-002Account bulk edit cannot be preformed on account exposure
GE-003Validation failed: %s
GE-004Some data types in the WHERE clause do not match the data types of the respective fields
GE-005Some data types in the SET clause do not match the data types of the respective fields
GE-006Sorry, the provided date is invalid. %s
GE-007List of updates provided in input is invalid for Basic Bulk Edit.
GE-008Edit Query provided in input cannot be null or empty for Advanced Bulk Edit.
GE-501An unexpected error occurred while preforming bulk edit on account %d


Error CodeMessage
GEO_SERVICE-001You have provided an invalid geoHaz engine type: %s. Engine type must be RL or HD.
GEO_SERVICE-002You have provided an invalid data type for field: %s. Value must be true or false.
GEO_SERVICE-003Your input is missing the required layerOptions.
GEO_SERVICE-004Your input is missing property: %s for layerOptions.
GEO_SERVICE-005You have provided an invalid value for layerOptions property: %s. Enter 0 for engineType RL or 1 for engineType HD.
GEO_SERVICE-006You have provided an invalid geoHaz name: %s or version: %s for the engineType: %s. Only specific names and versions are valid.
GEO_SERVICE-007You have provided an invalid geoHaz type: %s. GeoHaz type must be geocode or hazard.
GEO_SERVICE-008You have provided an invalid engine type: %s. Geocode with LiaaS engine type is supported only for location level.


Error CodeMessage
GROUPING-001Sorry, we encountered an error running your grouping job. Contact Support at [email protected] to resolve this issue.
GROUPING-002Invalid argument for %s
GROUPING-003Group must contain at least one analysis
GROUPING-004Invalid region code: %s
GROUPING-006Invalid rate scheme data
GROUPING-008%s is mapped to multiple rate scheme IDs %s
GROUPING-009Unable to load analysis %s
GROUPING-010Unable to load analysis group with ID: %s
GROUPING-011Analysis %s is not a group
GROUPING-012We can not process this job because the analysis %s is already an independent group
GROUPING-013We can not process this job because the analysis %s is an HD group
GROUPING-014We can not process this job because the analysis %s is a Marginal Impact Analysis


Error CodeMessage
HPC-001Unknown task type
HPC-501Failed to create HPC job. Error: %s
HPC-502Failed to create HPC task. Error: %s
HPC-503Failed to submit HPC job. Error: %s
HPC-504Failed to submit HPC job
HPC-505Failed to get HPC job details. Response code: %d. Error: %s
HPC-506Failed to get HPC job details
HPC-507Failed to cancel HPC job. Response code: %d. Error: %s
HPC-508Failed to cancel HPC job
HPC-509Failed to set environment variables for HPC job
HPC-510Failed to get HPC job task details
HPC-511Failed to get HPC job task details. Response code: %d. Error: %s
HPC-512Failed to check HPC job status. Failed after multiple retries


Error CodeMessage
IAM-001Credentials are required to access this resource
IAM-002No databases found for user
IAM-003User %d was not found
IAM-004User group %d was not found
IAM-005User reporting currency was not found for user %d
IAM-500Internal error occurred retrieving user profile
IAM-501Internal error occurred retrieving a user's databases
IAM-502Error getting user information
IAM-503Error occurred creating a new user token
IAM-504Error occurred updating a user token
IAM-505Error occurred deleting a user token
IAM-506Error occurred validating a user token
IAM-507Internal error occurred retrieving a user group information
IAM-508Database error occurred while adding security log
IAM-509Error occurred while encrypting string
IAM-510The new password and confirmation password do not match
IAM-511Error occurred updating a user password
IAM-512Password cannot be null or empty
IAM-513Password cannot be longer than 18 characters
IAM-514Invalid user ID
IAM-515Error occurred while retrieving list of tenant IDs
IAM-516Error occurred while retrieving list of EDMs assigned to tenant
IAM-517Database error occurred while saving Group DB Detail for DbId: %d
IAM-518Database error occurred while retrieving Tenant EDM metrics


Error CodeMessage
IMP-001The account, location, and/or reinsurance file for this import is empty. Provide a valid file and try the import again.
IMP-002Sorry, we're having trouble reading the import file %s. Check the file and try again.
IMP-003Sorry, we're having trouble with this import file. It looks like the header row and the first row of the file have a different number of columns.
IMP-004Duplicate portfolio ids. PortfolioIds must be unique.
IMP-005Error occurred extracting data from file %d. Error: %s
IMP-006You have provided an invalid value for the HTTP header "Accept-Language". Check the value and the spelling (it's case-sensitive). Valid values are en-US, de-DE, en-GB, fr-FR, en, de and fr.
IMP-500Sorry, we encountered an error while performing this import. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
IMP-501Error occurred validating import data
IMP-502Error occurred extracting data from file %d
IMP-503Error occurred creating the mapping file
IMP-504Error occurred creating the account file
IMP-505Sorry, it looks like there's a problem with the location file. Verify the account number and the selected delimiter, and try again.


Error CodeMessage
IMPORT_STORE-401Database error occurred, IMPORT_STORE does not exists
IMPORT_STORE-501Database error occurred while loading IMPORT_STOREs, reason : %s
IMPORT_STORE-502Database error occurred while creating IMPORT_STORE, reason : %s
IMPORT_STORE-503Database error occurred while updating IMPORT_STORE, reason : %s
IMPORT_STORE-504Database error occurred while deleting IMPORT_STORE, reason : %s
IMPORT_STORE-505Database error occurred duplicate IMPORT_STORE, IMPORT_STORE already exists
IMPORT_STORE-506Validation error, IMPORT_STORE ID cannot be null.
IMPORT_STORE-507Validation error, IMPORT_STORE ID length has to be between 1 and 20.
IMPORT_STORE-508Validation error, IMPORT_STORE, some of the String field has exceeded allowed length.
IMPORT_STORE-509Could not parse URL, reason %s
IMPORT_STORE-510Unknown DbType, only EDM, RDM, EXPOSURE_BATCH_EDIT or BATCH DbType is supported
IMPORT_STORE-511Validation error, file names must be named in a GUID format. With an appropriate %s extension.
IMPORT_STORE-512Validation error, file names must share the same name with different extensions.


Error CodeMessage
INFRA-001Submit job failed. Please resubmit job.


