Change On DemandDeveloper Page
Score Real Assets
Hazard Category Scoring

- Quantify risk due to climate change perils.

- Calculate hazard risk scores and risk levels for real assets.

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Score Real Assets
Hazard Subcategory Scoring

- Quantify risk due to climate change perils and underlying drivers

- Calculate hazard risk scores and risk levels for real assets.

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Score Real Assets
Financial Impact to Facilities

- Quantify the financial impact from climate change for facilities.

- Calculate financial impact metrics for real assets.

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Score Real Assets
Financial Impact to Portfolios

- Quantify the financial impact of climate change physical risk.

- Calculate financial impact metrics for portfolio of real assets.

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Score Corporate Assets
Financial Impact at Company Level

- Quantify the financial impact of climate change physical risk.

- Calculate financial impact metrics for corporate parent entities.

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Score Corporate Assets
Financial Impact at Facility Level

- Quantify the financial impact of climate change physical risk.

- Calculate financial impact metrics for entities under corporate ownership.

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Developer Assets

Additional tools for learning to use Climate on Demand APIs. Moody's RMS makes Open API specification resources available as files that you may download and use.

Postman Collection

Download a Postman Collection containing executable descriptions of Climate on Demand resources.

Moody's RMS Support Center

Support Center is a password-protected area for licensees that provides comprehensive software and model documentation.

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