Location Intelligence, October 2022

2022.10.c: Location Intelligence introduces the US Severe Convective Storm 18.1 loss cost and risk score data products and FEMA P3 updates

US Severe Convective Storm Loss Cost 18.1

The U.S. Severe Convective Storm (SCS) Risk Score data product enables you to assess risk score metrics for a location based upon its geographic location and building attributes. The US SCS Risk Score data represents a significant update that includes enhancements such as support for additional occupancies and secondary modifiers.

US Severe Convective Storm Risk Score 18.1

The U.S. Severe Convective Storm (SCS) Loss Cost data product enables you to assess risk score metrics for a location based upon its geographic location and building attributes. The US SCS Loss Cost data represents a significant update that includes enhancements such as support for additional occupancies and secondary modifiers.

New Zealand Distance to Coast

The New Zealand Distance to Coast data product enables you to understand the distance of a geocoded location to the nearest coastline and understand potential to coastal flood risk, or potential for exposure to coastal erosion.

FEMA P3 Update

FEMA Flood Zones, published by the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA), are the primary method that emergency planners and some insurers gauge flood risk. RMS has digitized these maps to enable side-by-side comparison of their outputs with much higher resolution flood analytics. This will enable insurers to identify the best business out of the National Flood Insurance Plan (NFIP).