Understand Metrics and Statistics
Understand analysis result metrics and statistics
The Risk Data API exposes operations for retrieving metrics, statistics, and metadata from analysis results. Distinct operations may be used depending on the model (ALM, DLM, or HD) used to model the result data.
Platform API supports operations for retrieving analysis result data:
- A loss table returns output data (metrics, statistics, and metadata) for an EP or non-EP analysis. Loss tables are generated from analysis using both probabilistic and deterministic models. DLM analysis data is stored in an event loss table (ELT). HD analysis results are stored in a period loss table (PLT). EP metrics and statistics are based loss table data.
- EP metrics define quantitative measurements that represent probability that losses will exceed a certain amount. EP metrics are computed for DLM or HD analysis using probabilistic models.
- Statistics is a calculation based on loss table data. Platform returns statistics for both probabalistic and deterministic models.
- Result metadata is data about analysis including the financial perspectives, regions, cedants, and treaties that factored into the analysis result.
Distinct data is available in the result depending on the model (ALM, DLM, HD) and type (EP, non-EP) of the analysis.
Analysis Types
The Intelligent Risk Platform supports a variety of deterministic and probabalistic analysis types for each model type (ALM, DLM, HD).
Every analysis of an exposure is defined by a model profile and output profile. The output profile specifies analysis settings including the analysis type, engine, and the peril.
Analysis Type | Class | Engine | Entitlement | Peril* |
Accumulation | EX, RM, UW | |||
CA DOI | DLM | RM, RL, UW | EQ | |
Exceedance Probability | probablistic | DLM, HD | RM, RL, UW | CS , EQ , FL , WC , WS , WT , |
Footprint File | deterministic | DLM, HD | RM, RL, UW | EQ , FL , WC , WS |
Hazard Curve | DLM | RM, RL, UW | ||
Historical | deterministic | DLM, HD | RM, RL, UW | EQ , WS , WT , |
Maximum Credible | DLM | RM, RL, UW | EQ , WC | |
Maximum Historical | DLM | RM, RL, UW | WS | |
Non-Runnable | RM, RL, UW | |||
Scenario | deterministic | DLM, HD | RM, RL, UW | EQ , WC |
Simulated | DLM | RM, RL, UW | CS , FL , WS , WT , | |
Rollup | TQ | |||
User Defined | DLM | RM, RL, UW | EQ , WC |
Different analysis types are available for different perils. The analysis type may be available for some regions and unavailable in others.
Term | Description |
Accumulation | |
CADOI | Analysis type that applies to California (CA) earthquake analyses. It analyzes exposure to generate the CA Department of Insurance (DOI) Form A report, used for reporting primary insurance to the DOI. This analysis applies damage ratios, which are selected based on a number of factors as determined in the CA DOI PML table as provided by the DOI for the purpose of Form A submissions. |
Exceeance Probability | Cumulative distributions showing the probability that losses will exceed a certain amount, from either single or multiple occurrences. Losses are expressed in the occurrence exceedance probability (OEP) and the aggregate exceedance probability (AEP) curves. |
Hazard Curve | |
Historical | Analysis that calculates loss based on parameters defined for one or more actual historical events from the event catalog. |
Maximum Credible | Analysis type that searches through all possible events to determine how each may affect exposed locations and selects the event that would cause the worst damage for the selected financial perspective. |
Maximum Historical Analysis | Maximum Historical Analysis type that searches through all historical events that may affect exposed locations and selects the event that would cause the worst damage for the selected financial perspective. |
Scenario | Analysis that calculates loss based on parameters defined for one or more individual events from the stochastic event catalog. |
Simulated | Samples the ground up damage ratio for each location-coverage from the modeled severity distribution for each simulated event in order to represent secondary uncertainty. |
Rollup | An analysis that calculates summary and segmented metrics and statistics. Intelligent Risk Platform supports rollup analysis for programs, program variations, and business hierarchies. |
User Defined | Analysis type that creates a custom earthquake event with basic parameters such as the magnitude, region, latitude, longitude, depth, rupture length, orientation, and attenuation to analyze the impact of an event that does not exist in the current stochastic or historical event set and does not have a footprint file. |
Loss Tables
A loss table is a table of output data (metrics and statistics) computed for loss-causing events.
Platform analysis generates loss tables for both deterministic and probable analysis models. Analysis data based on ALM and DLM models are stored in event loss tables (ELTs). Analysis data based on ALM and DLM models are stored in event loss tables (ELTs).
Metrics and statistics are based on output data.
Operation | Model | Analysis Type | Description |
Get ELT | ALM, DLM | EP, Footprint, Historic, Scenario | Returns an ELT (event loss table). For each event, returns metrics and statistics that define computed losses for that event. |
Get PLT | HD | EP, Footprint, Historic, Scenario | Returns PLT (period loss table). For each event returns metrics and statistics that define computed losses for that event. |
Get Non-EP Sampled Losses | HD | Footprint, Historic, Scenario | Returns losses by sample ID. |
Event loss tables
The event loss table (ELT) is an output table that loss-causing events in a DLM analysis, including the mean loss standard deviation (split into an independent and a correlated piece), exposure value, and event rate.
