September, 2023

The September release of the Platform API.

Risk Data API

The Risk Data API introduces resources for accessing and managing analysis results and performing post-analysis operations.

The API includes the following resources:

Rename Result (Patch Analysis)

Updates the name applied to the specified analysis result.

Delete Result

Deletes the specified analysis results.

Delete Results in Bulk

Deletes analysis results in bulk.

Get EP Metrics

Returns EP metrics for the specified DLM analysis job.

Exceedance probability (EP) analysis takes the full range of possible events and losses into consideration during analysis. These losses are expressed as occurrence exceedance probability curves (OEP curves) and aggregate exceedance probability curves (AEP curves).

Get ELT Metrics

Returns ELT for the specified analysis.

The event loss table (ELT) is an output table that contains the mean loss standard deviation, exposure value, and event rate for every loss-causing event in an analysis.

The ELT is used by DLM to calculate losses and output statistics for all financial perspectives at all exposure levels.

Get PLT Metrics

Returns period loss table (PLT) data for the specified analysis.

The required perspective query parameter identifies the financial perspective.

Loss results generated by an HD model are stored in a period loss table (PLT). Every row in the PLT represents an event that causes damage, and therefore loss, to the exposure being analyzed. The event is stamped with the date that the event occurred and with a loss date that the policy payout occurred.

Get Location AAL Metrics

Returns average annual loss (AAL), coefficient of variation (CV), and standard deviation metrics for modeled location exposures as calculated during a specific analysis.

Get EP Interpolation Metrics

Returns EP interpolation results for the specified analysis result.

Exceedance probability (EP) analysis produces cumulative distribution curves that represent the probability that losses will exceed a certain amount, from either single or multiple occurrences.

DLM and ALM EP analyses generate event loss tables (ELTs).

Get Statsitics

Returns statistics for the specified analysis result.

Get Key Losses

Returns key losses for the specified analysis result.

Get Sampled Losses

Marginal EP

Generates a marginal impact report that measures the effect of adding additional accounts to an existing portfolio as differential losses.

Marginal impact analysis compares a portfolio-level analysis result (based on reference portfolio) with a new analysis that incorporates analysis results for one or more accounts. The report returns metrics that illustrate differential losses (as amounts and percentages) between those based on the reference portfolio and those based on the updated portfolio.

Marginal STATS

Get Region Details by Result

Returns region details for the specified analysis. Region details include the region, subRegion, peril, rateSchemeId, modelProfileId applie to the analysis result.

Get Cedants by Result

Returns a list of cedants for the specified analysis result.

Get Treaties by Result

Returns a list of treaties applied to the specified analysis result.

Get Financial Perspectives by Result

Returns financial perspectives for the specified analysis results.

A financial perspective identifies the financial structures have been considered in the calculation of the loss statistics. An analysis may by defined by multiple financial perspectives; the relevance of each financial perspective depends on the use case. Financial perspectives are understood to be upstream or downstream of one another. The position of one perspective relative to one another perspective is an important factor in financial perspective mapping.

Convert Financial Perspective

Generates a new analysis based on an existing analysis by converting the financial perspective used in the original analysis to a new financial perspective. This is known as financial service mapping.

Calculate Climate Change

Calculates the effects of climate change as a post-analysis action using the specified analysis result as a base analysis.

During processing, the Climate Change Model recalculates average annual loss (AAL) and EP metrics for portfolio and treaty levels.

RMS Climate Change Models model the effect of climate change on hurricanes in the North Atlantic and on windstorms and floods in Europe. They provide a probabilistic view of a range of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The Climate Change Models cover the same geographical scope as the RMS reference models for these regions.

Recalculate EP and Statistics

Recalculates EP losses and statistics using the specified analysis result as a base analysis.

This feature is designed to enable Intelligent Risk Platform tenants to recalculate the EP losses and statistics in an older analysis result (such as one imported from an on-premise RDM) using the Intelligent Risk Platform. In a post-analysis action, the operation recalculates the results of the base analysis and generates an updated result.

Recalculate Result with PATE

Recalculates losses in the specified base analysis based on the specified treaty terms.

PATE enables clients to create and apply treaties to an existing analysis result or analysis group, and view recalculated losses without the need to run a new analysis job.

If no changes were made to the PATE treaty, the service returns a PATE-018 error: We cannot process this job because you have not made any changes.

Recalculate ELT as PLT Analysis

Generates a PLT analysis based on the specified ELT base analysis as a post-analysis action.

This operation recalculates projected ELT losses as PLT losses using the specified event rate scheme, simulation set, and number of simulation periods. The simulated PLT analysis returns the event ID of every event in each simulated period, and the calculated loss value of each of these events.

Convert Event Rate Loss

Generates an analysis result based on an existing portfolio-level EP result by applying event rate or event loss adjustments to the specified reference analysis.

Analysis jobs generally require substantial time and resources to complete. Event rate conversion enables cat modelers to compare analysis results based on different event rates without re-running the analysis jobs from scratch.

Import API

The Import API introduces resources for importing data into the Intelligent Risk Platform using OED.

Export API

The Export API introduces resources for exporting portfolio and account data from the Intelligent Risk Platform to flat files in the PARQUET format.