Post-Analysis Actions

Understand post-analysis actions


A post-analysis action is a process that generates a new analysis result based on an existing analysis result, a result called a base analysis.

Analysis workflow jobs generally require substantial time and resources to complete. Post-analysis actions enable you to expedite the generation of results by making adjustments to the parameters used to generate an existing result, and thereby avoid re-running expensive or time-consuming analysis jobs from scratch. The post-analysis action leverages an existing analysis result, as a "base analysis".

The action recalculates projected losses by substituting resources parameters for the parameters that were specified in the reference analysis.

The following Platform API operations generate analysis results as post-analysis actions:

Convert Event Rates and Losses

The Convert Event Rates and Losses generates a new analysis result based on an existing portfolio-level EP result by applying event rate adjustment or event loss adjustments to the original result.

Analysis jobs generally require substantial time and resources to complete. Event rate conversion enables cat modelers to compare analysis results based on different event rates without re-running the analysis jobs from scratch.

Simulate PLT Analysis

The Simulate PLT Analysis operation generates a new PLT-based analysis result based an existing ELT-based analysis result.

This operation recalculates projected ELT losses as PLT losses using the specified event rate scheme, simulation set, and number of simulation periods. The simulated PLT analysis returns the event ID of every event in each simulated period, and the calculated loss value of each of these events.

Moody's recommends that you run the full number of simulation periods. The number of simulation periods determines the number of possible outcomes that are modeled over the calendar period in order to calculate the OEP and AEP curves. Greater numbers of periods increase the accuracy of modeled results but also increase analysis time and the size of the output data.

Convert Financial Perspectives

The Convert Financial Perspectives operation generates a new analysis based on an existing analysis by converting the financial perspective used in the original analysis to a new financial perspetive. This is known as financial service mapping.

Financial service mapping serves three distinct business scenarios depending on the mapping option (mapPerspectiveOption) specified.

  • If INCLUDE_DOWNSTREAM is specified, the service maps the sourcePerspective to the newPerspective and copies the mapping to all downstream perspectives except reinsurance gross (RG) and reinsurance net (RN). The downstream perspectives (except RG and RN) return same results as the specified newPerspective.
  • If DELETE_OTHER is specified, the service maps the sourcePerspective to the newPerspective and deletes records for all perspectives other than the newPerspective including the sourcePerspective. All perspectives other than the specified newPerspective return a value of 0.
  • If SELECT_OTHER is specified, the service maps the sourcePerspective to newPerspective. All other downstream and upstream perspectives are unchanged.

Recalculate Result EP and Statstics

The Recalculate Result EP and Statistics generates a new analysis result based an existing base analysis.

This feature is designed to enable Intelligent Risk Platform tenants to recalculate the EP losses and statistics in an older analysis result (such as one imported from an on-premise RDM) using the Intelligent Risk Platform. In a post-analysis action, the operation recalculates the results of the base analysis and generates an updated result.

Recalculate with PATE

The Recalculate Result with PATE recalculates losses of the base analysis based on a new set of treaty terms.

PATE enables clients to create and apply treaties to an existing analysis result or analysis group, and view recalculated losses without the need to run a new analysis job.

Calculate Climate Change

The Calculate Climate Change operation generates an analysis result that measures the effects of climate change by leveraging an existing analysis result as a base analysis.

During processing, the Climate Change Model recalculates average annual loss (AAL) and EP metrics for portfolio and treaty levels.

Moody's RMS Climate Change Models model the effect of climate change on hurricanes in the North Atlantic and on windstorms and floods in Europe. They provide a probabilistic view of a range of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The Climate Change Models cover the same geographical scope as the RMS reference models for these regions.