Step-by-step instructions for using Risk Modeler API resources to build workflows that accomplish standard risk managment tasks.
Introduction to UnderwriteIQ
UnderwriteIQ leverages the Risk Modeler API to enable underwriters model exposures using custom workflows.
Learn MoreImport Exposures In Batch
Import batches of exposure data quickly and easily in support of underwriting workflows.
Learn MoreCustom Underwriting Workflows
Initiate custom worklows to simplify and streamline underwriting workflows consisting of multiple operations.
Learn MoreDeveloper Assets
Additional tools for learning to use Risk Modeler API. Moody's RMS makes Open API specification resources available as files that you may download and use.
OpenAPI Specificatiion
Use the OpenAPI defintions to generate servers and clients in various programming languages, and testing tools.
DownloadPostman Collection
Download a Postman Collection containing executable descriptions of Risk Modeler API resources.
DownloadMoody's RMS Support Center
Support Center is a password-protected area for licensees that provides comprehensive software and model documentation.
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