Error codes:
| Code | Description |
| ERR_4000 | No details found for requested layer. |
| ERR_4001 | Insufficient geocoding information. A required field is missing. |
| ERR_4002 | Insufficient geocoding resolution to look up requested data. |
| ERR_4003 | Location is in a region that is not supported by this layer. |
| ERR_4005 | Insufficient information to look up requested data. |
| ERR_4041 | Invalid input. |
| ERR_4100 | Invalid lookupType. Valid lookups are 'wetOrDry', 'floodDepth', and 'proximity'. |
| ERR_4101 | Invalid distanceUnit. Valid distanceUnits are 'meters' and 'feet'. |
| ERR_4102 | Invalid returnPeriod. Valid returnPeriods are 30, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500, and 1000. |
| ERR_4103 | Invalid defended option. Valid defended options are 'true' and 'false'. |
| ERR_4104 | Invalid proximityDistance. Valid proximityDistances are positive numbers. |
| ERR_4105 | Invalid distanceUnit. Valid distanceUnits are 'feet', 'meters', 'miles', and 'km'. |
| ERR_4106 | Insufficient information to look up requested data. Missing one or both of distanceUnit and proximityDistance. |
| ERR_4300 | Invalid basement. Valid basements are 'yes', 'no', and 'default'. |
| ERR_4400 | General error for the layer. |
| ERR_4401 | Invalid address input. Incorrect field. |
| ERR_4010 | Forbidden. |
| ERR_4030 | Unauthorized. |
| ERR_4040 | Not found. |
| ERR_4050 | Method not allowed. |
| ERR_4060 | Not acceptable. |
| ERR_4080 | Request timeout. |
| ERR_4130 | Request too large. |
| ERR_4150 | Unsupported media type. |
| ERR_4220 | Unprocessable entity. |
| ERR_4290 | Quota exceeded. |
| ERR_5000 | Internal server error. |
| ERR_5040 | Gateway timeout. |