For each event, the table lists metrics, statistics, and metadata that characterize that event. This data is used to compute EP curves and statistics based on this output data. The ELT is the basis of losses for all financial perspectives at all exposure levels and is used in computing output statistics.
The Get ELT operation returns an array of objects that returns metrics, statistics, and metadata for each event.
"analysisId": 83343,
"sourceId": 22257,
"eventId": 276,
"positionValue": 3473657.880534969,
"perspectiveCode": "GU",
"stdDevI": 1066771.2741421806,
"stdDevC": 400576.7724183246,
"expValue": 4343900.0,
"rate": 1.2056769946866552e-6,
"peril": "Windstorm",
"region": "North America",
"oepWUC": 1.205676267823641e-6,
"exposureResourceId": 0,
"exposureResourceType": "UNRECOGNIZED",
"exposureResourceNumber": "string"
Metric | Description |
analysisId | ID of analysis result. |
sourceId | |
eventId | ID of event, a representation of a peril that may cause catastrophe losses. |
positionValue | |
perspectiveCode | Financial structures considered in calculation of the loss statistics. See Financial Perspectives. |
stdDevI | Standard Deviation Independent. The independent standard deviation for a portfolio assumes that all locations are completely independent, which means that knowing the size of the loss at one location does not provide any information about the size of the loss at the other location. |
stdDevC | Standard Deviation Correlated. The correlated standard deviation for a portfolio assumes that all locations are completely correlated, which implies that if the losses are large for one location, they are likely to be large for the other location. |
expValue | Value of exposure. |
rate | |
peril | One of Accumulation , Earthquake , Fire , Flood , Hurricane , Infectious Disease , Multi-Peril , Severe Convective Storm , Terrorism , Tornado , Unknown , Unrecognized , Wildfire , Windstorm , Winterstorm |
oepWUC | |
exposureResourceId | ID of exposure analyzed. |
exposureResourceNumber |
Period loss tables
The period loss table (PLT) is an output table that simulates event losses over the course of a time period for a HD analysis. The PLT provides greater flexibility to evaluate loss metrics than the analytical calculations based on event loss tables (ELTs).
By simulating events through time, an HD model computes total loss as well as maximum event occurrence loss for each simulation period in the table, and generates loss statistics based on the distribution of losses across the large number of simulated periods. This methodology can calculate the impact of all contract terms, including terms with time-based features, such as contracts that are shorter (or longer) than a single year.
The Get PLT operation returns period loss table calculated using an HD model for the specified HD analysis result.
PLT data may be filtered by exposureResourceType
. One of ACCOUNT
"periodId": 503,
"weight": 2.0e-5,
"eventId": 3508644,
"eventDate": "2020-08-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"lossDate": "2020-08-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"positionValue": 111642.35349968076,
"peril": "Earthquake",
"region": "string",
"exposureResourceNumber": "string"
Metric | Description |
periodId | ID of the period in EP analysis. |
weight | For the full weighted period event table, the weights sum to one. However, if the weighted period loss table does not contain all the events in the model, due to those events not taking loss based on the portfolio’s exposure or if there are no events in that year, then the sum of the weights is less than one. |
weight | Period loss tables (PLTs) represents primary uncertainty using the weight field. The weight represents the likelihood that one period occurs when compared to the other periods. For climate models, all periods are equally weighted and are calculated as one (1) divided by the number of simulation periods used for the analysis. For earthquake models, the weight can vary by period and is derived during the development of the period event table (PET) |
eventId | ID of event within stochastic event set. |
eventDate | Date that event occurred. When event dates are used in the context of a simulation period for HD analyses, they operate in connection with loss dates. For example, in simulation period 100, event 200 starts on April 1 (the event date). The event affects segments of Portfolio 1 on April 2 and April 4 (the loss dates shown in the PLT for Portfolio 1). The same event affects segments of Portfolio 2 on April 3 and April 4 (the loss dates shown in the PLT for Portfolio 2). Event 200 may recur in simulation period 400, on a different date. |
lossDate | Date that policy payout occurred. In the HD financial model, a policy payout is assigned only a single date. This date is recorded as the Loss Date in the Period Loss Table (PLT) and reflects the earliest date that a location covered by that policy experienced damage by that specified event occurrence. |
positionValue : | |
peril | Name of peril. One of Accumulation , Earthquake , Fire , Flood , Hurricane , Infectious Disease , Multi-Peril , Severe Convective Storm , Terrorism , Tornado , Unknown , Unrecognized , Wildfire , Windstorm , Winterstorm |
region | ID of region . |
exposureResourceNumber |
Non-EP Sampled Losses
The Get Non-EP Sampled Losses operation returns sampled non-EP losses from the PLT (period loss table) of the specified analysis result.
This operation takes four required parameters: analysisId
, perspectiveCode
, exposureResourceType
, and events
, a comma-separated list of events identified by event ID. The optional lossSampleLimit
An event is a representation of a peril with the potential to generate catastrophe losses. For a given peril, all potential events are synthesized into a stochastic event set, which defines the occurrence and magnitude of each event.
For each event, the response returns the eventId
, sampleId
, lossType
, and loss
, as well as the names of the cedant (cedantName
) and line of business (lobName
) associated with that loss.
