Company Level Scoring


Climate on Demand financial impact modeling enables organizations to evaluate the potential financial impact of catastrophe events on corporate assets. Corporates may be evaluated at the parent company level or at the underlying facility level. This endpoint returns financial impact metrics at the parent company level for all the companies specified in a request.

Financial impact modeling is supported across seven perils: Floods, Heat Stress, Hurricanes & Typhoons, Sea Level Rise, Water Stress, Wildfires, and Earthquakes. Climate on Demand quantifies the financial impact of physical risk due to climate change across two climate scenarios and six time horizons for each peril. The output metrics include Annualized Damage Rates (ADR), Standard Deviations in ADR (damage volatility), and Impact Scores that contextualize estimated damages and volatility globally.

For each peril, Climate on Demand facilitates calculation of the expected financial impact to each of the companies in an API request.


Climate on Demand: Corporates Licensing

This tutorial describes the process to leverage financial impact modeling to evaluate corporate assets at the parent company level and is only available to tenants who have licensed Climate on Demand: Corporates Company Level or Climate on Demand: Corporates Facility Level

In this tutorial, we review the process for scoring financial impact metrics for 10 companies. This process is described using sample code in JSON.

Step 1

The Lookup Corporates: Company Level process calculates the financial impact of physical risk due to climate change for each of the companies in the request. The request body specifies the methodologies underpinning the corporate parent level and child level climate risk analytics, the version dates for ownership and production data, the combination of climate scenario and time horizon at which companies are to be evaluated, and identifiers of the companies to be evaluated. For detailed information on these parameters, please refer to the documentation on the Support Center.



We recommend specifying “latest” for methodology and date parameters to access the most updated data and metrics. To ease the transition between updates and methodologies, we provide version control options to support backward compatibility as we release new versions in the future; for more information on navigating result sets, refer to the documentation on the Support Center.


	"methodology_location": "latest", 
	"methodology_corporate": "latest", 
	"data_snapshot_date": "latest", 
	"production_date": "latest", 
	"rcp": "all", 
	"th": "all", 
	"companies": { 
		"orbis_id": [ 

This returns a jobID that can be used in the next step to retrieve the results.

Step 2

Using the jobID output from Step 1, we submit a Get results by job request, which returns the financial impact metrics. See the Postman collection under Developer Assets for further guidance.

The output includes a status, progress, and a download url where the results can be retrieved in csv format.