Get workflow or operation

Returns information about the specified workflow job or workflow operation.

Risk Modeler manages expensive or long-running processes as workflow jobs that are added to the workflow engine for processing. Risk Modeler supports both standard workflows and user-defined workflows.

  • A standard workflow is a time-consuming process that is managed by the workflow engine (e.g. creation of core objects, running reports, or risk analysis). Risk Modeler supports many different types of workflows that are identified by their type, e.g. ANALYTICS_JOB, DELETE_ACCOUNT.
  • A user-defined workflow is a custom workflow that defines a series of workflow jobs called operations that are processed in order. Four types of workflow operations are supported: geohaz, group, process, and batch. User-defined workflows are identified by a user-defined name.


The required id path parameter may identify either a workflow job or an operation within a user-defined worfklow.

To retrieve information about a standard workflow job, specify a workflow ID in the endpoint path:


To retrieve information about a workflow operation, specify a operation ID in the endpoint path and the workflow ID of user-defined workflow using the parent query parameter:


An operation is the child of a parent user-defined workflow


A successful response returns the Workflow object, which provides detailed information about this workflow job including the submitTime, startTime, type, job details, and its status:


Once the job is complete (FINISHED), the response may display a URL that enables the client to download the product of the job. The following job types produce database artifacts and export those artifacts to a storage bucket on Amazon S3:DOWNLOAD_EDM, DOWNLOAD_RDM, DOWNLOAD_LOCATION_RESULTS, DOWNLOAD_RESULTS, and EDM2EDM jobs.


Download Link Security

Download Link Security is an optional feature that restricts access to the download links returned by this resource.

If enabled, the response will only display download links if the principal requesting information about a job is the principal that originally submitted the job itself.

To enable, contact your Customer Success Manager and request that Moody's RMS implement Download Link Security for your Risk Modeler tenant.