"cedantName": "string",
"lobName": "string",
"lossType": "string",
"sampleId": 0,
"eventId": 0,
"loss": 0
Metric | Description |
cedantName | Name of risk-holding party (insurer/reinsurer) that transfers a portion of its risk to another risk-holding party (reinsurer/retrocessionaire). |
lobName | Name of line of business classification, e.g. auto, commercial, fire, personal, residence. Defining LOB is required for some types of reinsurance to apply." |
lossType | Coverage type of loss. One of 1 (Building), 2 (Contents), 3 (BI), 4 (Combined Coverage). |
sampleId | ID of sample in non-EP analysis. |
eventId | ID of event. |
loss | Value of loss associated with the financial perspective. |
EP Metrics
An EP analysis computes EP curves based on loss table data. An EP curve is a cumulative distributions showing the probability that losses will exceed a certain amount, from either single or multiple occurrences. Losses are expressed in the occurrence exceedance probability (OEP) and the aggregate exceedance probability (AEP) curves.
AEP and OEP curves are two different curves that have two distinct uses and offer different information. Both curves show the probability that losses will exceed a given threshold.
Type | Model | Description |
AEP | ALM, DLM, HD | Probability that the total losses across all events in a year will meet or exceed a loss threshold. |
OEP | ALM, DLM, HD | Probability that at least one event will occur in a year that causes losses greater than or equal to a certain amount. |
TCE-AEP | ALM, DLM | Expected annual or maximum loss given that this loss is greater than or equal to the return period loss corresponding to RP. Also known as Tail Value at Risk (TVaR). |
TCE-OEP | ALM, DLM | Expected annual or maximum loss given that this loss is greater than or equal to the return period loss corresponding to RP. Also known as Tail Value at Risk (TVaR). |
Metrics are quantitative measurements." "Metrics are the raw data you collect to measure aspects of the product, and analytics is the process of interpreting the data to gain insights and make data-driven decisions." An EP analysis returns an EP curve which consists of computed metrics.
Operation | Model | Curves | Description |
Get EP Metrics | ALM, DLM, HD | EP | Returns EP curves calculated using ALM, DLM, or HD models. |
Get Interpolated EP Metrics | HD | AEP, OEP | Returns EP curves based on return period or critical probability values interpolated into an HD EP analysis. |
Get Marginal EP Metrics | DLM | AEP, OEP, TCE-AEP, TCE-OEP | Returns EP metrics for the specified DLM analysis. |
EP Interpolation Metrics
The Get EP interpolation metrics operation returns EP metrics based on interpolated return period or critical probability values.
This operation accepts a new returnPeriod
or criticalProbability
value, which it inserts ("interpolates") into the PLT of the specified HD EP analysis. The Intelligent Risk Platform then computes new EP curves based on the interpolated value and returns updated EP metrics for the new return period. The request can also specify the perpectiveCode
that defines the financial structure used to calculate modeled losses.
For example, the following request interpolates a new return period and specifies that metrics are calculated based on the GR (gross loss) financial perspective.
"returnPeriod": 13,
"criticalProbability": 0.075,
"result": [
"perspectiveCode": "GR",
"values": [
"metricName": "TCE-OEP",
"metricValue": "68418.2476820577"
An exceedance probability (EP) curve indicates the probability that losses will exceed a given threshold within a year. This operation returns AEP curves and OEP curves.
This operation returns the following result properties:
Metric | Description |
returnPeriod | Point on an EP curve that describes the likelihood of exceeding a loss threshold from the single largest event (OEP) or the aggregation of one or more events (AEP). Return period is defined as the inverse of the annual exceedance probability. |
criticalProbability | Likelihood of exceeding a loss threshold at a specific return period in an EP curve. Defined as the inverse of the annual exceedance probability. |
perspectiveCode | Financial structures considered in calculation of the loss statistics. See Financial Perspectives. |
values | Array of result objects that consist of a metricName and metricValue . |
metricName | EP curve for modeled losses, e.g. AEP , OEP , TCE-AEP , TCE-OEP . |
metricValue | Modeled losses at interpolated return period. |
EP metrics [EP Metrics (DLM Models)]
Returns exceedence probability (EP) metrics for the specified <glossary:ALM> or <glossary:DLM>> analysis result.
DLM and ALM EP analyses write modeled losses to an event loss table (ELT), compute EP metrics, and calculate summary statistics based on ELT data.
EP metrics define EP curves that represent the probability that losses will exceed a certain threshold. ALM and DLM analysis supports five types of EP curves: OEP (occurence EP), AEP (aggregate EP), CEP (stochastic conditional EP), TCE-AEP (tail conditional expectation AEP), and TCE-OEP (tail conditional expectation OEP) curves.
