Pre-release March 2025



The March 2025 release introduces updates to the Exposure and Import APIs.

Moody's publishes preliminary information to inform stakeholders ahead of the targeted Intelligent Risk Platform update. Note that these described features are not guaranteed for the next update or any subsequent updates and may be changed without notice. The definitive list of features will be provided in the Changelogs at the time of the official release.

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Exposure API

Delete EDM job quotas

The Delete EDM operation enables the client to delete a specified EDM.

This operation initiates a DELETE_EDM job that affects the client's licensed quota. Formerly, this operation did not affect the quota of clients with the RI-EXPOSUREIQ and RI-UNDERWRITEIQ entitlements.

Depending on the licensed entitlement, a tenant and its clients may be assigned a quota on the number and type of jobs that it may run.

  • For RI-EXPOSUREIQ clients, performing this operation is deducted to the tenant's ConcurrentNonAccumulationJobs quota.
  • For RI-UNDERWRITEIQ clients, performing this operation is deducted to the tenant's ConcurrentUnderwriterNonModelJobs quota.

Import API

Import Exposures as JSON Files

The Create Import Folders operation (POST /import/v1/folders) and Create Import Job operation (POST /import/v1/jobs) now enable workflows that import exposure data into EDMs from JSON files uploaded to an storage bucket on AWS.

This method is similar to Risk Modeler API data migration workflows that leverage Amazon S3 storage buckets to facilitate the migration of large volumes of exposure data, e.g. Manage Exposures in Batch.

The Risk Modeler API's Manage Exposures in Batch enables a workflow that support a File Upload Method. This workflow consists of four steps:

  1. Define exposure data in JSON file. Exposure data is structured as a request package for this operation.
  2. Use Get Storage Bucket URL to initialize a storage bucket on S3 for data upload. The response returns S3 credentials and the uploadId. The request must specify EXPOSURE_BATCH_EDIT as the dbType and JSON as the fileextension.
  3. Upload the JSON file to the storage bucket using Amazon S3 API operations.
  4. Specify the uploadId for the JSON file in the body of a Manage Exposures in Batch operation.

In this method, the request body specifies the uploadId of a file that defines the exposures to import rather than defining exposures in request body.

  "uploadId": "3ffc7d59-5c33-46ac-9511-5f4354979b69"

OED Import Field Mapping

The Create Import Folders operation (POST /import/v1/folders) now enable custom field mapping between uploaded CSV data and the OED columns in OED imports.

This release enables clients to specify mappingFile as a fileType in a request. This mapping file specifies mappings between the columns in an uploaded CSV file (accountFile, locationFile, reinsurancFile, or reinsuranceScopeFile) and the columns in the OED schema.

Risk Data API

The Search Analysis operation (GET /platform/riskdata/v1/analyses) and Get Analysis operation (GET /platform/riskdata/v1/analyses/analysisId) now return the analysisType in the response.

The analysis type property identifies the type of analysis. For DLM, ALM, and HD models, Platform APIs return the following probabilistic and deterministic analysis types.

Analysis types returned depend on the entitlements assigned to the client: EQ (RI-EXPOSUREIQ), RM (RI-RISKMODELER), or TQ (RI-TREATYIQ).

buildingLevelRMReturns accumulations by building, either for all buildings in the portfolio or for user-selected buildings. For this analysis type, buildings indicate locations present in the high-resolution ESDB HRB data with an ESDB Building ID. Building level analyses only consider exposure data that has been successfully geocoded with a Building ID using ESDB HRB data, and consequently are applicable only in the U.S. Building level matches always provide Building IDs. Coordinate level matches return Building IDs if the latitude and longitude fall within a building outline. This is the only accumulation analysis type that requires building-level exposure data.
businessHierarchyRollupTQReturns aggregated loss metrics for programs within a business hierarchy. Rollup analysis results include EP results, retrocession, scenarios, composition, and analysis details.
circleSpiderEQ, RMLocates circular areas of a fixed diameter containing the highest level of exposure. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply band-specific damage factors to these circular areas in up to three damage bands (circles).
eventResponseEQ, RMComputes exposure concentrations defined by footprints representing real-world events. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply a set of damage factors to regions.
exceedanceprobabilityRM,TQRuns a full probabilistic analysis on the exposure at risk, producing OEP and AEP curves that are cumulative distributions showing the probability that losses will exceed a certain amount, from either single or multiple occurrences.
footprintFileRMRuns recent events and analyzes losses based on the Moody's RMS best estimate of the scope and scale of a specific catastrophe event. Includes a temporal aspect, such as the highest flood depth, the strongest wind speed, or the strongest ground shaking.
geopoliticalSpiderEQ, RMLocates geopolitical regions of a specified granularity that contain the highest exposure concentration within a broader region's boundaries.
geopoliticalEQ, RMComputes exposure concentrations specified at some level of geographic granularity. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply a set of damage factors to regions.
hazardEQ, RMComputes exposure concentrations defined by hazard layers. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply a set of damage factors to regions.
historicalRMCalculates loss based on parameters defined for one or more actual historical events from the event catalog.
maximumCredibleRMIdentifies the event among all possible events that would cause the worst damage to exposed locations for the selected financial perspective.
maximumHistoricalRMIdentifies the event among all historical events that would cause the worst damage to exposed locations for the selected financial perspective.
programRollupTQCalculates losses, pricing, and marginal metrics for a program and attached inward program treaties.
scenarioRM, TQCalculates loss based on parameters defined for one or more individual events from the stochastic event catalog.
specificAreaEQ, RMComputes exposure concentrations by applying damage factors to locations around user-specified targets defined in custom map layers. If you license ExposureIQ, you can also apply damage factors to locations in different radii (i.e., damage bands).
spiderRMIdentifies the top number of areas that would generate the most loss as the result of an attack and evaluate whether to diversify their risks. The analysis finds the largest scenario losses for a portfolio for a given financial perspective based on a method of attack. Results are ranked by loss for the selected financial perspective.
terrorismSimpleRMType of accumulation analysis where you select a method of attack, similar to a Terrorism-Simple Footprint analysis. This analysis finds the largest scenario losses for a portfolio based on the method of attack selected. The damage calculation within a Simple Footprint is dependent on a location’s position within the footprint, since the hazard tends to drop off quickly as you move away from the center.
terrorismVrgRMThis analysis is like the Terrorism-Simple Footprint analysis, except that the footprints are not simple circle but are instead areas defined by the selected target. The footprints are also at a higher resolution (VRG) than simple footprints. A VRG (Variable Resolution Grid) is a grid that is superimposed over the footprint area. Unlike simple footprint analyses where ground up loss percentage and casualty distribution are calculated according to the location’s placement within a damage "ring," VRG footprint calculations are made according to the location’s placement within a specific cell of the grid. The grid’s cells provide finer resolution than the concentric damage rings.
unrecognizedUnknown analysis type

The analysisType property can be used to filter responses returned by the Search Analysis operation.