March 2025



The March 2025 release introduces updates to the Metrics and Reports collections.

  • The Delete Report operation supports the deletion of specific exposure summary reports.
  • The Download Report View operation supports specifying which exposure summary report data to download.

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Download Report

The Download Report operation downloads the specified UnderwriteIQ exposure summary report.

An exposure summary report report shows a peril-specific overview of an exposure's total insurable value (TIV). This report is available for accounts, portfolios, and analyses.

This operation now accepts the exportFields object that specifies the reports to download. The API allows user to specify which particular fields to show in Excel report for Location Results tab

  "fileName": "Report",
  "filters": [
      "metricsType": "STATS",
      "analysisId": 0,
      "perspectiveCodes": [
      "epTypes": [
  "fileExtension": "XLSX",
  "returnPeriods": [
  "exportFields": [

If the exportFields is undefined, the UIQ report download submitted will contain ALL the applicable Location Result export fields in the Excel report as done so currently.

Delete Report

The Delete Report operation (DELETE /riskmodeler/v1/reports/{id}) enables the client to delete the specified report. The id path parameter identifies the report view to delete and the requried x-rms-resource-group-id identifies the UnderwriteIQ resource group.

A report view is a collection of reports that return exposure-specific metrics and statistics. The report view is generated automatically whenever an UnderwriteIQ client creates exposures in batch using the Exposure Bulk Edit operation.

This operation deletes the specified report, but does not delete the underlying analysis results.

If successful, the response returns a 204 No Content HTTP response code.


The Search Results operation (GET /riskmodeler/v2/analyses), Get Results by Account operation (GET /riskmodeler/v2/accounts/{id}/analyses), Get Results by Aggregate Portfolio operation (GET /riskmodeler/v2/aggregateportfolio/{id}/analyses), and Get Results by Portfolio operation (GET /riskmodeler/v2/portfolio/{id}/analyses), now return the analysisType in the response.

The analysis type property identifies the type of analysis. For DLM, ALM, and HD models, The Risk Modeler API returns the following probabilistic and deterministic analysis types.

buildingLevelReturns accumulations by building, either for all buildings in the portfolio or for user-selected buildings. For this analysis type, buildings indicate locations present in the high-resolution ESDB HRB data with an ESDB Building ID. Building level analyses only consider exposure data that has been successfully geocoded with a Building ID using ESDB HRB data, and consequently are applicable only in the U.S. Building level matches always provide Building IDs. Coordinate level matches return Building IDs if the latitude and longitude fall within a building outline. This is the only accumulation analysis type that requires building-level exposure data.
circleSpiderLocates circular areas of a fixed diameter containing the highest level of exposure. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply band-specific damage factors to these circular areas in up to three damage bands (circles).
eventResponseComputes exposure concentrations defined by footprints representing real-world events. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply a set of damage factors to regions.
exceedanceprobabilityRuns a full probabilistic analysis on the exposure at risk, producing OEP and AEP curves that are cumulative distributions showing the probability that losses will exceed a certain amount, from either single or multiple occurrences.
footprintFileRuns recent events and analyzes losses based on the Moody's RMS best estimate of the scope and scale of a specific catastrophe event. Includes a temporal aspect, such as the highest flood depth, the strongest wind speed, or the strongest ground shaking.
geopoliticalSpiderLocates geopolitical regions of a specified granularity that contain the highest exposure concentration within a broader region's boundaries.
geopoliticalComputes exposure concentrations specified at some level of geographic granularity. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply a set of damage factors to regions.
hazardComputes exposure concentrations defined by hazard layers. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply a set of damage factors to regions.
historicalCalculates loss based on parameters defined for one or more actual historical events from the event catalog.
maximumCredibleIdentifies the event among all possible events that would cause the worst damage to exposed locations for the selected financial perspective.
maximumHistoricalIdentifies the event among all historical events that would cause the worst damage to exposed locations for the selected financial perspective.
scenarioCalculates loss based on parameters defined for one or more individual events from the stochastic event catalog.
specificAreaComputes exposure concentrations by applying damage factors to locations around user-specified targets defined in custom map layers. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply damage factors to locations in different radii (i.e., damage bands).
spiderIdentifies the top number of areas that would generate the most loss as the result of an attack and evaluate whether to diversify their risks. The analysis finds the largest scenario losses for a portfolio for a given financial perspective based on a method of attack. Results are ranked by loss for the selected financial perspective.
terrorismSimpleType of accumulation analysis where you select a method of attack, similar to a Terrorism-Simple Footprint analysis. This analysis finds the largest scenario losses for a portfolio based on the method of attack selected. The damage calculation within a Simple Footprint is dependent on a location’s position within the footprint, since the hazard tends to drop off quickly as you move away from the center.
terrorismVrgThis analysis is like the Terrorism-Simple Footprint analysis, except that the footprints are not simple circle but are instead areas defined by the selected target. The footprints are also at a higher resolution (VRG) than simple footprints. A VRG (Variable Resolution Grid) is a grid that is superimposed over the footprint area. Unlike simple footprint analyses where ground up loss percentage and casualty distribution are calculated according to the location’s placement within a damage "ring," VRG footprint calculations are made according to the location’s placement within a specific cell of the grid. The grid’s cells provide finer resolution than the concentric damage rings.
unrecognizedUnknown analysis type

The analysisType property can be used to filter responses returned by the Search Analysis operation.