The Get EP Metrics request returns an array EP curves:
"jobId": 8,
"epType": "AEP",
"perspectiveCode": "GU",
"exposureResourceId": 0,
"exposureResourceType": "PORTFOLIO",
"exposureResourceNumber": "8",
"value": {
"returnPeriods": [
"positionValues": [
For each EP curve, the response shows the following:
Metric | Description |
jobId | ID of model job that generated the analysis result. |
epType | Type of exceedence probability curve. One of AEP , CEP , OEP , TCE_AEP , TCE_OEP |
perspectiveCode | Financial structures considered in calculation of the loss statistics. See Financial Perspectives. |
exposureResourceId | ID of data resource analyzed. |
exposureResourceType | Type of data resource analyzed. One of ACCOUNT , AGGPORTFOLIO ,LOCATION , POLICY , PORTFOLIO , STEP_POLICY , TREATY , UNRECOGNIZED |
exposureResourceNumber | |
returnPeriods | Array of return periods. A point on an EP curve that describes the likelihood of exceeding a loss threshold from the single largest event (OEP) or the aggregation of one or more events (AEP). Return period is defined as the inverse of the annual exceedance probability. For example, a return period of 100 years corresponds to an annual exceedance probability of 1%. In the context of peril events, return period refers to the number of years between occurrences of an event of a given size in the region. Short and long return periods enable modelers to estimate risk at both short and long-range exceedance probabilities. |
positionValues |
Marginal EP Metrics
The Get Marginal EP Metrics operation returns projected differential losses expressed as marginal EP curves for the specified analysis result. This operation may be used to retrieve marginal EP metrics modeled using ALM, DLM, or HD models.
"Marginal impact analysis enables insurers to identify higher-risk policyholders who may require revised premiums or additional risk management measures."
An exceedance probability (EP) curve indicates the probability that losses will exceed a given threshold within a year. This operation returns four different types of EP curves: AEP, OEP, TCE-AEP, and TCE-OEP curves.
A marginal EP curve shows projected losses and differential losses (as raw numbers and percentage) between X and Y at each position in the curve. These numbers enable you to view the projected loss for X and Y at any given position, the difference between the value of X and Y at that position, and the percent difference between X and Y.
The request accepts three required parameters an analysisId
, perspectiveCode
that specify the scope of the query.
"exposureResourceId": 0,
"exposureResourceType": "UNRECOGNIZED",
"exposureResourceNumber": "string",
"perspectiveCode": "Empty",
"value": {
"returnPeriods": [0],
"eps": [0],
"positionValues": [0],
"positionValueDiffs": [0],
"positionValueDiffPercents": [0]
Property | Definition |
exposureResourceId | ID of exposure resource analyzed. |
exposureResourceType | Type of exposure modeled. One of ACCOUNT , AGGPORTFOLIO , LOCATION , POLICY , PORTFOLIO , STEP_POLICY , TREATY , UNRECOGNIZED . |
exposureResourceNumber | |
perspectiveCode | Financial structures considered in calculation of the loss statistics. See Financial Perspectives. |
epType | Type of exceedence probability metrics. One of AEP (aggregate EP), CEP (stochastic conditional EP), OEP (occurence EP), TCE_AEP (tail conditional expectation AEP), TCE_OEP (tail conditional expectation OEP) |
returnPeriods | List of return periods. Each return period is a point on EP curve that describes the likelihood of exceeding a loss threshold from the single largest event (OEP) or the aggregation of one or more events (AEP). Return period is defined as the inverse of the annual exceedance probability. For example, a return period of 100 years corresponds to an annual exceedance probability of 1%. In the context of peril events, return period refers to the number of years between occurrences of an event of a given size in the region. Short and long return periods enable modelers to estimate risk at both short and long-range exceedance probabilities. |
eps | List of EP curves? |
positionValues | List of position values. |
positionValueDiffs | List of diffs between position values. |
positionValueDiffPercents | List of percentage diffs between position values. |
The number of marginal EP curves returned depends on engine to model the results.
Different EP curves may be returned depending on the model used in the analysis:
Model | Curves |
A statistic (AKA loss statistic) is a calculation performed on output data, e.g. in an ELT or PLT. A standard deviation, mean loss, coefficient of variation are all statistics. Compare metrics.
Operation | Analysis Type | Model | Description |
Get EP Statistics | EP | DLM | Returns statistics calculated base on an EP analysis, including cv , netStdDev , premium , purePremium . |
Get Non-EP Statistics | Footprint, Historic, Scenario | ALM, DLM, HD? | Returns statistics calculated based on a non-EP analysis, including stdDev , meanLoss , cv |
Get Marginal Statistics | EP | ALM, DLM, HD | Returns treaty-level statistics including cv , totalStdDev , and purePremium . |
Get Location-Level Statistics | DLM, HD | Returns stdDev , aal , cv |
Get Statistics
The Get Statistics operation returns a list of DLM-based metrics by analysis result.
Unlike other operations that retrieve metrics and statistics, this operation returns data from multiple analysis results.
Statistics include the average annual loss, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation.
