Create analysis group

Creates an analysis group (v2) consisting of DLM analysis results, HD analysis results, and other analysis groups.

The analysis group combines analysis results generated using the analytical DLM framework with those generated using the simulation-based HD framework to provide a unified loss result across multiple perils and regions.

All parameters are specified in the required request body. The analysisIds, currency, numOfSimulations, and simulateToPLT attributes are all required.

  • The analysisIds attribute specifies the ID numbers of the analyses or analysis groups included in the analysis group. You may add any number of portfolio-level EP analyses that use the DLM or HD engine to the analysis group. You can use the GET /v2/analyses service with query parameters to identify analyses that share common attributes (for example, regions, perils, or cedants).
  • The currency attribute specifies the analysis currency, the currency used to calculate losses in the analysis group. You must specify a standard analysis currency if the analysis group consists of analyses with diverse analysis currencies.
  • The propagateDetailedLosses attribute enables you to request detailed output. If true, Risk Intelligence carries over detailed geographic output (including CRESTA zones and Admin1 and Admin2 administrative division data) for each analysisId into the analysis group.

The optional regionPerSimulatedSet attribute defines an array of region-per-simulation objects that identify a pairing of a peril and region. For each region-peril simulation, you can specify the event rate scheme ID (eventRateSchemeId), the geographic region (regionCode), the peril model (perilCode), the model region code (modelREgionCode), the model version (modelVersion), the simulation set ID (simulationSetID), the number of simulation periods (simulationPeriods), and a comma-separated list of model versions (engineVersion).


Idemptopotent Operation

This operation supports idempotency by means of idempotency keys. To learn more, see Idempotent Requests.