Error CodeMessage
JOB-001job %s was not found
JOB-002Unable to access job %d
JOB-003Failed to cancel the job ID %d. Error: %s
JOB-500Database error occurred while retrieving execution status for job ID: %d
JOB-501Database error occurred while searching for jobs
JOB-502Database error occurred while getting job ID %d
JOB-503Database error occurred while checking if user is authorized to cancel job %d
JOB-504Database error occurred while canceling job %d
JOB-505Database error occurred while archiving job details for job ID: %d
JOB-506Database error occurred while retrieving job report message for jobId: %d, Service ID: %d
JOB-507Database error occurred while retrieving job identifier for account ID: %d
JOB-508Database error occurred while retrieving job details for account ID: %d
JOB-509Database error occurred while retrieving services for account ID: %d
JOB-510Database error occurred while retrieving job report for job ID: %d, Service ID: %d
JOB-511Database error occurred while retrieving user details for job Type: %s, job ID: %d
JOB-512Database error occurred while retrieving job status for job ID: %d
JOB-513Error occurred. Invalid job status found for job ID: %d
JOB-514Database error occurred while retrieving job ID from commit queue for account ID: %d
JOB-515Database error occurred while retrieving job status from commit queue for job ID: %d
JOB-516Database error occurred while searching for job monitoring records
JOB-517Database error occurred deleting job monitoring record ID: %d
JOB-518Sorry, user %s is not allowed to update the %s job priority due to no access to %s resource group


Error CodeMessage
JOB-601Sorry, both status and priority provided in same request. Please check and try again
JOB-602Sorry, update operation not allowed for job ID %s with status %s
JOB-603Invalid resource uri %s is provided
JOB-604Invalid resource type %s is provided
JOB-605Invalid job type %s is provided
JOB-606Sorry, there is no job ID %s for this user %s
JOB-607Invalid jobId %s is provided
JOB-608Sorry, provide either status or priority in request.
JOB-609Sorry, cancellation is not supported for %s job.
JOB-610Sorry, priority update is not supported for %s job.


Error CodeMessage
LOC_RES-001No data found for export fields and perspectives
LOC_RES-002No loss nor exposure found for analysis/account
LOC_RES-003No location results schema found for analysis ID %s


Keystore errors.

Error CodeMessage
KS-001The tenant ID in a key and URL must match
KS-003Operation not supported; The value should be CREATE, READ, UPDATE or DELETE only
KS-004Key exists
KS-005Key does not exist
KS-006Value cannot be empty
KS-007Key not found in baseline properties: %s
KS-008Sorry, this could be an error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
KS-009Sorry, this could be an error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.


Error CodeMessage
LINE_OF_BUSINESS-401Database error occurred, line of business does not exists
LINE_OF_BUSINESS-501Database error occurred while loading line of business, reason : %s
LINE_OF_BUSINESS-502Database error occurred while creating line of business, reason : %s
LINE_OF_BUSINESS-503Database error occurred while updating line of business with ID: %s, reason : %s
LINE_OF_BUSINESS-504Database error occurred while deleting line of business with ID: %s, reason : %s
LINE_OF_BUSINESS-505Sorry, this LOB name already exists. Try using a different name.
LINE_OF_BUSINESS-506Validation error, line of business, the name field has exceeded allowed length.
LINE_OF_BUSINESS-507Database error occurred while validating LOB details.
LINE_OF_BUSINESS-508Line of business validation failed.