"analysisId": 54,
"exposureResourceId": 765,
"exposureResourceType": "ACCOUNT",
"perspectiveCode": "TY",
"epType": "AEP",
"purePremium": 0,
"totalStdDev": 0,
"cv": 2.808502733065068,
"netPurePremium": 85213.63686810755,
"activation": 0.19734192801321804,
"exhaustion": 0.06465721482368603,
"totalLossRatio": 0.17429420184027278,
"limit": 900000,
"premium": 25000,
"netStdDev": 231466.464883724,
"exhaustAllReinstatements": 0.0004301273657816296,
"exposureResourceNumber": "Cat_EntirePort"
For each analysis result, the response returns the following properties:
Metric | Description |
analysisId | ID of the analysis result. |
exposureResourceNumber | ID of analyzed exposure resource. |
exposureResourceType | Type of exposure modeled. One of ACCOUNT , AGGPORTFOLIO , LOCATION , POLICY , PORTFOLIO , STEP_POLICY , TREATY , UNRECOGNIZED . |
perspectiveCode | Financial structures considered in calculation of the loss statistics. See Financial Perspectives. |
epType | Type of EP analysis. One of AEP , CEP , OEP , TCE_AEP , TCE_OEP |
purePremium | Expected value of the aggregate loss distribution. Pure premium can be computed in two equivalent ways: first, as the area under the aggregate exceedance probability (AEP) curve, or second, as the sum-product of the individual event losses and rates." "Total pure premium. Equivalent to expected loss on an annual basis. |
totalStdDev | |
cv | Volatility in the annual losses. CV (coefficient of variation) provides a comparative basis for assessing diversification of risk and compares volatility across analyses, such as between portfolios. |
netPurePremium | Estimate of premium required to balance risk, considering the reinstatement premiums to be paid. Base figure for catastrophe treaties with reinstatement provisions. |
activation | Probability that limit value is activated based on the OEP curve. |
exhaustion | Probability that limit value is exhausted based on the OEP curve. |
totalLossRatio | Probability aggregate losses in a year are greater than or equal to the premium. Based on the AEP curve. |
limit | ELT expValue treaty layer amount, i.e. the maximum loss that can be incurred for each event at the perspective and aggregation level with which the exposure value is associated. |
premium | Premium specified in the treaty. |
netStdDev | Standard deviation associated with the portion of catastrophe treaty loss before reinstatements. |
exhaustAllReinstatements | Probability that aggregate treaty payout exceeds Reinstatements (%) (k+1) \* treaty occurrence limit, where k is the number of reinstatements. Applicable to catastrophe treaties only. |
exposureResourceNumber | User-defined ID of modeled resource. |
Marginal Statistics
The Get Marginal Statistics operation returns marginal statistics for the specified analysis result.
Treaty Losses: Risk Modeler makes losses viewable at the individual treaty level so that you can better assess capacity and coverage and make corresponding pricing decisions. You can view losses at the treaty level for the treaty types listed in Table 67. Add treaties pre- and post-analysis for DLM, ALM, and HD analyses. Risk Modeler does not include the ability to view individual facultative losses.
The loss dashboard displays the following: Return period losses, along with Aggregate Exceedance Probability curves (AEP) and Occurrence Exceedance Probability curves (OEP), Pure Premium (AAL), Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation (CV).
The request takes three required parameters: analysisId
, perspectiveCode
, and granularity
Parameter | Type | Description |
analysisId | string | ID of analysis result. |
perspectiveCode | array | Financial perspective used to model losses at each granularity. |
granularity | array | Level of detail of marginal statistics. One of ACCOUNT or POLICY |
Responses may be optionally filtered and sorted using query string parameters.
The response returns marginal statistics.
"exposureResourceId": 26113,
"exposureResourceType": "TREATY",
"exposureResourceNumber": "Cat_EntirePort_04",
"perspectiveCode": "TY",
"epType": "AEP",
"limit": 900000,
"exhaustion": 0.06465721482368603,
"activation": 0.19734192801321804,
"cv": 2.808502733065068,
"cvDiff": 2.7163077811358347,
"cvDiffPercent": 0,
"totalStdDev": 3676637.4187586145,
"totalStdDevDiff": 0,
"totalStdDevDiffPercent": 0,
"totalLossRatio": 0.17429420184027278,
"netStdDev": 231466.464883724,
"premium": 0,
"purePremium": 493148.5493424345,
"purePremiumDiff": 0,
"purePremiumDiffPercent": 2.7777777777777777,
"netPurePremium": 85213.63686810755,
"exhaustAllReinstatements": 0.0004301273657816296
Property | Definition |
exposureResourceId | ID of exposure. |
exposureResourceType | Type of exposure modeled. One of ACCOUNT , AGGPORTFOLIO , LOCATION , POLICY , PORTFOLIO , STEP_POLICY , TREATY , UNRECOGNIZED . |
exposureResourceNumber | |
perspectiveCode | Financial structures considered in calculation of the loss statistics. See Financial Perspectives. |
epType | Type of exceedence probability metrics. One of AEP (aggregate EP), CEP (stochastic conditional EP), OEP (occurence EP), TCE_AEP (tail conditional expectation AEP), TCE_OEP (tail conditional expectation OEP) |
