Define Exposures
RMS Intelligent Risk Platform™ is a cloud-based platform for advanced modeling and risk analytics that enables you to analyze the potential risk and financial loss to an account associated with a particular exposure. The first step is to upload exposure, hazard, and financial data to the EDM. Once exposure data has been imported into the EDM, it is available for running analyses and for exchanging data with other RMS products.
An exposure is an entity that can produce a financial loss when impacted by a catastrophe event. Core exposures include portfolios, accounts, locations, policies, and treaties.
The RMS Risk Modeler API provides developers with many different ways to define or import exposures. Your options for importing exposure data are not mutually exclusive. You can use any combination of these methods to import and update exposure data in the EDM.
Option 1: Define exposures individually
The Risk Modeler API provides calls for adding, updating, and deleting individual exposures.
- The Risk Modeler API Accounts collection defines resources that enable clients to create new account objects that encompass the underwriter, branch, producer, and cedant objects. A policy defines the terms of the contract between the cedant and underwriter regarding one or more locations. To learn more, see Define Accounts.
- The Risk Modeler API Locations collection defines resources that enable clients to create, update, and delete locations. A location is a property, building, business, or other asset that may be damaged by catastrophe events. When location coverage is applied to a location, that location is known as a location exposure. To learn more, see Define Locations.
Option 2: Define exposures in batch
The Risk Modeler API enables clients to create, update, or delete multiple exposures in bulk by means of the Manage Exposures in Batch.
This resoruces enables you to define batch processing workflows for creating, updating, or deleting multiple portolio, accounts, locations, policies, or treaties in a single request.
Option 3: Import exposures from MRI files
Multi-relational import (MRI) is a process for importing exposure data into an EDM from a set of flat files uploaded to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
The MRI process utilizes flat files of account, location, reinsurance exposure data. A flat file is a delimited text file that stores structured data in a plain text format. MRI leverages a separate mapping file to define the relationships between the account, location, and reinsurance exposures. To learn more, see MRI Import.
Option 4: Import EDM database
The File Storage collection contains resources that enable you to migrate entire EDMs to Intelligent Risk Platform by uploading EDM database artifacts to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). To learn more, see Import EDMs.
Updated 12 months ago