Error CodeMessage
LOC-001Location %d was not found
LOC-002Account %d, for location %d, was not found
LOC-003Do not have sufficient permission to location %d
LOC-004The floors occupied exceed the number of stories. Change one of these values.
LOC-005Facultative cession layer information is mandatory when reinsurance cession is Facultative
LOC-006treaty information is mandatory when reinsurance cession is treaty
LOC-007Do not have sufficient permission on given locations
LOC-008You must enter a value for at least one building or contents coverage for the combined coverage limits and deductibles to apply
LOC-009Location Business Interruption Detail ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-010Location building attribute ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-011Insufficient information to geocode the location. Please provide additional address information. The minimum required fields are: City & State, ZIP Code, OR Latitude & Longitude
LOC-012The primary building of a multi-building site cannot be deleted. To delete this building, configure it as a secondary building.
LOC-013Multiple locations with the same site name can only have 1 Primary Building selected. Only one location can be the Primary Building if multiple locations have the same site name.
LOC-014The primary building of a multi-building site cannot be modified. To modify this building, configure it as a secondary building. Modifications cannot be made to Location ID: %d
LOC-015%s cannot be assigned to secondary buildings on a multi-building campus.
LOC-016Ensure location is geocoded before running hazard lookup
LOC-017Start date should be less than or equal to Completion date
LOC-019Database error occurred while retrieving Location ID: %d
LOC-020Site Limit should be between 0 to 1e+14
LOC-021Site Deductible should be between 0 to 1e+14
LOC-022Location coverage label may not be empty and label ID should not be 0
LOC-023Invalid input. There are no locations associated with the given exposure
LOC-024Inception date should be less than or equal to Expiration date
LOC-025Location Earthquake Detail ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-026Location Windstorm Detail ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-027Location Flood Detail ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-028Location Fire Detail ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-029Location Terrorism Detail ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-030Location Tornado Detail ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-031Location coverage ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-032Location reinsurance Cession ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-033Location Workers Compensation ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-034Location condition ID: %d was not found for Location ID: %d
LOC-035Invalid input. At least one location condition should be specified.
LOC-036Location Currency code should not be null or empty.
LOC-500Database error occurred while searching locations
LOC-501Database error occurred while retrieving Location ID: %d
LOC-502Database error occurred while loading location currency information for Location ID: %d
LOC-503Database error occurred while loading parent account information for Location ID: %d
LOC-504Database error occurred while creating location
LOC-505Database error occurred while deleting Location ID: %d
LOC-506Database error occurred while updating Location ID: %d
LOC-508Database error occurred while performing bulk edit of locations under account ID: %d
LOC-512Database error occurred while checking if Location reinsurance Cession ID: %d exists for Location ID: %d
LOC-514Database error occurred while retrieving Location reinsurance Cession ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-515Database error occurred while creating location reinsurance cession for Location ID: %d
LOC-516Database error occurred while updating Location reinsurance ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-517Database error occurred while deleting Location reinsurance ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-518Database error occurred while checking if Location Earthquake details ID: %d exists
LOC-519Database error occurred while retrieving location earthquake details for Location ID: %d
LOC-520Database error occurred while retrieving Location Earthquake details ID: %d
LOC-521Database error occurred while creating location earthquake details for Location ID: %d
LOC-522Database error occurred while updating Earthquake details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-523Database error occurred while deleting Earthquake details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-524Database error occurred while checking if Location Flood details ID: %d exists
LOC-525Database error occurred while retrieving location flood details for Location ID: %d
LOC-526Database error occurred while retrieving Location Flood details ID: %d
LOC-527Database error occurred while creating location flood details for Location ID: %d
LOC-528Database error occurred while updating Flood details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-529Database error occurred while deleting Flood details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-530Database error occurred while checking if Location Fire details ID: %d exists
LOC-531Database error occurred while retrieving location fire details for Location ID: %d
LOC-532Database error occurred while retrieving Location Fire details ID: %d
LOC-533Database error occurred while creating location fire details for Location ID: %d
LOC-534Database error occurred while updating Fire details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-535Database error occurred while deleting Fire details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-536Database error occurred while checking if Location Windstorm details ID: %d exists
LOC-537Database error occurred while retrieving location windstorm details for Location ID: %d
LOC-538Database error occurred while retrieving Location Windstorm details ID: %d
LOC-539Database error occurred while creating location windstorm details for Location ID: %d
LOC-540Database error occurred while updating Windstorm details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-541Database error occurred while deleting Windstorm details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-542Database error occurred while checking if Location Tornado details ID: %d exists
LOC-543Database error occurred while retrieving location tornado details for Location ID: %d
LOC-544Database error occurred while retrieving Location Tornado details ID: %d
LOC-545Database error occurred while creating location tornado details for Location ID: %d
LOC-546Database error occurred while updating Tornado details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-547Database error occurred while deleting Tornado details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-548Database error occurred while checking if Location Terrorism details ID: %d exists
LOC-549Database error occurred while retrieving location terrorism details for Location ID: %d
LOC-550Database error occurred while retrieving Location Terrorism details ID: %d
LOC-551Database error occurred while creating location terrorism details for Location ID: %d
LOC-552Database error occurred while updating Terrorism details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-553Database error occurred while deleting Terrorism details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-554Database error occurred while checking if Location Worker Compensation details ID: %d exists
LOC-556Database error occurred while retrieving Location Worker Compensation details ID: %d
LOC-557Database error occurred while creating location worker compensation details for Location ID: %d
LOC-558Database error occurred while updating Worker Compensation details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-559Database error occurred while deleting Worker Compensation details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-560Database error occurred while checking if Location Business Interruption details ID: %d exists
LOC-562Database error occurred while retrieving Location Business Interruption details ID: %d
LOC-563Database error occurred while creating location business interruption details for Location ID: %d
LOC-564Database error occurred while updating Business Interruption details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-565Database error occurred while deleting Business Interruption details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-566Database error occurred while checking if Location coverage details ID: %d exists
LOC-567Database error occurred while checking coverage dependency for Location ID: %d
LOC-568Database error occurred while retrieving Location coverage details ID: %d
LOC-569Database error occurred while creating location coverage details for Location ID: %d
LOC-570Database error occurred while updating coverage details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-571Database error occurred while deleting coverage details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-573Database error occurred while calculating number of employees for Location ID: %d
LOC-574Database error occurred while checking if building attribute details ID: %d exists
LOC-575Database error occurred while creating building attribute details for Location ID: %d
LOC-576Database error occurred while updating building attribute details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-577Database error occurred while deleting building attribute details ID: %d
LOC-578Database error occurred while checking if Location condition details ID: %d exists for Location ID: %d
LOC-580Database error occurred while retrieving Location condition details ID: %d
LOC-581Database error occurred while creating location condition details for Location ID: %d
LOC-582Database error occurred while updating condition details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-583Database error occurred while deleting condition details ID: %d for Location ID: %d
LOC-584Database error occurred while retrieving policy conditions list by Location ID: %d
LOC-585Database error occurred while querying location information for Location ID: %d
LOC-586Error occurred while geocoding Location ID: %d
LOC-587Error occurred while geocoding Street Address: %s
LOC-588Error occurred while running hazard on Location ID: %d
LOC-589Error occurred while running hazard on Street Address: %s
LOC-590Database error occurred while checking if Construction Class valid for Building Class Scheme: %s, Building Class: %s
LOC-591Database error occurred while checking if Occupancy Type valid for Occupancy Type Scheme: %s, Occupancy Type: %s
LOC-592Database error occurred while checking if MSB Construction Class valid for Building Class Scheme: %s, Building Class: %s
LOC-593Database error occurred while retrieving Construction Code for Building Class Scheme: %s, Building Class: %s
LOC-594Database error occurred while retrieving MSB Construction Code for ATC Constriction Code: %s
LOC-595Database error occurred while retrieving Occupancy Code for Occupancy Type Scheme: %s, Occupancy Type
LOC-596Database error occurred while retrieving Location IDs for the AccountId: %d
LOC-601Database error occurred while checking if location is primary building for Multi-Building campus for Location ID: %d
LOC-602Database error occurred while getting count of secondary buildings for Multi-Building campus for Location ID: %d
LOC-603Database error occurred while checking if location is secondary building for Multi-Building campus for Location ID: %d
LOC-604Database error occurred while checking if site name is unique
LOC-605Database error occurred while retrieving site names for account ID: %d
LOC-606Database error occurred while back filling policy conditions for Location ID: %d and condition ID: %d
LOC-607MSB security token authorization failure
LOC-608Error occurred while updating the enhanced building attributes for ESDB
LOC-609Multiple Combined coverage entries on a location are not allowed for a single peril
LOC-610Database error occurred while updating condition details for Location ID: %d
LOC-611%s %d not found for location condition
LOC-613Location ID %d for property does not exist
LOC-614Duplicate Location ID %s found in input
LOC-615Invalid Occupancy type scheme provided for Worker Compensation details
LOC-616Location ID: %d and building attribute ID: %d provided should be equal
LOC-617Address ID: %d provided for property is invalid for operationType: %s
LOC-618Duplicate Location ID: %d and condition ID: %d found in input
LOC-619Invalid location %s yearBuilt: %s. Value provided must be between %d and %d
LOC-620Invalid location. Property and Address field cannot be null
LOC-621Invalid location. Location Number cannot be null or empty.
LOC-622%s cannot be greater than zero during location creation
LOC-623%s details already exist for location ID: %d


Error CodeMessage
MAP-001Credentials are required to access this resource
MAP-002There aren't any locations or address details for latitude and longitude are missing!


Error CodeMessage
MAP-PERSPECTIVE-001The source perspective code %s is invalid. Please check that your request specifies a valid perspective.
MAP-PERSPECTIVE-002The target perspective code %s is invalid. Please check that your request specifies a valid perspective.
MAP-PERSPECTIVE-003Sorry, we encountered an error on our end while mapping perspective for analysis ID %d. Contact Support at [email protected].
MAP-PERSPECTIVE-004Sorry, the target and source perspectives cannot be the same. Enter a target perspective different than the source perspective.
MAP-PERSPECTIVE-005Sorry, perspective mapping is not supported for this analysis. Please enter a non HD or non-simulated DLM analysis ID.
MAP-PERSPECTIVE-006Sorry, you can map perspective only for portfolio or aggregate portfolio analyses.
MAP-PERSPECTIVE-007Sorry, you can not perform map perspective on %s engine sub type.