limit | "Estimated catastrophe risk expressed as a rate against capital committed. A “Risk on Line” statistic. Calculation—Pure premium as a percentage of the layer amount. Application—Shows the expected annual burn on the total limits exposed. Compare to the Rate on Line n Use in comparative analysis" |
exhaustion | Probability that limit value is exhausted based on the OEP curve. |
activation | Probability that limit value is activated based on the OEP curve. |
cv | For non-EP analysis, the coefficient of variation is calculated by dividing stdDev of the event losses by the `meanLoss. Event CV provides a basis for assessing the relative uncertainty in the mean estimate of a loss, such as between perspectives or portfolios. |
cvDiff | Coefficient of variation associated with the portion of catastrophe treaty loss before reinstatements. |
cvDiffPercent | |
totalStdDev | Standard deviation associated with the portion of catastrophe treaty loss before reinstatements. |
totalStdDevDiff | |
totalStdDevDiffPercent | |
totalLossRatio | Probability aggregate losses in a year will be greater than or (%) equal to the premium. Based on the AEP curve. Note: This requires that you enter layer premiums. |
netStdDev | Standard deviation associated with the portion of catastrophe treaty loss before reinstatements. |
premium | Premium coded for the treaty |
purePremium | Expected value of the aggregate loss distribution. Also known as average annual loss (AAL). Pure premium can be computed in two equivalent ways: first, as the area under the aggregate exceedance probability (AEP) curve, or second, as the sum-product of the individual event losses and rates. |
purePremiumDiff | |
purePremiumDiffPercent | Estimated catastrophe risk compared against premium collected. Estimated pure premium divided by layer premium. The pure premium used in this calculation does not consider any expected reinstatment premiums. Measurement of premium adequacy. |
netPurePremium | Estimate of the up-front premium required to balance catastrophe risk over time, after considering the expected amount of reinstatement premiums to be paid. Provides a base, unloaded premium figure for catastrophe treaties with reinstatement provisions. Provides a base, unloaded premium figure for catatastrophe treaties with reinstatement provisions. |
exhaustAllReinstatements | The probability that the aggregate treaty payout exceeds Reinstatements (%) (k+1) * treaty occurrence limit, where k is the number of reinstatements. Applicable to catastrophe treaties only. |
Depending on the model, returns treaty-level losses for the following treaty types:
Treaty Type | Models |
Surplus Store | DLM, HD |
Quota Share | DLM, HD |
Working Excess | DLM, HD |
Non-Catastrophe | ALM |
Catastrophe | ALM, DLM, HD |
Corporate Catastrophe | ALM, DLM, HD |
Stop Loss | ALM, DLM, HD |
This operation does not return individual facultative losses.
Get Non-EP Statistics
The Get Non-EP Statistics operation returns key losses by event for the specified analysis result.
A non-EP analysis is a deterministic analysis based on a user-specified set of events. The Platform API supports several types of deterministic analysis, including footprint analysis, historical analysis, and scenario analysis.
The response returns an array of key loss metrics for each event modeled:
"eventId": 2864907,
"stdDev": 1663.1549792686967,
"meanLoss": 0,
"cv": 6.62779067641994
For each event, the response returns cv
, meanLoss
, and stdDev
Property | Definition |
cv | For non-EP analysis, the coefficient of variation is calculated by dividing stdDev of the event losses by the `meanLoss. Event CV provides a basis for assessing the relative uncertainty in the mean estimate of a loss, such as between perspectives or portfolios. |
meanLoss | The mean loss represents the expected loss for an event for the corresponding position or financial perspective. |
stdDev | The standard deviation associated with a mean loss value characterizes the secondary uncertainty associated with that meanLoss value, that is, the uncertainty in an event loss, given that a certain event has occurred. |
Location-Level Statistics
The Get Location-Level Statistics operation returns average annual loss (AAL), coefficient of variation (CV), and standard deviation statistics for modeled location exposures. Using these statistics, underwriters can identify the location exposures in their portfolios that are at the greatest risk.
To help inform pricing and underwriting decisions, generate the following location-level results for detailed loss model (DLM) and high-definition (HD) results. Location-level losses are not available for ALM:
Location-level statistics are available for analysis results based on both DLM and HD models. These statistics are not available for analysis using ALM.
Location-level ELT and EP curves can be generated using DLM models. , you can also generate EP and Loss Table output at the location level.
The request must specify an analysis ID that was computed using an output profile.
To generate these location-level losses, create an output profile that uses Granularity=Risk for EP and Loss Table output (DLM only). For Statistics output, risk-level granularity is already selected by default (available for both HD and DLM).
For each location, the response returns the locationId
, locationName
, locationNumber
, and AAL statistics.
