Check Corporates Coverage
Climate on Demand financial impact modeling enables organizations to evaluate the potential financial impact of catastrophe events on corporate assets. Corporates can be evaluated at the parent company level or at the underlying facility level. Before proceeding to the company-level or facility-level scoring we recommend checking whether your companies of interest are available in our CoD Corporates coverage universe. This endpoint returns data indicating whether each of the user specified company identifiers are covered by the CoD Corporates dataset. The output data shows summary statistics and a mapping of user specified company identifiers with Orbis IDs and any other identifiers available in the CoD Corporates dataset.
Climate on Demand: Corporates Licensing
This tutorial describes the process to leverage financial impact modeling to evaluate corporate assets at the facility level and is only available to tenants who have licensed Climate on Demand: Corporates Facility Level.
In this tutorial, we review the process for checking whether user specified company identifiers map to an entity in the CoD Corporates dataset’s coverage universe.
Step 1
The Check Corporates Coverage process accepts the following identifiers as inputs:
- Orbis IDs,
- Tickers
The required parameters in the request body also includes a data_snapshot_date
; this parameter indicates the date as of which the corporate and facility relationship data is accurate per the Orbis database. Optionally, methodology may also be specified to check whether the user specified companies are evaluated with the specified methodology; in the absence of an input for this parameter, the request defaults to the latest methodology.
"methodology_corporate": "latest",
"data_snapshot_date": "latest",
"production_date": "latest",
"companies": {
"orbis_id": ["000003619", "051057132"],
"lei": ["549300D2K6PKKKXVNN73"],
"isin": ["FR0000120578", "US0378331005"],
"ticker": ["MMM"]
This returns a jobID
that can be used in the next step to retrieve the results.
Step 2
Submit a GET request using the jobID
from the output in Step 1. This returns a JSON response which includes the status and progress of the job; it also includes a download_url
which can be pasted in a browser to download a CSV file with the result. The result in the CSV indicates whether each user-specified identifier maps to an Orbis ID in the CoD Corporates dataset’s coverage universe; it also includes any other identifiers the dataset has for the matched entities. User-specified identifiers that do not map to any entity in the coverage universe will be included in the response CSV with blanks in the mapping columns.
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
"progress": 100,
"start_date": "2024-07-03 22:04:27.39",
"end_date": "2024-07-03 22:05:08.767",
"result_set_id": 1,
"methodology_corporate": "C.2024.1",
"data_snapshot_date": "2024-03-31",
"production_date": "2024-04-24",
"num_ids_requested": 6,
"num_ids_matched": 6,
"coverage_percentage": 100
"download_url": ""
Updated about 1 month ago