Error CodeMessage
MARGINAL-IMPACT-001Invalid argument for %s
MARGINAL-IMPACT-002Sorry, we encountered an error while submitting the Marginal Impact job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
MARGINAL-IMPACT-003Sorry, you can perform marginal impact on %s engine type(s) only.
MARGINAL-IMPACT-004Sorry, you can perform marginal impact on %s output type(s) only.
MARGINAL-IMPACT-005The analysis is using unsupported exposure types. The reference analysis can be a portfolio or group. The marginal impact analysis can be an account.
MARGINAL-IMPACT-006We were unable to find the exposure used while generating the input analysis. %s.
MARGINAL-IMPACT-007Sorry, you can not perform marginal impact on %s engine sub type.


RDM metadata errors.
|Error Code |Message|
|METADATA-001|Error occurred while inserting a record in rdm metadata for analysis ID : %d|
|METADATA-002|Sorry, this could be an error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.|
|METADATA-003|Database error occurred while deleting records for the analysis ID : %d|
|METADATA-004|Database error occurred while populating rdm analysis regions hd table for tenant ID: %s|
|METADATA-005|Database error occurred while reading total count of rdm analysis regions records for tenant ID: %s|
|METADATA-006|Database error occurred while reading analysis IDs for data clean up for tenant ID: %s|


Error CodeMessage
MGMT-001Request is missing property: %s
MGMT-002Unable to acquire service name
MGMT-003Error reading properties file
MGMT-004Conflicting operation in-progress
MGMT-005Invalid DB Key
MGMT-006Can not delete currently active DB server
MGMT-007S3 error while copying results schema to tenant loss bucket
MGMT-008Tenant not found
MGMT-010Failed to retrieve tenant entitlements
MGMT-011Database error reading tenant package with packageId: %s
MGMT-012Error reading tenant entitlement for tenant: %s
MGMT-013Failed to retrieve EDMs
MGMT-014Failed to lock EDM
MGMT-015Failed to unlock EDM
MGMT-016Failed to retrieve tenant db migration sub task
MGMT-017Failed to retrieve tenant db migration edm status
MGMT-018Failed to update tenant db migration sub task
MGMT-019Failed to insert tenant db migration sub task
MGMT-020Failed to update tenant db migration edm status
MGMT-021Failed to insert tenant db migration edm status
MGMT-022Failed to update database connection string
MGMT-023Failed to get engine input
MGMT-024Failed to do backup operation on database: %s
MGMT-025Failed to do restore operation on database: %s
MGMT-026Failed to retrieve Data Bridge notification status
MGMT-027Failed to update Data Bridge notification sub task
MGMT-028Failed to insert Data Bridge notification sub task
MGMT-029Failed to get Data Bridge notification sub task
MGMT-030Tenant is missing the required package entitlement for: %s
MGMT-031The provided task ID does not belong to this tenant
MGMT-032The previous call to delete this tenant did not complete successfully. Please re-run the tenant delete before attempting to re-onboard.
MGMT-033There was an error while creating event info database %s
MGMT-034There was an error while restoring geohazard database %s to server %s
MGMT-035There was an error while creating the geohazard database restore task for ID %s
MGMT-036Failed to add common bucket IAM role to server %d for tenant %s
MGMT-037Failed to upgrade RDS server %s for tenant %s
MGMT-038Failed to get validation result for DB type: %s, tenantId: %s
MGMT-039Validations failed on Tenant DB: %s, tenantId: %s
MGMT-040Can not upgrade tenant app : %s for tenantId: %s. Please check if the tenant app onboarded successfully.


|MP-001|Sorry, we could not submit this analysis. To resolve this issue, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].|
|MP-002|Sorry, we encountered an error processing the input you provided for running this analysis. Validate the input and try again. Contact Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.|
|MP-003|Sorry, this could be an error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.|


Error CodeMessage
PARQUET2RDM-001Could not parse URL, reason %s
PARQUET2RDM-002Sorry, we cannot process this job because a job on analysis ID %s is already running. Wait for the job to finish before you run this new job
PARQUET2RDM-003Unable to acquire lock
PARQUET2RDM-004Sorry, something is wrong with this data submitted for RDM download. Check the properties and format of the results data and try again. If this still does not work, contact Moody's RMS Support
PARQUET2RDM-006Sorry, download of these results will not work right now. It could be that post-analysis treaty editing is being performed on these results. Wait and try again.
PARQUET2RDM-007Sorry, we encountered an error while creating the export RDM job. Try again. If this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support.


Error CodeMessage
PATE-001PATE ID in URL and body must match
PATE-002Database error occurred while creating pate with treaty number: %s
PATE-003Database error occurred while updating pate with pateId: %d
PATE-004Database error occurred while deleting pate with pateId: %d
PATE-005Database error occurred while getting a list of pate treaties
PATE-006Database error occurred while deleting a list of pate treaties
PATE-007treaty number %s already exists. Check if new added treaties having a valid (unique) treaty number and an occurrence limit greater than zero.
PATE-008Database error occurred while retrieving a list of pate lobs with treatyId: %d
PATE-009Analysis ID %d is not valid for post-analysis treaty editing. Check that the exposure type is portfolio or aggportfolio and the analysis type is EP.
PATE-010Cannot delete treaty with type: %s
PATE-011Invalid Operation type for treaty ID: %d
PATE-013Database error occurred while deleting pate treaties in a batch for analysis ID: %d
PATE-014We cannot process this job because a job on this result is already running.
PATE-015Database error occurred while acquiring lock
PATE-016Database error occurred while updating lock metadata
PATE-017Attempt to acquire lock failed. Lock has been acquired by a different process.
PATE-018We cannot process this job because you have not made any changes.
PATE-019Database error occurred while checking PATE records for analysis ID: %d
PATE-020TenantId was not available from thread context for operations on pate treaties
PATE-021A group of PATE treaties cannot be deleted because one of the treaties is marked not for deletion
PATE-022Database error occurred while retrieving treaty type
PATE-023Sorry, you've provided an invalid operationType for one of the input properties. INSERT is valid operationType for insert property. DELETE is valid operationType for delete property. UPDATE is valid operationType for update property.
PATE-024Sorry, looks like the treatyID is missing or invalid. For delete and update properties, treatyID must be greater than zero.
PATE-025Sorry, looks like the input for running PATE on an analysis is missing or invalid. Please provide a valid input for the request.
PATE-026Sorry, looks like the input for running PATE on an analysis is invalid. For insert property, the treatyID must be zero.
PATE-027Use only positive numbers for the hours clause. Negative numbers are not supported.
PATE-028Do not include radius clauses for treaties added post analysis. They are not supported.
PATE-029treaty type cannot be blank. Enter one of the following treaty types: Catastrophe, Corporate, Stop Loss
PATE-030Sorry, you can not perform PATE on %s engine sub type.
PATE-031Database error occurred while getting patetreatyid for treatyid: %d.
PATE-032Performing post-analysis treaty editing on these results is not supported because they are from an uploaded RDM with HD results from earthquake or terrorism HD analyses.
PATE-033List of treaties attached post-analysis is invalid. One of the treaties either doesn't exist or is not associated with the analysis. Check the treaty IDs and try again.
PATE-034Analysis or group IDs provided in input are not valid for post-analysis treaty editing. Please check the analysis or group IDs and try again.