"locationId": 58,
"locationName": "Location_Name",
"locationNumber": "Location_Num",
"aal": 294.25022798552993,
"cv": 5.652179067641994,
"stdDev": 1663.1549792686967
"locationId": 60,
"locationName": "Location_Name",
"locationNumber": "Location_Num",
"aal": 274.25022798662993,
"cv": 6.62779067641994,
"stdDev": 1234.1549792686967
Metric | Description |
locationId | ID of location. |
locationName | System-defined number of location. |
locationNumber | User-defined number of location. |
aal | The average annual loss (AAL), sometimes called pure premium or burn cost, is the expected value of the modeled loss distribution. It is the loss one would expect to see in a year on average. Since the AAL represents only an average, the actual annual losses will fluctuate around the AAL in any given year. AAL does not include expenses, non-modeled loss, profit, or risk load. One may be interested in AAL for ground-up, gross, net of reinsurance, or other views of risk. |
cv | For exceedance probability (EP) analyses, the coefficient of variation (CV) statistic is a measure of the relationship between the pure premium (AAL) and the standard deviation of the annual losses and reflects the volatility in the annual losses. It is calculated by dividing standard deviation of the annual losses by pure premium. CV provides a comparative basis for assessing diversification of risk and compares volatility across analyses, such as between portfolios. |
stdDev | The standard deviation associated with a mean loss value characterizes the secondary uncertainty associated with that mean loss value, that is, the uncertainty in an event loss, given that a certain event has occurred. The event loss table includes correlated and independent standard deviations:The correlated standard deviation for a portfolio assumes that all locations are completely correlated, which implies that if the losses are large for one correlation, they are likely to be large for the other location.The independent standard deviation for a portfolio assumes that all locations are completely independent, which means that knowing the size of the loss at one location does not provide any information about the size of the loss at the other location.Portfolio standard deviation is calculated as a weighted average of these two extreme cases. |
Analysis Metadata
Analysis metadata is data about any analysis that provides information about the exposure modeled or analysis configurations defined in the model profile e.g. the region, cedant, or treaty applied to the analyzed exposure.
This data is helpful for understanding the significance of the computed losses, metrics, and statistics in an analysis result.
The Risk Data API supports the operations that enable you to retrieve following analysis metadata.
Operation | Model | Description |
List Financial Perspectives by Analysis | ALM, HD, DLM | Returns financial perspectives by result. |
List Regions by Analysis | ALM, HD, DLM | Returns regions by result. |
List Cedants by Analysis | ALM, HD, DLM | Returns cedants by result. |
List Treaties by Analysis | ALM, HD, DLM | Returns treaties by result. |
Get Treaty Details by Analysis | ALM, HD, DLM | Returns treaty details by result. |
List Financial Perspectives by Analysis
The List Financial Perspectives by Analysis operation returns financial perspective data about the specified analysis.
A financial perspective (also called a position) is a financial structure that determines how loss statistics are calculated.
For example, the ground up loss (GU
) financial perspective represents total loss to the exposure and excludes any insurance or reinsurance terms in the loss calculations. The gross loss (GR
) financial perspective represents the loss to the insurer, accounting for the application of all insurance terms but without consideration for any reinsurance recoveries.
This operation returns an array of the financial perspectives used to calculate losses in an analysis. For each financial analysis, returns the code and name:
"perspectiveCode": "GR",
"perspectiveName": "Gross Loss"
"perspectiveCode": "GU",
"perspectiveName": "Gross Up Loss"
Multiple positions can be output for the same analysis, and the relevance of each position varies between users and use cases. Some financial perspectives affect estimates of property (P) loss or worker's compensation (WC) loss. To learn more, see Financial Perspectives
List Region Details by Analysis
The List Region Details by Analysis operation returns information about an analysis including details about exposures modelled and the model used in the analysis.
This operation returns an array of the analysis details by region. For each region, this operation returns information about the exposure modeled and model profile details.
"region": "string",
"subRegion": "string",
"peril": "Unrecognized",
"eventRateSchemeId": 0,
"framework": "ELT",
"analysisId": 0,
"modelProfileId": 0,
"petId": 0,
"numSamples": 0,
"periods": 0,
"applyContractFlag": true,
"engineVersion": "HDv1.0"
Property | Type | Definition |
region | String | Region of exposure analyzed. |
subRegion | String | Subregiion exposure analyzed. |
peril | String | Natural or man-made phenomenon that generates insurance loss. |
eventRateSchemeId | Number | Event rate scheme ID. |
framework | String | For example, ELT |
analysisId | Number | ID of analysis. |
modelProfileId | Number | ID of model profile. |
petId | Number | ID of period loss table. A collection of simulated periods and the events simulated to occur within each period. Each period contains the same fixed number of years. |
numSamples | Number | Number of samples in analysis. |
periods | Number | Number of periods in analysis. |
applyContractFlag | Boolean | |
engineVersion | String | Version of modeling engine used to model exposure. For example, HDv1.0 |
List Treaties by Analysis
The List Treaties by Analysis operation returns treaty data about the specified analysis.
A treaty is an agreement between a primary insurer and a reinsurer in which the primary insurer cedes a portion of risk to the reinsurer.
The terms of the treaty
List Treaty Details by Analysis
The Get Treaty Details by Analysis operation returns detailed information about a treaty applied to a specific analysis.
A treaty is an agreement between a primary insurer and a reinsurer in which the primary insurer cedes a portion of risk to the reinsurer.
