Retrieve Analysis Results
An analysis result is an estimate of the financial risk posed by an exposure. During risk modeling, Intelligent Risk Platform™ leverages exposure data and peril models to calculate that risk of financial loss posed by a particular exposure. The analysis result is a projection of the losses to an exposure for all financials and perils based on a peril model.
Depending on the peril model used to generate the risk analysis, Intelligent Risk Platform may generate many different event loss data. Risk Modeler supports ALM, DLM, and HD peril models. To learn more about RMS peril models, see Peril Models.
When an analysis job is complete, the Intelligent Risk Platform writes the results of the analysis to the RDM.
Retrieve EP metrics
The Get EP metrics by analysis service returns EP metrics generated by a specified DLM analysis job.
The service takes two required parameters. The analysisId
path parameter identifies the analysis job that generated the analysis results. The perspective
query parameter identifies the financial perspective the financial structures that were taken into consideration in the calculation of the loss statistics) and filters the the returned data.
So if we are interested in view projected loss to the insurer, we can specify a perspective value of GU and the service will return metrics for the "gross lost" financial perspective.
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: XXXXXXXXXX'
The perspective
query parameter specifies the financial perspective. One of FA
(facultative reinsurance loss), GR
(gross loss), GU
(ground up loss), QS
(quota share loss), RG
reinsurance gross loss), RL
(net loss cat), RN
(reinsurance net loss), SS
(surplus share loss), or WX
(working excess loss).
Exceedance probability (EP) analysis take full range of possible events and losses into consideration during analysis. These losses are expressed as occurrence exceedance probability curves (OEP curves) and aggregate exceedance probability curves (AEP curves).
Several additional parameters may be specified as queries appended to the path to select a subset of analysis.
- The
parameter is an integer that identifies a particular treaty by its treaty ID. - The
parameter is an integer that identifies a particular exposure by its exposure ID. - The
parameter is an integer that identifies the exposure type. User guide identifies exposure types as Portfolio, Account, Location. - The
parameter is an integer that identifies the job by job ID. You will recall that when we ran the DLM process on our account, the response from the/analyses/{accountId}/process
request returned a jobId. - The
parameter is a string that identifies the job by its unique ID number.
These losses are expressed in the occurrence exceedance probability (OEP) and the aggregate exceedance probability (AEP) curves. Both AEP and OEP curves show the probability that losses will exceed a given threshold.
"Metrics": "string",
"ReturnPeriod": 0,
"Value": 0
Review other analysis results
This procedure has described a procedure for retrieving and view EP metrics generated using a DLM model profile.
To view a procedure for reviewing Location AAL results, see Location AAL for Analysis.
Updated 11 months ago