Error CodeMessage
PLATFORM-001Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the currency scheme. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-002Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the event rate scheme. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-003Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the event rates. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-004Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the model profile. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-005Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the output profile. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-006Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the ALM profiles. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-007Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the default ALM profiles. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-008Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the footprint event. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-009Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the currency vintage. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-010Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the default event rate schemes. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-011Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the cost severity scheme. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-012Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the cost severity averages. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-013Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the cost severity CVs. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-014Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the model region hierarchy. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-015Sorry, the currency scheme is invalid. Specify a valid currency and try again.
PLATFORM-016Sorry, the model profile is invalid. Specify a valid model profile and try again.
PLATFORM-017Sorry, the output profile is invalid. Specify a valid output profile and try again.
PLATFORM-018Sorry, the footprint event is invalid. Specify a valid footprint event and try again.
PLATFORM-019Sorry, the currency vintage is invalid. Specify a valid currency and try again.
PLATFORM-020Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to find the simulation set. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-021Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the simulation set. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-022Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the event loss adjustment scheme. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-023Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the PET Metadata. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
PLATFORM-024Sorry, something might be wrong at our end. We failed to load the Currency Metadata. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.


PORT errors are returned for resources in the Portfolios collection.

Error CodeMessage
PORT-001We could not find portfolio %d in this EDM.
PORT-004No geocoded locations exist in portfolio with ID %d and number %s. Geocode this portfolio before you run an analysis.
PORT-401Select at least one account to add to or remove from the portfolio.
PORT-402Sorry, we cannot process the input. Please do not include null values in accountsToAdd and accountsToRemove collections.
PORT-500Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-501Sorry, we encountered an error checking if portfolio %d exists. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-502Sorry, we encountered an error creating this portfolio. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-504Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving information about portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-505Sorry, we encountered an error deleting portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-506Sorry, we encountered an error saving the changes for portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-508Sorry, we encountered an error copying portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-511Sorry, we encountered an error searching for portfolios. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-512Database error occurred while fetching number of exposures for exposure type: PORTFOLIO.
PORT-514Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving geocoding information for one or more locations in portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-515Sorry, we encountered an error retrieving total number of accounts in portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-534Geocode Portfolio failed for portfolio ID: %d.
PORT-539Database error occurred while managing accounts to portfolio ID: %d
PORT-540You cannot add and remove the same account for portfolio: %d.
PORT-541Sorry, we encountered an error searching accounts for portfolio %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-542Sorry, we encountered an error converting currencies for portfolio with ID: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
PORT-543More than one location in portfolio %d has latitude %f and longitude %f. Two locations in a portfolio cannot have the same coordinates.
PORT-544No locations in portfolio %d have latitude %f and longitude %f. Check the coordinates or regeocode the portfolio.
PORT-548You cannot analyze a portfolio with more than 1M accounts if the output profile specifies loss table output at the contract granularity.
PORT-549Duplicate portfolio ID %s found in input.
PORT-550Validation failed. Accounts count to add/remove to/from portfolio exceeds the limit %d.
PORT-551Sorry, we encountered an error converting currencies for portfolio with ID: %d due to invalid values in the specified currency scheme. Please verify your currency scheme and try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.


policy error messages.
|Error Code |Message|
|POL-000|Sorry, looks like something might be wrong at our end. Try this again, and if it still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected].
|POL-001|policy %d was not found
|POL-002|User does not have sufficient permissions on policy ID: %d
|POL-003|policy Effective date must be less than policy Expiration Date.
|POL-004|Facultative cession layer information is mandatory when reinsurance cession is Facultative
|POL-005|treaty information is mandatory when reinsurance cession is treaty
|POL-006|policy coverage ID: %d for policy %d was not found
|POL-007|policy reinsurance Cession ID: %d for policy %d was not found
|POL-008|policy condition ID: %d for policy %d was not found
|POL-009|policy Criteria ID: %d for policy condition ID: %d was not found
|POL-010|Condition ID: %d was not found
|POL-011|Parent account ID: %d was not found for policy ID: %d
|POL-013|policy %s is required
|POL-014|%s may not be null
|POL-500|Database error occurred while retrieving policy ID: %d
|POL-501|Database error occurred while checking if policy ID: %d exists
|POL-502|Database error occurred while creating policy, reason: %s
|POL-503|Database error occurred while retrieving policy by link ID: %s
|POL-504|Database error occurred while retrieving policy metrics for policy ID: %d
|POL-505|Database error occurred while deleting policy ID: %d
|POL-506|Database error occurred while updating policy, reason: %s
|POL-507|Database error occurred while retrieving countries covered by policy ID: %d
|POL-508|Database error occurred while copying policy ID: %d
|POL-509|Database error occurred while mapping policy ID %d with user %d
|POL-510|Database error occurred while saving policy details for policy ID: %d
|POL-511|Database error occurred while searching policies
|POL-512|Database error occurred while checking policy permissions for policy ID: %d
|POL-514|Database error occurred while retrieving location coordinates covered by policy ID: %d
|POL-515|Database error occurred while loading parent account information for policy ID: %d
|POL-516|Database error occurred while loading policy currency information for policy ID: %d
|POL-517|Database error occurred while performing bulk edit of policies under account ID: %d
|POL-518|Database error occurred while checking if policy coverage ID: %d exists for policy ID: %d
|POL-519|Database error occurred while retrieving policy coverages for policy ID: %d
|POL-520|Database error occurred while retrieving policy coverage ID: %d
|POL-521|Database error occurred while creating policy coverage for policy ID: %d
|POL-522|Database error occurred while updating policy coverage ID: %d for policy ID: %d
|POL-523|Database error occurred while deleting policy coverage ID: %d
|POL-524|Database error occurred while checking if policy reinsurance Cession ID: %d exists for policy ID: %d
|POL-525|Database error occurred while retrieving policy reinsurance cessions for policy ID: %d
|POL-526|Database error occurred while retrieving policy reinsurance Cession ID: %d for policy ID: %d
|POL-527|Database error occurred while creating policy reinsurance cession for policy ID: %d
|POL-528|Database error occurred while updating policy reinsurance ID: %d for policy ID: %d
|POL-529|Database error occurred while deleting policy reinsurance ID: %d for policy ID: %d
|POL-530|Database error occurred while checking if policy condition ID: %d exists for policy ID: %d
|POL-531|Database error occurred while checking if policy condition ID: %d exists
|POL-532|Database error occurred while retrieving policy conditions for policy ID: %d
|POL-533|Database error occurred while retrieving policy condition ID: %d
|POL-534|Database error occurred while creating policy condition for policy ID: %d
|POL-535|Database error occurred while updating policy condition ID: %d for policy ID: %d
|POL-536|Database error occurred while deleting policy condition ID: %d
|POL-537|Database error occurred while checking if policy condition Criteria ID: %d exists for condition ID: %d
|POL-538|Database error occurred while retrieving policy condition criterias for condition ID: %d
|POL-539|Database error occurred while retrieving policy condition Criteria ID: %d for condition ID: %d
|POL-540|Database error occurred while retrieving condition criteria list by condition ID: %d
|POL-541|Database error occurred while creating policy condition criteria for condition ID: %d
|POL-542|Database error occurred while updating policy condition Criteria ID: %d for condition ID: %d
|POL-543|Database error occurred while deleting policy condition Criteria ID: %d for condition ID: %d
|POL-544|Database error occurred while getting policy condition count for policy ID: %d for condition type: %d
|POL-545|Error occurred. Only one policy Restriction allowed per policy for policy ID: %d
|POL-546|Database error occurred while checking condition name: %s is unique for policy ID: %d
|POL-547|The condition names must be unique within each policy
|POL-548|Condition can't have parent condition which is child of another condition
|POL-549|Database error occurred while getting list of policy conditions for account ID: %d
|POL-550|Database error occurred while back filling policy conditions for condition ID: %d
|POL-553|Invalid input. Line of business does not exist
|POL-554|Database error occurred while retrieving policy conditions list
|POL-555|Database error occurred while retrieving policy conditions metrics for condition ID: %d
|POL-556|policy coverage label may not be empty and label ID should be valid
|POL-557|policy condition name may not be null or empty
|POL-558|Illegal policy condition type id
|POL-559|Condition cannot have an empty parent condition
|POL-560|Duplicate policy ID %s found in input
|POL-561|policy condition name exceeds the allowed length


