Administer EDM

Administers an EDM data source.

The service supports three administrative operations:

  • The CREATE operation creates a new EDM datasource on the specified server.
  • The DOWNLOAD_EDM operation downloads the specified EDM as a database artifact in the specified format.
  • The EDM_DATA_UPGRADE operation upgrades the specified EDM to the latest version.

The datasourcename and operation query parameters are required. The datasourcename identifies the name of the EDM to create, download, or upgrade. The operation specifies the administrative operation: CREATE, DOWNLOAD_EDM, or EDM_DATA_UPGRADE.

Create EDM operation

If the CREATE option is specified, the datasourcename specifies the name of the EDM created and the servername parameter specifies the server on which the new EDM is created.

Download EDM operation

If the DOWNLOAD_EDM option is specified, the datasourcename identifes the EDM to download and the filename specifies the name of the database artifact.

The service supports several different formats for the database artifact. One of BAK, CSV, MDF or PARQUET.

Upgrade EDM operation

If the EDM_DATA_UPGRADE option is specified, the datasourcename specifies the name of the EDM to upgrade using the latest database schema.
