Export Results to Data Bridge


RMS Data Bridge is a service that facilitates the migration from on-premise RiskLink/Risk Browser solutions to cloud-based RDMs and EDMs on Risk Intelligence.

Analysis results data includes all metrics generated using DLM, HD, and ALM models during catastrophe modeling. By default this data is stored in a cloud-based RDM. Once results data is exported to Data Bridge, customers may run T-SQL-based data management solutions on results data stored EDMs on managed SQL Server instances.

Step 1: Export RDM

The Export data module to file resource enables you to export analysis results to an RDM database on a Data Bridge SQL Server instance.

The required serverName path parameter specifies the name of a managed SQL Server instance on Data Bridge.

-curl --location -g --request POST {host}/riskmodeler/v2/exports?servername={servername}' \
--header 'Authorization: {api_key}'

All other attributes are specified in the request body.

  "analysisIds": [1424],
  "rdmName": "sampleDb",
  "type": "ResultsExportInputV2",
  "exportType": "RDM"

The type attribute is required.

  • The required type attribute identifies the type of the workflow job. Must be RdmExportInputV2 to export results data to Data Bridge.
  • The exportType attribute specifies the database type. One of RDM or EDM.
  • The analysisIds attribute specifies an array of analysis IDs.
  • The rdmName attribute specifies the name of the RDM.

If successful, the resource adds an export RDM job to the workflow engine queue and returns a 202 Accepted status code with the workflow ID in the Location HTTP header of the response.

Step 2: Retrieve export job status

The Get workflow or operation resource retrieves information about a specific job.

The workflow ID is specified in the endpoint path. Use the workflowId, you retrieved from the Location HTTP header in Step 1.

When the job is complete, the status is set to FINISHED.