Error CodeMessage
PRODUCER-401Database error occurred, producer does not exists
PRODUCER-501Database error occurred while loading producers, reason : %s
PRODUCER-502Database error occurred while creating producer, reason : %s
PRODUCER-503Database error occurred while updating producer with ID: %s, reason : %s
PRODUCER-504Database error occurred while deleting producer with ID: %s, reason : %s
PRODUCER-505Database error occurred duplicate producer, producer already exists
PRODUCER-506Validation error, producer ID cannot be null or empty.
PRODUCER-508Validation error, producer, some of the String field has exceeded allowed length.


Profiles errors.

Error CodeMessage
PRO-001Invalid value: %s, passed for category parameter
PRO-500Database Error occurred while retrieving model profiles
PRO-501Error occurred while retrieving service information for driver: %s


Error CodeMessage
REINS_CESSION-001Layer Number should be between 1 and 99
REINS_CESSION-002Priority should be between 1 and 127
REINS_CESSION-003treaty ID must be greater than zero when reinsurance cession type provided is %s
REINS_CESSION-004FacReinsurer ID must not be null or blank when reinsurance cession type provided is %s


Error CodeMessage
RENAME-001Attempt to acquire lock failed. Lock has been acquired by a different process.
RENAME-002We cannot process this job because a job on this result is already running.
RENAME-003Sorry, we encountered an error while running rename-analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still does not work.
RENAME-004Invalid argument for %s
RENAME-005Sorry, the new analysis name format is invalid


Error CodeMessage
RERUN-EP-001Invalid argument for %s
RERUN-EP-002Unable to retrieve metadata for %s
RERUN-EP-003Sorry, you can recalculate EP metrics on %s engine type(s) only. Enter a non-HD or non-simulated DLM analysis ID
RERUN-EP-004Unsupported analysis type. Rerun Ep is only supported on %s analysis type(s)
RERUN-EP-005Sorry, we encountered an error while submitting the rerun Ep job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
RERUN-EP-006Sorry, you can not perform Rerun Ep on %s engine sub type.
RERUN-EP-007Unsupported exposure type. Rerun Ep is not supported for account analyses.


Error CodeMessage
REPORT-001Sorry, we encountered an error searching for reports. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
REPORT-002Sorry, we encountered an error creating this report. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
REPORT-003Sorry, the exposure type %s is not valid for search reports. Valid exposure types are ACCOUNT and PORTFOLIO.
REPORT-004Sorry, we encountered an error while processing the data submitted for the reports. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
REPORT-005Sorry, we can't find Report ID: %s for EDM: %s. Either it doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.
REPORT-006Sorry, we encountered an error while updating the report information. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.


Error CodeMessage
RETENTION-501Database error occurred while creating data retention
RETENTION-502Database error occurred while retrieving expired data retentions
RETENTION-503Database error occurred while archiving data retention


Resource group errors.

|RG-001|Sorry, this could be an error on our end. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.|
|RG-002|You cannot run the API call because you cannot access the Risk Modeler default resource group. Check with your Intelligent Risk Platform administrator to find out if there is a default resource group for Risk Modeler and ensure you have access to it.|
|RG-003|The resource group ID %s is invalid. Please check and try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.|
|RG-004|The resource group ID not provided in request header. Please check and try again.|
|RG-005|The provided resource group ID %s cannot be used with this API. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.|
|RG-006|Sorry, you cannot perform this operation because you don't have to access to job resource group.|


Error CodeMessage
S2S-001Missing S2S token


Error CodeMessage
SERVER_INFO-500Failed to find the requested server info
SERVER_INFO-501Failed to insert new server info record
SERVER_INFO-502Failed to update server info record
SERVER_INFO-503Failed to find server info records for tenant
SERVER_INFO-504Failed to find server info records for tenant namespace %s
SERVER_INFO-505Failed to delete server info record
SERVER_INFO-506The server name %s that you provided doesn't match an existing server name. Check the server name for misspellings and try again.
SERVER_INFO-507Invalid Operator or expression in condition %s. Please check the query and try again.
SERVER_INFO-508The server ID %d that you provided doesn't match an existing server ID. Check the server ID and try again.


Error CodeMessage
SETUP-500Failed to read from setup jobs table.
SETUP-501Failed to insert data into setup jobs table.


