Introduction to UnderwriteIQ


Underwriting continues to serve as the economic engine for the property and casualty industry. UnderwriteIQ™ leverages industry-leading models, data products, and technology to deliver trusted, agile analytics.

UnderwriteIQ leverages the Risk Modeler API to enable underwriters and other groups interested in account-level modelling to import exposures in batch and to process those exposures using custom workflows. Many of the resources exposed by the Risk Modeler API may be called with an UnderwriteIQ license.


Platform APIs

UnderwriteIQ underwriting operations and workflows are now supported using Platform APIs.

If you are a licensed UnderwriteIQ tenant and are developing a new application to manage underwriting processes, Moody's encourages you to use the Platform APIs, instead of the Risk Modeler API. The Platform APIs deliver many new and powerful features as well as existing Risk Modeler API features.

Resource groups

To utilize these APIs, you must specify a resource group in the X-Rms-Resource-Group-Idof the header of the request. For details, see Resource Groups