
The Domain API enables consumers to read and write reference data to and from reference tables in three RMS domains: the rms domain, the client domain, and the common domain.

A domain is a collection of reference data that defines the range of possible definitions for application entities. Reference data includes lookup data and application configuration data that is stored in a central repository [reference tables] for ease of access and maintenance.

The domain defines who owns the reference data, how that data is populated and updated, and who can read and write to the reference tables within each domain.

The Domain API enables consumers to retrieve reference data at domain-level, tablespace-level, and entity-level or to directly search for reference data by entity value and filtering criteria.

 └── tablespace
      └── entities
           ├── hazards
           │     ├── jsonfield (QP)
           │     └── tags (QP)
           ├── meta
           │     └── tags (QP)
           ├── secondaryModifiers
           │     ├── jsonfield (QP)
           │     └── tags (QP)
           └── values
                ├── attributeName (QP)
                ├── tags (QP)
                └── fields (QP)

You may traverse domains, tablespaces, and entities or to directly search by entity value.

Using Domain API services and query parameters, you may request, filter, and sort data imported into these reference tables.

"The attributes are stored at the portfolio level. Metadata tags are useful for sorting data and for filtering in the Directory." The values for most of the fields are controlled by Domain Data tables. Row-specific data or all metadata and schema related to Domain tables can also be retrieved through Get calls. Row-specific data can also be marked inactive with a Delete call."