The terms of the treaty
This operation returns the following detailed infomation about the specified treaty:
"treatyId": 0,
"treaty": "string",
"treatyName": "string",
"cedant": {
"cedantId": 22,
"cedantName": "CSW"
"producer": {
"producerId": 3,
"producerName": "rena"
"treatyType": "CATA",
"currency": {
"id": 0,
"code": "string",
"name": "string"
"attachmentBasis": "L",
"attachmentLevel": "PORT",
"premium": 0,
"occurrenceLimit": 0,
"attachmentPoint": 0,
"riskLimit": 0,
"retentionAmount": 0,
"percentagePlaced": 0,
"effectiveDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"expirationDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"percentageRetention": 0,
"percentageRiShare": 0,
"percentageCovered": 0,
"priority": 0,
"numberOfReinstatements": 0,
"reinstatementCharge": 0,
"maolAmount": 0,
"isValid": true,
"userId1": "string",
"userId2": "string",
"aggregateDeductible": 0,
"aggregateLimit": 0,
"uri": "string",
"lobs": [
"lobId": 9,
"lobName": "FACTORY",
"uri": "/riskdata/v1/exposures/5/lobs/9"
"lossOccurrences": [
"id": 0,
"treatyId": 0,
"uri": "string",
"regionPeril": {
"id": 0,
"code": "string",
"name": "string"
"lossOccurrenceTime": 0,
"lossOccurrenceRadius": 0,
"radiusUnit": {
"id": 0,
"code": "string",
"name": "string"
"multiLossOccurrence": {
"id": 0,
"code": "string",
"name": "string"
"analysisId": 0,
"tagIds": [0]
This operation returns the following detailed infomation about the specified treaty:
Property | Type | Description |
treatyId | String | ID of treaty. |
treatyNumber | String | Number of treaty. Moody's RMS recommends coding the treaty number as a combination of cedant name, treaty type, and treaty terms. |
treatyName | String | Name of treaty. |
cedant | Object | Risk-holding party (insurer/reinsurer) that is transferring a portion of risk to another risk-holding party (reinsurer/retrocessionaire). Includes cedantId and cedantName . See Create Cedant. |
producer | Object | Agent or brokerage that produced a policy. Includes producerId and producerName . See Create Producer. |
treatyType | String | Type of treaty. One of CATA , QUOT , SURP , WORK , CORP , STOP , NCAT . See Create Treaty. |
currency | Object | Currency used by treaty. |
attachmentBasis | String | Defines how insurance policies have their losses covered. If L (losses occurring), claims are covered that occur during the period of this treaty. If R (risks attaching), claims are covered if policy inception occurs during period of this treaty. |
attachmentLevel | String | Level at which treaty is attached. One of ACCT (account), LOC (location), POL (policy), PORT (portfolio). |
premium | String | Amount an insurer or reinsurer charges to provide the coverage described in the policy or treaty. |
occurrenceLimit | String | Maximum amount that paid out for an event. |
attachmentPoint | String | Description |
riskLimit | String | Maximum amount paid out for risk in an event. Applies to QUOT and SURP treaties. |
retentionAmount | String | Amount of risk or loss kept by the ceding company for its own account or for others. |
percentagePlaced | String | Percentage of a treaty’s coverage that has been accepted by participating reinsurers. |
effectiveDate | String | Effective date of this treaty in format, e.g. 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. From this date losses are eligible for recovery. |
expirationDate | String | Expiration date of this treaty in format, e.g. 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. From this date a loss-occurring policy/treaty/program no longer takes loss and a risks-attaching policy/treaty/program no longer allows risks to attach. |
percentageRetention | String | Percentage of the reinsurer’s share of treaty losses not covered by retrocessions. Determines the losses for the RN financial perspective and the net premium a reinsurer receives for a treaty. |
percentageRiShare | String | Percentage of treaty coverage assigned to reinsurer. Used in calculation of RG perspective losses. |
percentageCovered | String | Percentage of loss greater than the attachment point covered by a treaty. Not applicable to SURP treaties. |
priority | String | Inurning priority of this treaty. Lower numbers take losses prior to higher numbers. |
numberOfReinstatements | String | Number of reinstatements. Restoration of the treaty occurrence limit to its full amount after an event that led to a non-zero reinsurance payout so that the reinsured has the full limit coverage for the next event occurrence. Used in calculating catastrophe and corporate catastrophe treaty statistics, including average annual loss. The event loss table and the EP curves assume unlimited reinstatements |
reinstatementCharge | String | Amount of premium the insured must pay the insurer to reinstate the coverage of the treaty after it is exhausted. Applies to CATA treaties only. |
maolAmount | String | Maximum Any Oe Life Amount |
isValid | String | |
userId1 | String | |
userId2 | String | |
aggregateDeductible | String | For aggregate deductibles, losses from multiple events over a treaty’s in-force period can contribute to eroding the deductible. Applies to HD models only. |
aggregateLimit | String | Limit that applies across all loss events during the treaty’s in-force period. Applies to HD models only. |
uri | String | |
lobs | Array | List of lines of business. |
lossOccurrences | Array | List of loss occurences. A treaty loss occurrence is an an event, a portion of an event, or a collection of events to which reinsurance terms are applied to determine the split of liability. A loss occurrence is represented as a one or more rows in a period loss table (PLT) where each unique combination of the properties periodId , eventId , and eventDate defines a loss occurrence. For each loss occurence, includes id , treatyId , uri , regionPeril , lossOccurrenceTime , lossOccurrenceRadius , radiusUnit , and multiLossOccurrence |
analysisId | String | ID of analysis. |
tagIds | Array | List of tags to apply to this analysis treaty. |
Updated 5 months ago