Introduction to Climate on Demand
Climate on Demand delivers a forward-looking view of the risk of catastrophe events due to climate change and the financial impact of those events. The risk is categorized into 7 perils: Floods, Heat Stress, Hurricanes and Typhoons, Sea Level Rise, Water Stress, and Wildfires. Climate on Demand also produces present-day views of Earthquake risk, which are unaffected by climate change.
The Climate on Demand API enables Moody's RMS customers to integrate and leverage hazard modeling and financial impact modeling operations and data with custom applications. Using the Climate on Demand API, you can model corporate facilities and other types of real assets around the globe to calculate hazard scores and financial impact scores.
Hazard Modeling (for Real Assets only)
Hazard modeling enables you to calculate the severity and frequency of peril-specific catastrophe events for facilities and portfolios.
This operation returns risk scores and risk levels that can aid in understanding a facility's exposure to different physical climate risks known as risk categories. Risk Categories correspond to Floods, Heat Stress, Hurricanes and Typhoons, Sea Level Rise, Water Stress, and Wildfires. Earthquakes, though not climate related, are also supported as a Risk Category. Climate on Demand supports hazard scoring of facilities exposed to these risk categories.
For more information on Climate on Demand hazard scoring APIs, see Climate on Demand API Endpoints.
Financial Impact Modeling (for Real Assets and Corporate Assets)
Financial impact modeling allows you to calculate the projected financial impact of peril-specific weather and geophysical catastrophe events on real assets and corporations.
Climate on Demand supports financial impact modeling across the following risk categories: Floods, Heat Stress, Hurricanes & Typhoons, Sea Level Rise, Water Stress, Wildfires, and Earthquakes. For each risk category, clients may access multiple financial impact metrics.
For Real Assets, the output includes Annualized Damage Rates (ADR), Standard Deviations in ADR (damage volatility), Average Annual Damage, as well as an Impact Score ranging from 0-100 to contextualize estimated damages globally.
Financial impacting modeling to evaluate real assets is available to tenants that have licensed Climate On Demand Pro. Hazard scoring for real assets is also available to Climate on Demand Pro customers.
For Corporate Assets, the output includes Annualized Damage Rates (ADR), Standard Deviations of ADR (damage volatility), and an Impact Score ranging from 0-100 to contextualize estimated damages globally.
Financial impact modeling to evaluate Corporates is available to tenants that have licensed Climate on Demand: Corporates.
For more information on Climate on Demand financial impact scoring APIs, see Climate on Demand API Endpoints.
Climate on Demand Licensing
Moody's RMS makes the Climate on Demand API available to RMS Intelligent Risk Platform tenants in two licensed tiers for each type of asset class being evaluated.
Climate on Demand Standard and Climate on Demand Pro for Real Assets.
- Climate on Demand Standard supports hazard modeling operations for facilities.
- Climate on Demand Pro for Real Assets supports hazard modeling and financial impact modeling operations for facilities and portfolios of facilities.
Climate on Demand: Corporates Company-level and Climate on Demand: Corporates Facility-level
- Climate on Demand: Corporates Company-level supports financial impact modeling operations for Corporations.
- Climate on Demand: Corporates Facility-level supports financial impact modeling operations for Corporations as well as their underlying Facilities (branches, subsidiaries, etc).
To learn more about Climate on Demand licensing options, see Policies.
Updated 12 days ago