Europe Convective Storm Risk Score Latest

Calculates risk score metrics for a location based upon its location and building attributes using version 1.0 of the EUSCS Model.

The data product contains loss cost values that enable fine tuning of premium required to cover the technical cost of Severe Convective Storms across the entire model domain, including: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.

Body Params



Response body
array of objects

Warning codes:

FLG_4001Layer option was skipped. Response based on its default value.
FLG_4002Layer option was skipped. Response based on its maximum value.
FLG_4101Hazard values are calculated based on default floodDepth.
FLG_4102Hazard values are calculated based on maximum proximityDistance.
FLG_4103No additional options can be provided to this lookup.
FLG_4201Location not matched in ESDB building attributes database.
FLG_4202Location is not eligible for ESDB building attribute return. Client input occupancy does not match ESDB occupancy.
FLG_4203Location matched in ESDB building attributes database. Where values are not populated, they are not available in database.
FLG_4204Insufficient geocoding information. Lookup will proceed with the default value for the missing field.
FLG_4205The geocoding version used is not recommended for this layer.
FLG_4206Input address has poor geocoding resolution. Response might have limited precision.
FLG_4207The geocoding version used is not recommended for this layer at coarse geocoding resolutions (5 or higher).
FLG_4208Insufficient geocoding information to look up requested data.
FLG_4301No coverage values provided. Ground-up and gross loss cannot be calculated.
FLG_4302One or more grossLoss values were not calculated due to invalid/missing deductibleAmount.
FLG_4304Invalid/missing deductibleType. Valid deductibleTypes are 1 to 5.
FLG_4305Deductible amount is treated as currency amount instead of percentage.
FLG_4306Missing required field to perform gross loss calculations.
FLG_4307Gross losses can only be calculated for reference view.
FLG_4400[User input] is not a valid value for this layer option. Response based on default value.
FLG_4401No data found for this location.
FLG_4500The combination of input characteristics has not been found, no results have been provided.
FLG_4402[LayerOption] is only valid for version 21 and has been ignored
FLG_4403The location entered is outside of supported region, Response based on default value

100-year score


250-year score


500-year score


Overall score
