September, 2024



The September release introduces support for ExposureIQ analysis types, rollup analysis of program variations, tracking of usage metrics.

  • The Risk Data API now supports operations for retrieving information about ExposureIQ accumulation and rollup analyses, ExposureIQ portfolio accumulation reports,
  • The Rollup API now support rollup analysis of program variations.
  • The Tenant Data API supports operations that enable tenant administrators to better monitor and manage the allocation of licensed system resources across multiple entitlements.
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Currency Conversion API

The Create Currency Conversion Job operation returns an error if an UnderwriteIQ account group analysis is specified as the reference analysis for this post-analysis action.

  "code": "ANALYSIS-016",
  "message": "Post-analysis actions on an Account grouped analysis %d are not supported.",
  "logId": "9a630b9877821364"

Export API

The Create Export Job operation supports a variety of export jobs as specified in the exportType parameter: EDM, EXPOSURE_RESOURCE, LOCATION_RESULTS RDM_DATABRIDGE, RDM, RESULTS, or ROLLUP_RESULTS.

Depending on the parameters specified in the request, this operation may return UnderwriteIQ account group analysis data:

  • If exportType is RESULTS, LOCATION_RESULTS, or ROLLUP_RESULTS, the x-rms-resource-group-id, returns an error.
  • If exportType is RDM and a Risk Modeler resource group ID is specified in the x-rms-resource-group-id, an error message is returned:
  "code": "ANALYSIS-016",
  "message": "Post-analysis actions on an Account grouped analysis %d are not supported.",
  "logId": "9a630b9877821364"

Grouping API

The Create Grouping Job operation returns an error if an UnderwriteIQ account group analysis is specified as the reference analysis for this post-analysis action.

  "code": "ANALYSIS-016",
  "message": "Post-analysis actions on an Account grouped analysis %d are not supported.",
  "logId": "9a630b9877821364"

Risk Data API

Search Analyses

The Search Analysis operation (GET /platform/riskdata/v1/analyses) returns a list of analyses enabling client to identify analysis results to filter results based on query parameters.

This operation now returns Accumulation and Rollup analyses:

  • Accumulation analysis
  • Rollup analysis

This operation supports response filtering based the value of a subset of properties. Depending on the property, you may use a combination of comparison operators, list operators, and logical operators. This release now supports filtering and sorting by appAnalysisId and exposureResourceId.

The response now returns the appAnalysisId property, which records the application analysis ID:

    "analysisId": 1492969,
    "analysisName": "Test_Convert_INGP_Group",
    "createDate": "2024-08-12T21:59:36",
    "description": "",
    "sourceRdmName": "",
    "analysisRegroupType": "Not Required",
    "exposureResourceType": "PORTFOLIO",
    "engineVersion": "RL24",
    "groupType": "INGP",
    "cedantName": "",
    "lobName": "",
    "exposureResourceId": 0,
    "exposureName": "",
    "jobId": 26244751,
    "jobGuid": "af6dfb52-170a-4a1f-a8c7-ac9bfa3cb623",
    "isGroup": false,
    "modelProfile": {
      "id": 0,
      "code": "",
      "name": ""
    "outputProfile": {
      "id": 0,
      "code": "",
      "name": ""
    "engineType": "Group",
    "analysisStatus": "Analyzed",
    "analysisType": "Exceedance Probability",
    "peril": "Earthquake",
    "subPeril": "Shake Only",
    "region": "Australia",
    "lossAmplification": "Building, Contents, BI",
    "analysisMode": "Distributed",
    "insuranceType": "Property",
    "vulnerabilityCurve": "Vulnerability - Default",
    "username": "[email protected]",
    "eventRateSchemeNames": [],
    "currency": {
      "currencyName": "US Dollar",
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "currencyScheme": "RMS",
      "currencyAsOfDate": "2020-03-01T00:00:00Z",
      "currencyVintage": "RL18"
    "engineSubType": "Not Applicable",
    "analysisFramework": "ELT",
    "simulationSetId": 0,
    "simulationPeriods": 0,
    "exposureSetGuid": "932ce19a-c4d3-4351-b42d-ef3847877dc6",
    "uri": "/platform/riskdata/v1/analyses/1492969",
    "variationId": 0,
    "eventInfo": {
      "eventDateBehavior": "",
      "eventDate": ""
    "entitlement": "",
    "securableUri": "/platform/riskdata/v1/exposureSet/1492951",
    "analysisUuid": "3ffc7d59-5c33-46ac-9511-5f4354979b69",
    "appAnalysisId": 30776,
    "tagIds": [389, 390]

Create Risk Data Report

The Create Risk Data Report operation (POST /platform/riskdata/v1/reports) now supports the PORTFOLIO_ACCUMULATION_DETAILS report type.

This operation accepts the URI of a portfolio accumulation analysis as a resourceUri parameter and returns portfolio accumulation details in CSV format.

This operation already supports several ExposureIQ report types including EXPOSURE_SUMMARY, ANALYSIS_SUMMARY, and EXPOSURE_DOI_REPORT.

Account Grouping

The Get Report View operation (GET /platform/riskdata/v1/reportviews/reportViewId) now returns loss metrics for grouped HD analyses.

Updated Location FR Peril

Moody's has released version 2.0 of the Moody's RMS™ North America Wildfire HD Model that features an enhanced US region of the model and expands coverage to include the Hawaiian Islands.

Several Risk Data API operations now support several new peril properties: wildFireCommunityMatchFlag, wildFireCommunityPreparedness, wildFireIfmMachineryEquipmentLocation, wildFireIfmSiteHazard, and wildFireIfmStructureCondition properties. Also the frPerformance object now supports values.

