Climate on Demand API Endpoints
Real Assets
Hazard scoring endpoints
The Climate on Demand Real Assets API for hazard scoring supports the calculation of:
- category-level risk scores, which return a single hazard score for each category
- subcategory-level risk scores, which return one or more measures for each category.
For documentation on the methodologies underpinning Hazard Scores, see the Moody's RMS Support Center. Methodology versions labeled with 202x.x refer to Hazard Scoring methodology documents. Climate on Demand provides backward compatibility with 2 prior versions of our methodologies to allow for flexibility in change management timelines for our clients.
The score-facilities endpoint returns data at the risk category level. It provides risk category scores for one or more facilities specified in a request.
Climate on Demand provides two workflow options to call this endpoint:
- For submitting JSON requests, users may leverage workflow #1. This workflow requires fewer steps but limits batch sizes to 500 facilities at a time.
- For submitting requests via CSV uploads, users may leverage workflow #2. This workflow enables scoring of up to 1 million facilities.
The score-facilities-details endpoint returns data at the risk sub-category level. It provides risk category scores as well as the sub-category measures and normalized scores
Climate on Demand provides two workflow options to call this endpoint:
- For submitting JSON requests, users may leverage workflow #1. This workflow requires fewer steps but limits batch sizes to 500 facilities at a time.
- For submitting requests via CSV uploads, users may leverage workflow #2. This workflow enables scoring of up to 1 million facilities.
Financial impact scoring endpoints (available to Climate on Demand Pro subscribers)
The Climate on Demand API for financial impact scoring supports the calculation of:
- Facility-level financial impact scores which return four financial impact metrics for every peril, and
- Portfolio-level financial impact scores return four financial impact metrics aggregated at the portfolio level for every peril.
Financial impact scores include four metrics: Impact Score, Annualized Damage Rate, Average Annual Damage, and Annualized Damage Rate Standard Deviation. For an overview of our approach to calculating these metrics, see our Climate on Demand Pro Version: Overview document on Moody's RMS Support Center.
The score-facilities-impact endpoint returns financial impact metrics at the facility level for all the facilities specified in a request.
Climate on Demand provides two workflow options to call this endpoint:
- For submitting JSON requests, users may leverage workflow #1. This workflow requires fewer steps but limits batch sizes to 500 facilities at a time.
- For submitting requests via CSV uploads, users may leverage workflow #2. This workflow enables scoring of up to 1 million facilities.
The score-portfolio-impact endpoint returns financial impact metrics aggregated at the portfolio level for all the facilities specified in a request.
Climate on Demand provides two workflow options to call this endpoint:
- For submitting JSON requests, users may leverage workflow #1. This workflow requires fewer steps but limits batch sizes to 5000 facilities at a time.
- For submitting requests via CSV uploads, users may leverage workflow #2. This workflow enables scoring of up to 20,000 facilities.
For documentation on the methodologies underpinning financial impact scores, visit the Moody's Support Center. Methodology versions labeled with P.202x.x refer to financial impact scoring methodology documents. Climate on Demand provides backward compatibility with 2 prior versions of our methodologies to allow for flexibility in change management timelines for our clients.
Corporate Assets
The Climate on Demand Corporates API for financial impact scoring supports the calculation of:
- Company-level financial impact scores which return three financial impact metrics, each aggregated at the company-level for every peril.
- Facility-level financial impact scores which returns three financial impact metrics for every peril.
Financial impact scores for Corporates include three metrics: Impact Score, Annualized Damage Rate, and Annualized Damage Rate Standard Deviation. For a view of our approach to calculating these metrics, see our Climate on Demand: Corporates Methodology document on Moody’s Support Center.
The corporates-check-coverage
endpoint returns data indicating whether each of the input company identifiers are covered by the CoD Corporates dataset. The output data shows summary statistics and a mapping of user specified company identifiers with Orbis IDs and any other identifiers available in the CoD Corporates dataset.
- Users may submit requests with company identifiers via JSON and receive responses via CSV using this workflow.
The lookup-corporates
endpoint returns financial impact metrics at the company level for all the companies in a specified request. The company level scores reflect an aggregated view of risk across all the facilities in each company’s ownership structure.
- Users may submit requests with company identifiers via JSON and receive responses via CSV using this workflow.
The lookup-corporates-facilities
endpoint returns financial impact metrics at the facility level for all the companies in a specified request. The facility level scores reflects a more granular view of the risk that comprises the company level scores when aggregated.
- Users may submit requests with company identifiers via JSON and receive responses via CSV using this workflow.
The lookup-corporate-fac-attributes
endpoint returns facility-level metadata that indicates each facility’s attributes such as industry classification and coordinates. The response also indicates the result set, production date, and data snapshot date to help identify the underlying data for backward compatibility.
- Users may submit requests with company identifiers via JSON and receive responses via CSV using this workflow.
For documentation on the methodologies underpinning Climate on Demand: Corporates, visit the Moody’s Support Center. Methodology versions labeled with C.202x.x refer to CoD: Corporates scoring methodology documents.
Updated 5 months ago