Error CodeMessage
SIMULATE-LOSSES-001We encountered an error retrieving the simulation set with ID %d. Try again. If this still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support.
SIMULATE-LOSSES-002Sorry, we encountered an error while simulating ELT to PLT for this analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
SIMULATE-LOSSES-003You cannot simulate these ELT-based results to a PLT because the analysis type is invalid. The results must be for individual (not group), DLM, portfolio-level, EP analyses.
SIMULATE-LOSSES-004You cannot simulate these results from ELT- to PLT-based results because these results have already been simulated to a PLT.
SIMULATE-LOSSES-005Enter a valid value greater than zero for the event rate scheme ID for the selected DLM analysis.
SIMULATE-LOSSES-006Enter a valid value greater than zero for the simulation set ID for the selected DLM analysis.
SIMULATE-LOSSES-007Enter a valid value greater than zero for the simulation periods for the selected DLM analysis.
SIMULATE-LOSSES-008You have entered an invalid simulation set ID for the peril model region. See the Simulation Set table in Risk Modeler Reference Data for a list of valid IDs.


Error CodeMessage
SMTP-500SMTP host was not found
SMTP-501SMTP port was not found
SMTP-502Invalid SMTP credentials


Error CodeMessage
STEPPOL-000Sorry, looks like something might be wrong at our end. Try this again, and if it still doesn't work, contact Moody's RMS Support at
STEPPOL-001Step policy Effective date must be less than Step policy Expiration Date.
STEPPOL-002Step policy %d was not found
STEPPOL-003Parent account ID: %d was not found for Step policy ID: %d
STEPPOL-004User does not have sufficient permissions on Step policy ID: %d
STEPPOL-500Database error occurred while updating Step policy ID: %d
STEPPOL-501Database error occurred while creating Step policy
STEPPOL-502Database error occurred while retrieving Step policy ID: %d
STEPPOL-503Database error occurred while loading parent account information for Step policy ID: %d
STEPPOL-504Database error occurred while deleting Step policy ID: %d
STEPPOL-505Database error occurred while searching policies
STEPPOL-506Database error occurred while copying Step policy ID: %d
STEPPOL-507Step order ID %d received for creation already exists
STEPPOL-508Maximum step order ID %s exceeded
STEPPOL-509Duplicate Step policy ID %s found in input


Error CodeMessage
STEP-TOOL-001Invalid argument for %s
STEP-TOOL-002Must include at least one analysis
STEP-TOOL-003Sorry, we encountered an error while submitting the Step-Tool job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
STEP-TOOL-004Unsupported analyses %s. Only DLM Portfolio EP and ALM analyses are supported.


Error CodeMessage
TENANT-001Could not parse URL, reason %s
TENANT-002Tenant file was not found
TENANT-003Tenant file cannot be read
TENANT-004Tenant ID in the request does not match with the token details
TENANT-005Database error occurred while retrieving RDM names
TENANT-006The key %s does not have correct db properties format
TENANT-007The key %s already exists in the database
TENANT-008The property(s) are missing the primary key
TENANT-009The EDM db already exists
TENANT-011Invalid EDM database type
TENANT-012Database error occurred while adding edm db properties
TENANT-013The tenant edm keys do not match
TENANT-014The sql server db should have this format %s
TENANT-015Database error occurred while retrieving tenant database information for tenant ID %s
TENANT-016Database credentials cannot be null or empty
TENANT-017Given destination database credentials are invalid. Could not connect to the database.
TENANT-018Given source database credentials do not match with system's database credentials
TENANT-019Source and destination database servers cannot be same
TENANT-020This feature is not enabled for your organization: %s. Contact your RMS Account Manager about enabling this.
TENANT-021This feature is not supported for tenants with UDS support enabled.
TENANT-022RDS server %s already exists
TENANT-023DB server migration allowed only between RDS server


Error CodeMessage
TREATY-001treaty with ID: %d was not found
TREATY-002treaty with ID: %d and Line of business with ID:%d was not found
TREATY-401treaty Effective date cannot be null or empty
TREATY-402treaty Expire date cannot be null or empty
TREATY-403Invalid treaty effective date format. Expected: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
TREATY-404Invalid treaty expire date format. Expected: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
TREATY-405treaty expiry date cannot be before effective date
TREATY-406An hours clause is required before you add a radius clause
TREATY-410Some of the selected treaties are not applicable to the given exposure. Please select applicable treaties and try again.
TREATY-411Aggregate Limit and Aggregate Deductible are not applicable for non-portfolio treaties.
TREATY-500Database error occurred while checking loading treaties for Exposure type:%s and treaty type:%s
TREATY-501Database error occurred while loading treaty with treatyId: %d
TREATY-502Database error occurred while checking loading policy level treaties for account ID:%d and policy ID:%d
TREATY-503Database error occurred while checking loading location level treaties for account ID:%d
TREATY-504Database error occurred while creating new treaty with name: %s
TREATY-505Database error occurred while updating treaty with treatyId: %d
TREATY-506Database error occurred while deleting treaty with treatyId: %d
TREATY-507Database error occurred while searching treaties with optional filters
TREATY-508Database error occurred while saving treaty lob with treaty ID: %d
TREATY-509Database error occurred while deleting treaty lob with treaty ID: %d
TREATY-510Database error occurred while get treaty lob with treaty ID: %d
TREATY-511Database error occurred while checking if treaty ID: %d exists
TREATY-512Database error occurred while checking if treaty ID: %d and Line of business with ID: %d exists
TREATY-513treaty with ID: %d and Line of business with ID: %d already exists
TREATY-514Database error occurred duplicate treaty; treaty already exists
TREATY-515Database error occurred while creating treaty with number: %s, reason : cedant with ID: %s was not found
TREATY-516Database error occurred while creating treaty with Number: %s, reason : Producer with ID: %s was not found
TREATY-517Sorry, we encountered an error converting currencies for treaty with ID: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
TREATY-518Invalid treaty Number
TREATY-519Covered percentage must be between 0 and 100
TREATY-520Placed percentage must be between 0 and 100
TREATY-521Share percentage must be between 0 and 100
TREATY-522Retention percentage must be between 0 and 100
TREATY-523Reinstatement Charge Percentage must be between 0 and 1000
TREATY-524Per risk limit must be a positive number
TREATY-525Occurrence limit must be a positive number
TREATY-526Attachment point must be a positive number
TREATY-527Premium must be a positive number
TREATY-528Number of reinstatements must be between 0 and 99
TREATY-529Invalid treaty Type
TREATY-530Inuring priority must be between 1 and 127
TREATY-531Invalid attachment basis
TREATY-532Invalid exposure level
TREATY-533Invalid exposure level for Quota Share treaty type
TREATY-534Invalid exposure level for Working Excess treaty type
TREATY-535Invalid Exposure Level for Surplus Share treaty type
TREATY-536Invalid treaty Name
TREATY-537Database error occurred while getting all treaty lobs
TREATY-538Occurrence Limit must be greater than zero
TREATY-540Error occurred while inserting a rdm treaty mapping data for ID %d
TREATY-541Error occurred while fetching the edm treaty ID mapping data for ID %d
TREATY-542Database error occurred while loading next treaty ID
TREATY-543Database error occurred while checking if treaty Number: %s exists
TREATY-544Database error occurred while checking if treaty with ID: %d and Number: %s exists
TREATY-545Error occurred because the cat treaty: %d does not exist
TREATY-546Aggregate Deductible must be greater than or equal to zero
TREATY-547Aggregate Limit must be greater than or equal to zero
TREATY-548Sorry, we encountered an error copying treaty with treatyId: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
TREATY-549Sorry, we encountered an error getting list of loss occurrences for treatyId: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
TREATY-550Sorry, we encountered an error getting loss occurrence with ID: %d for treaty with treatyId: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
TREATY-551Sorry, we encountered an error inserting loss occurrence for treatyId: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
TREATY-552Sorry, we encountered an error updating loss occurrence with ID: %d for treaty with treatyId: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
TREATY-553Sorry, we encountered an error deleting loss occurrence with ID: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
TREATY-554Sorry, we encountered an error getting treaties for analysis. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
TREATY-555Inuring Priority must be 1 or 2
TREATY-556Sorry, we encountered an error getting treaties for aggregate portfolio ID: %d. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
TREATY-557Database error occurred while checking if treaties are present for analysis ID(s): %s
TREATY-558Sorry, we encountered a database error while inserting the LOB(s) of treaties for treaty ID: %d
TREATY-559Sorry, we encountered a database error while fetching the LOB(s) for treaty ID: %d
TREATY-560Database error occurred while fetching number of exposures for exposure type: TREATY.
TREATY-561treaty currency code cannot be null or empty.
TREATY-562Duplicate treaty number found in input.
TREATY-563Duplicate treaty ID %s found in input.
TREATY-564treaty Number %s already exists for treaty ID %s.
TREATY-565Database error occurred while converting currency of treaty with ID: %d due to invalid values in the specified currency scheme. Please verify your currency scheme and try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.