  • Create FR Peril (POST /platform/riskdata/v1/exposures/{exposureId}/locations/{id}/locationfrdetail)
  • Update FR Peril (PUT /platform/riskdata/v1/exposures/{exposureId}/locations/{id}/locationfrdetail/{locationfrdetailId})
  • Get FR Peril (GET /platform/riskdata/v1/exposures/{exposureId}/locations/{id}/locationfrdetail/{getlocationfrdetailId})

Search Analysis Results

The Search Analysis Results operation (GET /platform/riskdata/v1/analyses) now returns UnderwriteIQ group analysis if a valid UnderwriteIQ resource ID is specified in the x-rms-resource-group-id header parameter.

  • If a valid resource group ID is specified, this resource returns account group analysis results.
  • If no resource group ID is specified or if an invalid ID is specified, this job is assigned to the tenant's default Risk Modeler resource group, and the analysis does not return account group analysis data.

Convert Financial Perspective

The Convert Financial Perspectives operation returns an error if an UnderwriteIQ account group analysis is specified as the reference analysis for this post-analysis action.

  "code": "ANALYSIS-016",
  "message": "Post-analysis actions on an Account grouped analysis %d are not supported.",
  "logId": "9a630b9877821364"

Convert Recalculate EP Metrics and Statistics

The Recalculate EP and Statistics operation returns an error if an UnderwriteIQ account group analysis is specified as the reference analysis for this post-analysis action.

  "code": "ANALYSIS-016",
  "message": "Post-analysis actions on an Account grouped analysis %d are not supported.",
  "logId": "9a630b9877821364"

Convert Event Rates and Losses

The Convert Event Rates and Losses operation returns an error if an UnderwriteIQ account group analysis is specified as the reference analysis for this post-analysis action.

  "code": "ANALYSIS-016",
  "message": "Post-analysis actions on an Account grouped analysis %d are not supported.",
  "logId": "9a630b9877821364"

Rollup API

Create Rollup Job

The Create Rollup Job operation (POST /platform/rollup/v1/jobs) now creates a rollup analysis based on the specified program variation.

An program variation is a version of an inward program. The program variation enables the insurer to evaluate a variety of possible reinsurance structures that match an inward retrocession treaty with the subjects (exposures and risk sources) they cover.

Program variation rollup analysis job settings are defined in the settings object. The resourceType, resourceUri, analysisName, currency, startDate, endDate, programProperties, and marginalImpactProperties body parameters are required.

This operation already supports several TreatyIQ rollup analyses of inward programs and business hierarchies.

Tenant Data API

Get Usage Metrics

The Get Usage Metrics operation (GET /platform/tenantdata/v1/entitlements/{entitlement}/usages) returns usage metrics for the specified entitlement.

An entitlement is a licensed application, data, or model. This operation enables tenant administrators to better monitor and manage usage of licensed entitlements.

For each usage type (ModeledLocations, Jobs, and Storage ), the response returns usage metrics:

    "usageType": "ModeledLocations",
    "scope": "RI-RISKMODELER",
    "stats": [
        "key": "ModeledLocationsCount",
        "value": "10502"
    "usageType": "Jobs",
    "scope": "RI-RISKMODELER",
    "stats": [
        "key": "TotalJobsCount",
        "value": "212"
        "key": "CancelledJobsCount",
        "value": "0"
        "key": "FailedJobsCount",
        "value": "166000"
        "key": "CompletedJobsCount",
        "value": "1363000"
        "key": "ModelJobsCount",
        "value": "1300000"
        "key": "NonModelJobsCount",
        "value": "611000"
        "key": "ModelJobsMaxConcurrency",
        "value": "1"
        "key": "NonModelJobsMaxConcurrency",
        "value": "1"
        "key": "TotalJobsMaxConcurrency",
        "value": "1"
        "key": "TotalJobsAverage",
        "value": "0.4166666666666667"
        "key": "TotalDelayedJobsAverage",
        "value": "0"
    "usageType": "Storage",
    "scope": "PLATFORM",
    "stats": [
        "key": "TotalEdmsCount",
        "value": "622"
        "key": "ExposureStorageInGB",
        "value": "1484.58"
        "key": "OtherStorageInGB",
        "value": "16450"

This operation supports response filtering based the value of a subset of properties. Depending on the property, you may use a combination of comparison operators, list operators, and logical operators.

Modeled Location metrics

Modeled location metrics show information about location exposures modeled by the tenant.

ModeledLocationsCountNumber of location exposures modeled.

Job metrics and statistics

Job usage metrics show information about jobs run by the tenant.

Whenever a client submits a request that initiates a job, it must specify a resource group ID in the x-rms-resource-group-id header parameter. This parameter identifies the resource group that is using that entitlement.

Metric or StatisticDescription
TotalJobsCountTotal number of jobs.
CancelledJobsCountTotal number of cancelled jobs.
FailedJobsCountTotal number of failed jobs.
CompletedJobsCountTotal number of completed jobs.
ModelJobsCountTotal number of model jobs.
NonModelJobsCountTotal number of non-model jobs.
ModelJobsMaxConcurrencyTotal number of model jobs.
NonModelJobsMaxConcurrencyTotal number of non-model jobs.
TotalJobsMaxConcurrencyTotal maximum concurrency of jobs.
TotalJobsAverageAverage number of jobs.
TotalDelayedJobsAverageAverage number of delayed jobs.

Storage usage metrics

Storage usage metrics show information about the tenant's storage.

TotalEdmsCountNumber of EDM data modules.
ExposureStorageInGBSize of exposure data in GB.
OtherStorageInGBSize of other storage in GB.

Get Usage Times

The Get Usage Times operation (GET /platform/tenantdata/v1/entitlements/{entitlement}/usages/{usage}/{usageType}/timevalues) returns information about the time of usage by usage type. This data may be used to plot usage timecharts.