EDM Export

Exposure exposure data stored in an EDM


The Export API enables you to create backups of cloud-based EDMs and download those backups from the Intelligent Risk Platform.

In the initial release, EDMs may be downloaded as database artifacts in the BAK, or MDFfile formats. Once downloaded, database artifacts may be imported into on-premise SQL Server instances.

Step 1: Download EDM as database artifact

The Export EDM resource supports the downloading of an EDM as a database artifact from the Inteligent Risk Platform.

The datasource and operation query parameters are required:

curl --request POST \ --url https://{xxxx}/export/v1/jobs/ \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json'

All request parameters are specified in the request package:

{ "exportType": "EDM", "resourceType": "exposure", "resourceUri": "url", "settings": { "fileExtension": "BAK", "sqlVersion": "2019", "fileName": "my_edm_db" } }

The request package consists of three string parameters exportType, resourceType resourceUri and the settings object.

The exportType, resourceType and resourceUri parameters identify the EDM data module to export.

  • The exportType identifies the data module type to export. In this initial release of the Export API, EDM is the only value supported.
  • The resourceType identifies the data to export. In this initial release of the Export API, exposure is the only value supported.
  • The resourceuri parameter identifies the EDM to download.

The settings objects defines the properties of the exported EDM:

  • The fileExtensio parameter specifies file format of the exported data. In the current release, one of BAK or MDF.
  • The optional sqlVersion query parameter specifies compatbility of BAK or MDF database artifacts. One or 2014 or 2019.
  • The optional filename query parameter specifies the name of the database artifact. The name of the database artifact must be name that is valid for an EDM. Valid characters: 0-9, A-Z, a-z, _ (underscore), - (hyphen), and ' ' (blank space). Maximum length is 80 characters.

If successful, returns a 201 Accepted HTTP response and initates a DOWNLOAD_EDM job on the workflow engine. The job ID number is returned in the Location HTTP header.

Step 2: Retrieve database artifact location

The Get export job operation enables you to request information about the status of a specific job.

To retrieve information about a job, specify the job ID as a path parameter. Use the job ID, you retrieved from the Location HTTP header in Step 1.

curl --request GET \ --url https://api-euw1.rms.com/export/v1/jobs/456 \ --header 'accept: application/json'

A successful response returns the Workflow object, which provides detailed information about this job including the submitTime, startTime, type, and status. When the status is set to FINISHED, the database artifact is available for download.

{ "id": 0, "tenantName": "string", "userName": "string", "status": "FINISHED", "submitTime": "string", "startTime": "string", "endTime": "string", "name": "string", "type": "string", "jobs": [ { "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "taskId": 0, "workflowId": 0, "status": "string", "submitTime": "string", "createdAt": "string", "name": "string", "input": { "additionalProp1": {}, "additionalProp2": {}, "additionalProp3": {} }, "output": { "additionalProp1": {}, "additionalProp2": {}, "additionalProp3": {} }, "priorJobs": [ "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6" ], "percentComplete": 0 } ], "summary": { "additionalProp1": "string", "additionalProp2": "string", "additionalProp3": "string" }, "progress": 0, "messages": [ { "message": "string", "type": "string" } ] }

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