Error CodeMessage
UNDERWRITER-401Database error occurred, underwriter does not exist
UNDERWRITER-402Database error occurred while loading underwriters, reason : %s
UNDERWRITER-502Database error occurred while creating underwriter, reason : %s
UNDERWRITER-503Database error occurred while updating underwriter with ID: %d, reason : %s
UNDERWRITER-504Database error occurred while deleting underwriter with ID: %d, reason : %s
UNDERWRITER-505Database error occurred duplicate underwriter, underwriter already exists
UNDERWRITER-508Validation error, underwriter, the name field has exceeded allowed length.
UNDERWRITER-509Database error occurred while checking if underwriter exists : reason %s


Data Bridge error messages.

Error CodeMessage
UNIFIED-DATA-STORE-001Database error occurred: %s
UNIFIED-DATA-STORE-002Failed to create database. %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
UNIFIED-DATA-STORE-003Failed to restore database. %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
UNIFIED-DATA-STORE-004Failed to delete database. %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
UNIFIED-DATA-STORE-005Failed to attach database. %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.
UNIFIED-DATA-STORE-006Failed to backup database. %s. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support at [email protected] if this still doesn't work.


Error CodeMessage
UPLOAD-001Could not parse URL, reason %s
UPLOAD-002ImportSource could not be found upload ID: %s
UPLOAD-003Data source name already exists
UPLOAD-004MDF File upload operation not permitted on RDS DB Store
UPLOAD-005Upload ID %s is not valid. It should be in UUID format.
UPLOAD-006Server name can't be empty for import rdm from DB server
UPLOAD-007Invalid server name %s for import rdm from DB server.


Error CodeMessage
UTIL-501An error occurred while writing the object as json
UTIL-502An error occurred converting the object


Error CodeMessage
VER-001Database error occurred while retrieving version, reason : %s


Error CodeMessage
WORKERSCOMP-401Database error occurred, injury cost scheme does not exists
WORKERSCOMP-502Database error occurred while saving injury cost scheme for database with ID: %d


Error CodeMessage
WORKFLOW-400The quota for the user-defined workflow should not exceed the tenant's Quota entitlements
WORKFLOW-401The workflow DAG should define at least one operation
WORKFLOW-402The workflow DAG should have no-cycles
WORKFLOW-403Each label in the workflow should be unique identifying single operation
WORKFLOW-404Invalid batch API input
WORKFLOW-405Failed to trigger batch API job
WORKFLOW-406This workflow uses an invalid dependency labels %s. Check that all the 'dependsOn' statements refer to valid labels
WORKFLOW-407This workflow uses an invalid operation. Check that all operations has an input field
WORKFLOW-408This workflow uses an invalid operation %s. Valid operations are geohaz, process, group or a valid Risk Modeler API URL
WORKFLOW-409Operation %s contains invalid ID: %s. ID must be greater than or equal to 1.
WORKFLOW-501Workflow service returned an error while submitting workflow ID: %s, reason : %s
WORKFLOW-502Workflow service returned an error while submitting workflow: %s
WORKFLOW-503Failed to get status for workflow ID: %s
WORKFLOW-504Failed to get detail for workflow ID: %s
WORKFLOW-505Failed to save result for workflow ID: %s
WORKFLOW-506Failed to cancel workflow ID: %s
WORKFLOW-507Failed to get list of workflows
WORKFLOW-508Invalid date format: %s
WORKFLOW-509Invalid status parameter: %s
WORKFLOW-510Invalid workflow type parameter: %s
WORKFLOW-511Invalid workflow ID: %s
WORKFLOW-512Invalid sort attributes: %s
WORKFLOW-513Invalid date, from date cannot be greater than to date
WORKFLOW-514Failed to get the list of users: %s
WORKFLOW-515Status for workflow ID %s is %s. You cannot cancel a job with this status.
WORKFLOW-516Failed to get tenant queues
WORKFLOW-517Failed to create tenant queue
WORKFLOW-518Sorry, we encountered an error trying to get the workflow. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
WORKFLOW-519Sorry, we encountered an error trying to get the job. Try again, and contact Moody's RMS Support if this still does not work.
WORKFLOW-520No workflow exists for client ID: %s
WORKFLOW-521Sorry, we cannot process the input. The type parameter is required if any of the operations use the enum values of process, geohaz or group.
WORKFLOW-522Failed to upload %s body to S3.
WORKFLOW-523Failed to get job input from S3: %s
WORKFLOW-524Failed to create clean up task: %s