Analysis GroupsV2

An analysis group (v2) is a collection of two or more analyses or analysis groups that enable an insurer or reinsurer to better assess the risk to a customized portfolio of exposures.

The analysis group may include analysis results generated using both DLM and HD models as well as other analysis groups. By combining event loss data from multiple analyses, you can view an unified loss result for exposures across diverse perils and regions.

The analysis group is processed together and returns EP metrics that take all portfolio exposures into account when calculating the probability that financial losses from catastrophe events will exceed certain thresholds.

AnalysisGroup v2
    ├── groupId 
    ├── [ analysisIds ]
    ├── reportingWindowStart 
    ├── numOfSimulations * 
    ├── simulationwindowStart 
    ├── simulationwindowEnd
    ├── simulateToPLT *
    ├── propogateDetailedLosses *
    ├── [{ regionPerilSimulationSet }] 
    ├── [{ minimizedRegionPerilSimulationSet }] 
    ├── name  
    ├── description 
    └── {currency} *

The v1 Analysis Group resources and the v2 Analysis Group resources are defined by different attributes.

analysisIdarray of integersIDs of portfolio-level EP analyses (DLM or HD) or analysis groups.
currencyobjectCurrency used to calculate losses in the analysis group.
propogateDetaildLossesbooleanIf true, Intelligent Risk Platform carries over detailed geographic output (including CRESTA zones and Admin1 and Admin2 administrative division data) for each analysisId into the analysis group.
regionSimulationSetarray of objectsRegion-per-simulation objects that identify a pairing of a peril and region. For each region-peril simulation, you can specify the event rate scheme ID (eventRateSchemeId), the geographic region (regionCode), the peril model (perilCode), the model region code (modelREgionCode), the model version (modelVersion), the simulation set ID (simulationSetID), the number of simulation periods (simulationPeriods), and a comma-separated list of model versions (engineVersion).